The world's largest anti-bullying conference, the World Anti-Bullying Forum, will be held in Stavanger, Norway, in 2025. The world's foremost researchers, kindergarten teachers, schoolteachers, kindergarten and school leaders, politicians and organizations will gather to find out how we can better research and work against bullying.

"It's an honor to host this conference in Norway. This is a a very important meeting point in the work and research against bullying," says Professor Hildegunn Fandrem at the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education (Centre for Learning Environment), University of Stavanger (UiS).

She leads the planning of the conference together with colleagues Professor Simona Caravita and Associate Professor Janne Støen.
"Participants from all over the world will look to Norway and the Nordic countries at how we research and work against bullying," says Fandrem.
Fandrem expresses her anticipation for gaining a unique insight on international research concerning bullying.
The Centre for Learning Environment at UiS will host the World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF) in June, 2025, in collaboration with the Teacher Education programsat UiS, the Knowledge Centre for Education and Partnership against Bullying.
Important for the work against bullying
"It's always important to focus on a safe and good environment for growing up, and this is perhaps even more relevant now because of the development we see in society. Those of us who are part of the Partnership against Bullying have, as one of three overall goals, to collaborate with relevant actors to strengthen and develop competence and capacity to counteract bullying in the local community, says Bjørn Ivar Lien.
He is a senior adviser in the Department of Kindergarten and School Environment in the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, which leads the secretariat for the Partnership for Bullying.
Lien emphasizes that this underscores the significance of the Partnership’s engagement in WABF. This participation is essential for acquiring new knowledge that partners can apply to further work, as well as for establishing networks that place this important work in a global context.
"We are delighted that the Centre for Learning Environment at UiS will host this important conference in 2025, and we are equally pleased that it will take place in Norway," he says.
The partnership consists of 16 organizations, each offering valuable insights on how to optimize efforts against bullying.
"Through the Partnership we will see the perspectives of students, parents, schools and authorities. Hence, Professor Fandrem emphasizes the valuable contribution of their presence in the WABF team.
Bringing together the foremost experts
The conference brings together researchers, decision-makers, organizations, kindergarten teachers, teachers, politicians and kindergarten and school leaders.
"The fact that so many people from different fields and with different roles in anti-bullying work are gathered in one place can increase our common understanding of the important work and is essential when we are actively researching and working further in the work against bullying," says Fandrem.
She says it is a shared responsibility of all adults to collaborate in establishing a bullying-free environment for every child.
"Children should be challenged as they acquire new knowledge at school, but it is important that we safeguard, protect and support them and facilitate safe and conductive learning environments. This goal is best achieved when we learn from one another.”
Norway – a pioneering country
"Norway stands out as a pioneering country both in terms of research on bullying, and in practical prevention efforts. Therefore, we are delighted that WABF 2025 will be arranged by UiS, where so much knowledge and important initiatives are gathered at the University of Stavanger and in the Partnership against Bullying, says Frida Warg.
She is managing director of the World Anti-Bullying Forum and Head of Research and Development at Friends, which is the founding member of the conference.
"We look forward to welcoming the global bullying prevention community back to the Nordic region” she says.
- The World Anti-Bullying Forum is held every two years.
- The conference brings together kindergarten teachers, schoolteachers, kindergarten and school leaders, researchers, organizations, politicians and authorities for lectures, seminars and workshops.
- The organization Friends in Sweden is the founder of the conference.
- The Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Educationat the University of Stavanger has applied for, and has been awarded, the conference in 2025.
- Organizing partners are the Partnership against bullying, the Teacher Education Programs at the University of Stavanger, and the Knowledge Centre for Education
- In 2025, the conference will be held in Stavanger, Norway, from 11 – 13 June.