New offer for students with Norwegian as a second language

Students who have Norwegian as a second language will now be offered extended academic guidance during their first semester at UiS.

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En student får veiledning i biblioteket
The pilot project consists of a course package and an individual guidance offer.

The offer has been made possible through a collaboration between Stavanger University Library and the Department of Early Childhood Education.

The pilot project at UiS is aimed at first-year students at the Department of Early Childhood Education.

‒ About one in four students who visit The Study Lab at the university library for guidance in academic writing, have Norwegian as their second language, says the coordinator for The Study Lab, Hannah Tischmann.

The pilot project consists of a course package and an individual guidance offer. During five meetings spread over the autumn semester of 2023, the students discuss study techniques, use of sources, and academic questions together with student mentors. In addition, students receive individual guidance in thesis writing from the student mentors in The Study Lab.

Read more about the project on our Norwegian website.

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