Electrical installations 1 (ELK220)
This course introduces students to three-phase analysis and modelling of transmission lines, transformers, loads and the power system in general. The course also introduces students to low voltage installations aspects such as dimensioning, safety and regulations.
Course description for study year 2024-2025. Please note that changes may occur.
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
The content of this subject is related to both fundamentals of power system analysis and introductions to low voltage electric installations.
Power system analysis:
The three-phase system with associated transmission and distribution networks, as well as associated switching facilities with transformers, lines/cables and other components. Analysis of stationary conditions that includes voltage drop and power calculations, inductance and capacitance in cables, as well as modeling of transmission lines. Load and short-circuit calculations including load distribution calculation of active, reactive and apparent power. Circuit diagram for electrical installations, including one-line diagram. Documentation in accordance with applicable norms and regulations. Introduction to the use of digital tools for calculation and simulation of electrical installations, including Febdok, Matlab and/or PowerFactory. There will be practical laboratory work.
Introductions to low-voltage distribution systems (IT, TT, TN) topology and dimensioning of circuits. Circuit drawing for electrical installations, including single-line and multi-line diagrams. Safety measures for installations with regard to safety for people, fire and operation, with a focus on induced voltages, overloads and short circuits. Calculation of overcurrent protection, earth fault protection and overvoltage protection. Introduction to regulations and guidelines, including the Electricity Supervision Act, where the choice of cables, protection and installation techniques are central concepts. Risk analysis and documentation of installations, including measurement and troubleshooting. Some laboratory work will be included.
Learning outcome
- Have knowledge of the three-phase system with associated transmission and distribution networks, as well as associated switching systems with transformers, lines/cables and other components.
- Be able to perform analysis of stationary conditions that include voltage drop and power calculations, inductance and capacitance in cables, as well as modeling of transmission lines.
- Be able to perform load and short-circuit calculations including load distribution, calculation of active, reactive and apparent power.
- Be able to present circuit diagrams for electrical installations, including one-line diagrams, and create documentation in accordance with applicable norms and regulations.
- Be able to use digital tools for calculation and simulation of electrical installations, including Febdok and PowerFactory.
- Be familiar with low-voltage distribution systems (IT, TT, TN) with distribution and dimensioning of courses.
- Know safety measures for installations with regard to safety for people, fire and operation, with a focus on induced voltages, overloads and short circuits.
- Be able to calculate overcurrent protection, earth fault protection and overvoltage protection. Have insight into regulations and legislation, including the Electricity Supervision Act, where the choice of cables, protection and installation techniques are central concepts.
- Able to perform risk analysis and documentation of installations, including measurement and troubleshooting.
- Be able to carry out practical laboratory work.
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
Form of assessment | Weight | Duration | Marks | Aid |
Written exam | 1/1 | 4 Hours | Letter grades | - 1), Basic calculator specified in general exam regulations, |
1) No printed or handwritten aids allowed.
Written exam by pen and paper
Coursework requirements
6 av 10 compulsatory theory assignaments
8 av 10 compulsatory lab assignments