MA thesis in Mathematics Education for international students (MGLINT)

The course is meant for incoming students writing their master thesis at the University of Stavanger. The master thesis will be 60 ECTS.

Course description for study year 2024-2025. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start

Spring, Autumn

Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The course is meant for incoming students writing their master thesis at the University of Stavanger. The master thesis will be 60 ECTS.

Learning outcome


  • Independently conduct a supervised research project, applying relevant methods and theories


Formulate a research question

  • Review relevant literature and if necessary, conduct field work in order obtain empirical data
  • Write a master's thesis based on a thesis proposal, applying methods, theories and literature relevant to the chosen research questions
  • Be able to communicate research in a professional manner, both written and oral

General competences

  • Apply knowledge with professional integrity and ethical awareness when conducting research

Required prerequisite knowledge

BA in Teaching or Teacher Education programmes as well as other mandatory prerequisites at home institutions.


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Master thesis 1/1 Letter grades

Written thesis: 20 000-40 000 words, 12- point Times New Roman or similar font, 1.5 spacing. Front page, contents, preface, references, appendices and large tables are not included in the word count. The thesis must be written in English.

Coursework requirements

Mandatory requirements
  1. A thesis proposal with a work plan must be approved by the supervisor within the first month of study.
  2. The student must be prepared for supervision, and work hard to fulfil progress according to work plan.
  3. An oral presentation of the thesis to the Faculty must be completed during the final months of study.

All requirements must be passed for the submission to be graded.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Arne Jakobsen

Course teacher:

Janne Fauskanger

Course teacher:

Raymond Bjuland

Course teacher:

Reidar Mosvold

Study Adviser:

Solveig Röwekamp

Method of work

The student will be expected to work individually, collecting and processing data, do literature studies and writing the thesis, with the help and supervision by a supervisor appointed by the Faculty. Before the work starts, a thesis proposal will have to be written and approved by the supervisor. The amount of hours for supervision is fixed according to regular standards at the University of Stavanger.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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