Environmental engineering processes (MLJ230)
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts of environmental engineering. It covers a wide range of topics related to environmental protection, sustainable development, and the role of engineers in addressing the current environmental challenges. Through lectures, lab exercises, and case studies, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary and enable them to contribute to the preservation and improvement of the natural environment while adhering to ethical and regulatory standards.
Course description for study year 2024-2025. Please note that changes may occur.
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
The teaching module would cover the theory and practical examples of comprehensive introduction to the field of environmental engineering, covering key topics related to water, air, and solid waste management, as well as sustainability and green transition. The assessment methods ensure that students are actively engaged in the learning process and can demonstrate their understanding of the material.
- Vannkvalitet og vannforurensning (Water Quality and aquatic pollution)
- Konvertering og nedbrytning av miljøgifter (Conversion and Degradation of pollutants)
- Masse- og energioverføring (Mass and energy transfer)
- Bruke masse- og energibalanser i miljøprosessanalyse (Using mass and energy balances in environmental process analysis)
- Effekten og konseptet av oksygenbehov (The effect and concept of oxygen demand)
- Saprobiation: Innsjø, hav og elv effekter (Saprobiation: Lake, ocean and river effects)
- Teknologier for COD-fjerning (Technologies for COD removal)
- Eutrofiering: Konsept og mekanismer (Eutrophication: Concept and mechanisms)
- Eutrofieringseffekter og mottiltak (Eutrophication effects and counter measures)
- Håndtering og håndtering av fast avfall (Solid waste Management and handling)
- Avhending og gjenbruk: Teknologier og teknikker (Disposal and reuse: Technologies and techniques)
- Håndtering av farlig avfall (Hazardous waste management)
- Teknologier for håndtering og behandling av farlig avfall (Technologies for hazardous waste handling and processing)
- Livssyklusanalyse (Life cycle analysis)
Learning outcome
After completing the course, students have a quantitative understanding of important physical, chemical and microbiological processes that control:
- Concentrations of compounds in the environment
- Concentrations of compounds in environmental reactors/technical installations
Establish a foundation for more advanced courses in water technology and water pollution and demonstrate how the environmental engineer works with practical issues.
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
Written exams
Form of assessment | Weight | Duration | Marks | Aid |
Written midterm exam | 1/2 | 2 Hours | Letter grades | Approved calculator |
Written exam | 1/2 | 3 Hours | Letter grades | Approved calculator |
Final written campus exam, approved calculator.
Coursework requirements
2 compulsory laboratory exercises and 1 project assignment must be approved in order to take the final exam.
The project assignment is a case study carried out in groups on an environmental engineering topic.
Resit options are not offered for the laboratory exercises or the project assignment. Students who do not pass these can take them again the next time the course has regular teaching.