Research Methods and Theory of Science (MID400)

Research methods and scientific theory will give you knowledge about quantitative and qualitative research methods, scientific theory and research ethics in the field of sports science.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The module is comprised of three focus areas: (i) qualitative methods, (ii) quantitative methods, and (iii) scientific theory and research ethics. Qualitative methods focus on approaches to conducting qualitative research, collection and analysis of qualitative data, and presenting such data in an appropriate manner to enhance the validity and reliability of qualitative findings. Quantitative methods focus on appropriate ways of selecting participants, collecting and analyzing data in cross sectional, longitudinal and in trial/experimental study designs. Scientific theory and research ethics focus on different scientific theories and philosophies in conducting both qualitative and quantitative research, and the consideration of ethical guidelines such as participant confidentiality. Statistics is part of quantitative methods and students will learn how to use statistical software when analyzing and interpreting data. Students will also be introduced to qualitative software for data analysis.

The module is centered around research traditions in sports science, including the analysis of published scientific articles to aid students’ understanding of scientific and methodological assumptions and standards in the field. The module also places an emphasis on various research designs and data collection methods commonly used in sports science research.

Learning outcome

Upon the successful completion of the course, the candidate should demonstrate the following competence:


  • Have significant knowledge about the processes of planning and conducting qualitative and quantitative research and understand and apply the different research traditions in sports science research.
  • Have sufficient knowledge for analyzing relevant sports science research questions based on various scientific theories and philosophical positions.


  • Be able to plan and justify an appropriate research design and method for conducting an independent research project (master’s thesis).
  • Be able to analyze and evaluate scientific work in the field of sports science.
  • Be able to apply quantitative and qualitative research methods independently.

General competence

  • Be able to analyze and reflect on scientific work in general and in the field of sports science.
  • Be able to evaluate relevant research questions and document that ethical considerations and guidelines have been appropriately considered in research projects.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

Methodological knowledge at BA level, e.g. the IDR332 course.


2 written assignments

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written assignment, qualitative method 1/2 2.5 Days Letter grades
Written assignment, quantitative method 1/2 2.5 Days Letter grades

There are two written home exams: one in qualitative methods (2.5 days) and one in quantitative methods (2.5 days). Formal requirements: Each exam should be 2500 words (+- 10%). Calibri or equivalent font with size 12 and line spacing 1.5. Front page, table of contents and bibliography, as well as any tables and figures, are not included in the word limit. APA 7 shall be used for citations. as the reference system.

Coursework requirements

Gruppeoppgave kvantitativ metode, Gruppeoppgave kvalitativ metode, Individuell oppgave vitenskapsteori, Obligatorisk oppmøte på 80% på alle samlinger

At least 80% presens at lectures is required.

There are three mandatory assignments which students must pass to sit exams at the end of term:

  1. Individual or group assignment in scientific theory: written report of 2000 words (+- 10%).
  2. Group assignment in qualitative methods: written report of 3000 words (+- 10%).
  3. Group assignments in quantitative methods: written report of approx. 3000 words (+- 10%) in total, can also consist of several smaller assignments.

Assessment evaluation: approved / not approved.

Students who have one or more of the assignments assessed as not approved on first submission are given the opportunity to resubmit the assignment(s) in an improved version. Students are not entitled to new tutoring hours when resubmitting.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Sebastian Schanche Sandgren

Course teacher:

Sindre Mikal Dyrstad

Study Adviser:

Solveig Röwekamp

Method of work

The module is structured to require in-person attendance for up to 6 sessions, totaling no more than 9 lecture days throughout the semester. The module incorporates diverse instructional methods, including lectures, group activities, online/remote support, and hands-on tasks.

A module worth 15 credits is estimated to demand 400-450 hours of work from the student.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Research method and theory of science (MSP300_1) 15

Open for

Sports Science - Master's Programme
Exchange Students at Faculty of Arts and Education

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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