Wettability processes (PET904)

Wetting is the ability of a fluid to maintain contact with a solid surface. Wettability are controlled by chemical and physical phase properties. The wettability effects most natural science systems, dictating biological processes in nature, behavior of complex multiphase systems, and are an important part of material science and manufacturing.

Wettability dictates fluid flow in porous media, and the effect of wettability on oil production are important when new field developments should be evaluated as commercial, and if enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes could be introduced to extend the lifetime of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Safe geological storage of CO2 or other industrial waste in sedimentary traps depends on the sealing formation integrity, often membrane and capillary seals controlled by wettability.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start

Spring, Autumn

Number of semesters


Exam semester

Spring, Autumn

Language of instruction



The course should give students deeper insights and knowledge related to some of these scientific themes:

  • The effect of wettability on natural science processes.
  • Chemical components and physical properties effecting wetting.
  • Description of wetting
    • Surface wettability and hysteresis
    • Capillary forces in porous medium
    • Wettability measurements
    • Modelling of wettability processes

The course contain themes on an advanced level leading the candidate to the research front in his/her selected themes.

Learning outcome

The course should give students deeper insights and knowledge related to some of these scientific themes:

  • The effect of wettability on natural science processes
  • Chemical components and physical properties effecting wetting
  • Description of wetting
  • Surface wettability and hysteresis
  • Capillary forces in porous medium
  • Wettability measurements
  • Modelling of wettability processes

The course contain themes on an advanced level leading the candidate to the research front in his/her selected themes.

Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to a PhD program at University of Stavanger, Faculty of Science and Technology.


Oral exam and report

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Oral exam 1/2 45 Minutes Passed / Not Passed
Report 1/2 Passed / Not Passed

Both parts of the assessment must be passed in order to pass the course.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Skule Strand

Head of Department:

Alejandro Escalona Varela

Head of Department:

Alejandro Escalona Varela

Method of work

Guided self-tuition, colloquia, presentations.

The student should define a project topic of interest, in agreement with the supervisors, covering some of the scientific themes.

A written project report, with references to the literature, should be delivered for evaluation.

Open for

Single Course Admission to PhD-courses Technology and Natural Science - PhD programme
Exchange programme at Faculty of Science and Technology

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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