Department of Energy Resources

The Department of Energy Resources is a strong academic environment with international top-level research and education.

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Kjølv Egelands house, E block (3rd floor), Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger 

Energy research at UiS.

About the department

The Department of Energy Resources boasts an international environment for staff and students. The research is associated with societal challenges and opportunities stemming from environmentally friendly energy and climate solutions. This includes production and storage of energy resources and waste in the subsurface, geosciences, technology for improved oil recovery (IOR), modelling and decision & data analytical methods and applications. The department offers study programs relevant for subsurface resource evaluation, storage, and production of natural resources and modelling for improving decision-making and value creation. The study programs also provide general knowledge in areas such as geotechniques which is relevant for construction and archeology.

We have broad collaboration with other universities, research institutes and industry. The department has an international focus with a large degree of English as teaching language and mobility of students and staff. The Department of Energy Resources has ca. 45 members of staff, including PhD students and post-doctoral fellows.

We also have a student union; Synergy.


The department of Energy Resources offers a wide range of studies.

Studenter i klasserom og lab
The students' geology laboratory. Foto: UiS/Elisabeth Tønnessen

See full list of study programmes on our Norwegian pages.

Bachelor in Earth and Energy Resources

The Bachelor programme in earth and energy resources is based on geology and technology related to energy resources. Water, wind and sun contribute to the energy mix that will consist of both fossil energy and renewable energy – in the foreseeable future. (There are no admissions to this study programme in 2024.)

Master of Science in Energy, Reservoir and Earth Sciences

The energy sector requires engineers who understand the intricacies and importance of transitioning to a sustainable energy mix. A combined education in geosciences and reservoir engineering will prepare you to be a critical part of the future low-carbon world. Taught in English.

Master of Science in Computational Engineering

MSc in Computational Engineering makes you eligible for the most demanding and interesting tasks in the private or public sector as an engineer, researcher, or leader. Taught in English.

Energy Technology and Geosciences – PhD

The PhD programme in petroleum technology has specializations in reservoir engineering, drilling engineering, natural gas engineering and petroleum geoscience engineering.

Bachelor courses

You can also apply for single courses at UiS.

Are you an exchange student? See our courses offered to inbound exchange students.

Research at the department

Research at the department of Energy Resources covers a broad amount of areas within energy resources, increased subsurface understanding, near surface geophysics, technology for increased oil recovery (IOR), and decision and data analysis.

The department is responsible for the management of the former National IOR Centre (2013-2021) and the National Centre for Sustainable Subsurface Utilization of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS2030; 2022-2029).

Research areas

National Centre for Sustainable Utilization of Energy Resources on the Norwegian Shelf

NCS logo

The research centre NCS2030 will find solutions that maximize the value creation of energy resources on the Norwegian continental shelf, while at the same time achieving the the net zero emission (NZE) goals.

Meet our PhDs

Hamed Vaseghnia
Norman Urrez
Yasaman Cheraghi
Daniele Blancone
Mahmood Fani
Veronika Abdulina
Sadegh Ahmadpour
Anaelle Guillevic

Contact us

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