Ethical Solutions in Digital Healthcare (E-DigiCare)

What ethical challenges can arise when implementing technological solutions in healthcare services? The research group E-DigiCare aims to explore the ethical aspects and consequences of developing and implementing digital health and healthcare services.

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The healthcare sector is facing significant changes, and the implementation of digital solutions and new working methods is altering both structures and processes. These changes require continuous development of both theory and clinical practice. It becomes especially challenging for vulnerable and marginalized groups in society, making ethical considerations in healthcare of particular interest to us. We believe that digital, AI-based solutions should be human-centered and used in a humane, safe, and sustainable manner. This entails facing a range of ethical decisions.

The research group E-DigiCare aims to contribute to ethical research and expertise in the development and implementation of digital technology, to support decision-making, and contribute to the education of future care professionals. Our primary goal is to explore ethical aspects of developing and implementing digital health and healthcare services. Our research focuses on developing an understanding of ethical caring concepts within the field of digitization. We see it as our central task to illuminate the ethical consequences for both individuals and society. This includes the development of ethical guidelines for practice in the development, implementation, evaluation, design, research, and use of digital solutions.

E-DigiCare is an interdisciplinary Nordic research group affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Stavanger (UiS). The group consists of members from UiS, Åbo Akademi (ÅA) in Finland, and Umeå University (UMU) in Sweden.

Researchers at the University of Stavanger