Library resources: educational subjects

This is the library's subject page for studies linked to The department of Early Childhood Education, The department of Education and Sports Science, Norwegian Reading Centre, and Centre for Learning Environment.

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The library collection

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Master or PhD student or a researcher at UiS? Borrow a librarian for guidance and help with a literature search.


Citations and source evaluation

How and why do I cite? Which citation style should i choose? What should my citation look like, and is my bibliography correct? This page gives you information and useful links to answer these questions.

It is important to cite all sources in your academic writing. This means you acknowledge the work of others and will keep you from getting caught plagiarising.

You must choose a citation style to use throughout your text. The citation style dictates the rules you need to follow for in-text citations and your bibliography. The most used citation style at UiS is American Psychological Association (APA).

There are several useful software that can keep track of your sources and help you insert citations and bibliography in your preferred citation style. The library offers classes in Zotero and Endnote. These are good tools, but they will not do all the work for you. You must always check your sources to make sure they are correct before using them.

Source evaluation and critical reading is essential when writing an academic text. You yourself are responsible for all the sources used in your text.

The Citation Compass has information and checklists to help you with source evaluation.

The Citation Compass

Keep in mind that source use and recommendations may vary across subject areas. We advise you to read up on the recommendations relevant to your subject to learn more about subject-specific source use and referencing.

Bøker innan pedagogikk er oppstilt etter Dewey Desimalklassifikasjon, med nummer som begynner på 37. Bøker om same tema står på same hylle. Det vil seia at dersom du finn éi interessant bok på hylla kan det vera lurt å ta ein kikk på resten av bøkene på den aktuelle hylla. Finn du ein interessant tittel i Oria kan du bruka fana virtuell hylle for å sjå fleire bøker som er oppstilt på same hylle i biblioteket.

Citing and referencing your sources

We cite and reference to provide accurate details on the sources used, both in the body of text and in the corresponding reference list. It is important to cite correctly, this is to show the reader where you have obtained the information, as well as ensuring honesty in academic work.

There are many useful pages that may help you with citing. Here are our recommodations:

The Citation Compass

Search and Write


APA Style and Grammar Guidelines

Keep in mind that the University of Stavanger has rules on plagiarism and academic misconduct, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.


Human reading assessment

Human Reading Assessment is an NRC-funded research project exploring new methodologies for adaptive reading assessment. ...

How literature groups increased cancer patients’ quality of life

Open discussions brought on by reading fiction, a sense of belonging, and a feeling of autonomy can be reasons why parti...

A collaborative approach to researching student learning engagement

Which classroom practices are critical for creating an engaging learning environment? UiS researchers from different d...