Energy Norway 2023

Monday 13 March 09:00 - Wednesday 15 March 16:00,
University of Stavanger,

Join our conference on subsurface for energy security and sustainability, arranged by NCS2030 and the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF).

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Tjodhallen, University of Stavanger


13-15 March, 2023


Subsurface for energy security and sustainability

Energy_NORWAY 2023_flyer

About the conference

Energy Norway 2023 is a meeting place for subsurface professionals in Norway and international communities, policy makers, regulatory bodies, and students.

In December 2021, University of Stavanger with partners was awarded the National Centre for Sustainable Utilization of Energy Resources on the Norwegian Shelf (NCS2030). The centre is to be the scientific and technology driver to facilitate an energy-efficient, multi-purpose utilization of the subsurface into a “Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain” to reach the NZE goals on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). At Energy Norway 2023 you will get scientific presentations linked to the scope of the centre, namely subsurface energy systems, net-zero emission production, digitalization, and society.

In collaboration with NPF and NFiP

Energy Norway 2023 is arranged in collaboration with the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF) and support from NFiP (Petroleum Research School of Norway). The theme for the conference is subsurface for energy security and sustainability.

NPF is a membership body for people interested in the country’s oil and gas activities. NPF provides the industry’s most important meeting places for professional discussion and exchange of new knowledge – independent of financial and political interests. NPF helped to found ONS – ranked among one of the world’s leading petroleum conferences.

NFiP (Petroleum Research School of Norway) has been established to coordinate lectures given by the different universities and to provide intensive courses, seminars and conferences for all PhD students in Norway with research projects related to petroleum. The objective is also to establish discussion groups, collaborating opportunities and interdisciplinary meeting places for PhD students and their supervisors.


See sessions and speakers below.

13 March: Workshop

Venue: Tjodhallen 

09:00 Registration at Tjodhallen 

09:45 Start workshop – welcome by Tina Puntervold (UiS) 


  • 10:00 Kirsti Veggeland (Norwegian Petroleum Directorate): Water management challenges
  • 10:25 Marlene Louise Lund (Equinor): eCalc™ – Energy and emission calculations for better decisions
  • 11:15 Aruoture Voke Omekeh (NORCE): Water production: Effect of wettability alteration and accelerated oil production 
  • 11:40 Skule Strand (UiS): Why Smart Water is the solution for reduced CO2 emission/water production
  • 12:05 Ali A. Eftekhari (DTU): Reducing produced water and CO2 emission of upstream operations by CCUS and IOR/EOR: a thermodynamic perspective
  • 13:20 Zachary Alcorn (UiB): Increased Reservoir Sweep Efficiency using Foam Mobility Control
  • 13:45 Arne Stavland (NORCE): Reduced CO2 emission – does it open a new route to conformance control? 
  • 14:10 Felix Feldmann (NORCE): Snorre conformance control – impact on oil recovery and CO2 footprint
  • 15:00 Ingebret Fjelde (NORCE): Can produced water be used as IOR fluid?
  • 15:25 Ravi Kumar Chhetri (DTU): Subsea biofilm treatment of offshore produced water
  • 15:50 Kåre Langaas (Aker BP): Autonomous well control – key for water management?
  • 16:15 Discussion (host: Ying Guo)

16:45 End of workshop 

17:00-19:00 Ice breaker at Jernaldergården (“Iron age farm”) 

14 March: Conference Day 1

09:00 Registration at Tjodhallen 


  • Klaus Mohn, rector University of Stavanger
  • Alejandro Escalona, NCS2030 director
  • Rune Volla, director Research Council of Norway


  • Torgeir Stordal, Norwegian petroleum directorate (NPD): "The resource potential on the NCS"
  • Gunnar Lille, OG21: "Technology that halves greenhouse gas emissions"  
  • Torfinn Harding, UiS Business School: "Is restricting oil supply a viable climate policy? Quantifying supply-side climate policies"
  • Questions
  • Poster announcement – 1 minute per candidate  

12:00-13:00 Lunch


  • Jostein Dahl Carlsen, CEO and President, Gas and Oil Technology Collaboration Programme, IEA: “A changing European Energy Security Paradigm in the global quest for reduced C02 emissions - role of early market innovation hubs”
  • Adam Gniazdowski, Head of Unit for Natural Gas, Polish Ministry for Climate and Environment: "Energy security in the gas market – a Polish perspective"
  • Sunniva Rose, Chief Communications Officer of Norsk Kjernekraft AS: "Nuclear Energy in Norway?"
  • Ola Vestavik, Reelwell: “Geothermal closed loop technology”
  • Questions


  • Marta Rós Karlsdóttir, The National Energy Authority of Iceland
  • Steinar Midthun Kolstø, WintershallDea: "Building a CCS value chain for Europe"
  • Lesley James, Memorial University of Newfoundland: “An Integrated Approach to Net Zero in Remote Regions”
  • Lorena Moscardelli, University of Texas at Austin: “Subsurface H2 Storage in Texas: Opportunities and Challenges”
  • Questions

16:20 – 16:50 Hosted by Tor Øyvind Skeiseid 

  • Andreas Bjelland Eriksen (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy)
  • Gunnar Lille (OG21)
  • Torgeir Stordal (NPD)
  • Nicholas John Ashton (Equinor)

16:55 End of conference day 1  

19:00 Conference dinner at Hotel Victoria

15 March: Conference Day 2


  • César Patiño (IEA) – “From Subsurface to Surface integration for a NET ZERO target”
  • Geoff Johnson, Ithaca Energy: “From offshore polymer pilot to full-field EOR development, the Captain story”
  • Erik Saenger, Bochum University of Applied Sciences: “Computational Rock Physics»
  • Questions


  • Viktoriya Yarushina, IFE: “Potential leakage mechanisms and their relevance to CO2 storage site risk assessment and safe operation”
  • Spyridon Bellas, Twinn2Set, Institute of GeoEnergy, FORTH: “Trapping the Gases: Exploration for Potential On- and Offshore Underground Geo-Storage Sites (CO2, CH4, H2) in Greece; An Overview”
  • Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin Energy Research: "Permanent sequestration of gigatons of CO2 in continental margin basalt deposits”
  • Questions
  • Poster announcement – 1 minute per candidate

11:40-12:50 Lunch


  • Chunming Rong, UiS: “Federated Knowledge Cloud for Digital Subsurface”
  • Alexander Shadchnev (Slb): “Digital Subsurface Integration”
  • Reidar Bratvold, UiS: “Probabilistic Production Forecasts: Optimistic and Overconfident – Over and Over Again”
  • Tao Yang, Equinor: “Digital Subsurface: A Success Story From Idea to Implementation”
  • Questions


  • Alejandro Escalona, NCS2030: "NCS sustainable energy hubs, challenges and opportunities”
  • Harald Linga, SFI-SWIPA P&A: “Innovation-driven R&D for well barriers and P&A”
  • Fionn Iversen, FME Hyvalue: "The potential for hydrogen as an energy carrier in the future energy mix"
  • Morten Jeppesen, DTU Offshore: “The Danish Offshore Technology Centre: Tailormade R&D solutions for the energy transition”
  • Discussion


  • Skjæveland Award with Merete Vadla Madland, prorector UiS
  • Summing up with Camilla Vavik Pedersen, Equinor
IOR NORWAY 2017. Foto: Kjersti Riiber

Poster session

We invite PhD and master students with an interest in energy related topics to participate in the poster session at Energy Norway 2023.

En kvinne presenterer forskningen sin.

PhD candidates and master students from universities worldwide can submit a poster within these themes:

  • Subsurface Energy Systems
  • Net-zero emission production
  • Digitalization
  • Society

Please submit your draft poster in PDF format in an e-mail here before January 31st to be considered for the poster session. Note: Master students should indicate by that time their interest to submit a project description poster by February 15th. Template can be found here. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

Poster session 1

  • Hilde Halsøy: CO2 Foam for EOR and Storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
  • Jungwon Seo: Building Federated Knowledge Cloud with Tokenized Digital Assets and Smart Contracts across Consortium
  • Daniele Blancone: Characterization and modelling of North Sea salt composition for cavern storage
  • Md Ashraful Islam Khan: Smart Produced Water for EOR in Carbonate Reservoir at High Temperature
  • Anaëlle Guillevic: Geothermal energy potential in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea: a regional to field-scale evaluation
  • Deniz Seyfeli: Lithological Heterogeneities in the Zechstein Group: Compressed Air Energy Storage Opportunities in Salt Caverns

Poster session 2

  • Jorge Lliguizaca Dávila: Carbon footprint reduction by CO2 – Foam EOR in Ecuador
  • Alfred Obo: Carbonated water injection in Sandstone for Enchanced Oil Recovery
  • Maksim Kurbasov & Hamed M. Kermani: Distribution of reasons for the decrease in reservoir permeability during re-injection of produce water
  • Tarek Galhom: Structural and Stratigraphic Variations in the Zechstein Supergroup Evaporites and the impact on GeoStorage Potential; A Case Study from the Ling Depression, Central North Sea, Norway
  • Umut Isikalp: Triassic Minibasin Dynamics in the Egersund Basin, Central North Sea
  • Aigul Akberova: Machine learning based seismic classification for facies prediction
  • Lisa Egeland Jonassen: Amplitude versus offset (AVO) versus machine learning (ML) methods for hydrocarbon exploration: Insight from the Q35 prospect, North Sea

Conference fees

IOR NORWAY 2019. Foto: Marius Vervik

NPF Personal members NOK 3,600 + 25% VAT

Non-NPF- members NOK 4,800 + 25% VAT

Students NOK 2,400 + 25% VAT


  • Tina Puntervold, UiS
  • Dora Luz Marin Restrepo, UiS
  • Stephane Polteau, IFE
  • Viktoriya Yarushina, IFE
  • Rikke Bruhn, UiO
  • Zachary Alcorn, UiB
  • Xiaodong Luo, NORCE
  • Nan Zhang, UiS


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