Outbound exchange as a Freemover student

Individual exchange to an institution University of Stavanger does not have an agreement with.

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Students can choose to go on exchange to institutions that the University of Stavanger (UiS) does not have an exchange agreement with. This is called being a "freemover" and requires you to take responsibility for the entire exchange process without support from the International Office.

Please note that not all institutions accept freemovers, so we recommend that all students opt for established agreements and explore all available options before considering this alternative. If you choose to apply as a freemover, please involve your student advisor as early as possible.

Remember this when planning your exchange:

The institution you are interested in must offer relevant courses that can be pre-approved by your faculty/department. You must check that the courses are taught in English and that the institution is approved for any support from Lånekassen.

When going on exchange as a freemover, you are responsible for managing the application process yourself. The process is usually different than in Norway, and may be more time-consuming. There are often documentation requirements, including language tests and motivational letters. You may need to demonstrate your English proficiency level by taking an English test (such as TOEFL or IELTS), where you must meet given minimum requirements. Make sure to schedule this well in advance.

Remember to check if you need vaccines, a student visa, and if there are tuition fees. Remember insurance.

You must also pay the semester fee and confirm your study plan at UiS within given deadlines. Failing to do this will result in losing your right to study at UiS.