The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities

The Greenhouse is an internationally leading research center for environmental humanities hosted by the University of Stavanger.

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As a metaphor, The Greenhouse reminds us that we are sitting in a planetary greenhouse which is at risk of overheating.

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Book talks

Our latest book talk from September2024.

Hosting Fellowships

Humanistic research can contribute both values ​​and value creation through a basic way of thinking. Green transition is not a final destination, but a process of change.

Professor Dolly Jørgensen , co-director of The Greenhouse

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News from The Greenhouse

Histories of Weathering and Weathering in History

The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities hosted a workshop on “Affect and Material Cultures of Weathering: His...

New international research project on energy transitions

New international research project to explore energy transitions in the Nordic region over the past 150 years. The proje...

From Greenhouse to Cryobank: exploring planetary temporalities in Germany

Greenhouse member and Good Fire researcher Charlotte Wrigley gets fellowship at at the Panel on Planetary Thinking, host...

Burning Questions: Korean student's research visit to The Greenhouse

Hyeonbin Park, a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy at the Korea Advanced Institute o...

Professor Dolly Jørgensen wins funding for new collaborative project on extinction and museums

A new collaborative project on extinction histories has been selected for funding by The Research Council of Norway and ...

Melina Antonia Buns selected member of the Young Academy of Norway

Greenhouse member Melina Antonia Buns has been selected as member of the prestigious Young Academy of Norway (AYF).

Ocean Energy in Japan

Aster Hoving tells about a study visit to Japan as part of her PhD studies.

The Greenhouse at the 2024 World Congress of Environmental History

The Fourth World Congress of Environmental History will take place at the University of Oulu, Finland from 19 to 23 Au...

The Greenhouse arranges international conference on Storytelling for Environmental Futures

On 7-9 August 2024, The Greenhouse is hosting an international conference on Storytelling for Environmental Futures, whi...

Literary Birding in Taiwan

Endre Harvold Kvangraven describes the experience of a research trip to Taiwan as part of his PhD studies at the Univers...

The Osage, Automobility, and the Environment in Sundown (1934)

UiS post-doctoral researcher Daniel Bowman writes about John Joseph Mathews’s 1934-novel Sundown, and the use of automob...

The Greenhouse Centre’s permafrost expert invited to ‘first of its kind’ workshop in Paris

Charlotte Wrigley attends 'Thinking Through Permafrost' workshop

Animesh Chatterjee brings the Greenhouse and ICOHTEC in dialogue

Chatterjee elected on the Executive Committee of the International Committee for the History of Technology

Researching the unnoticed connections between petroculture and cultural heritage

Professor Dolly Jørgensen has won funding to research the links between cultural heritage and petrocultures and their co...

Combining art and science in a film project on the ethical challenges of the Green Transition

The artist Hans Baumann has received a Fulbright-scholarship to spend four months at the University of Stavanger working...

Indigenous stories, and the weather in Calcutta: Two new Marie Curie postdoctoral fellows at The Greenhouse

The EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA) are an attractive and prestigious mobility award that give r...

New research centre at UiS: The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse was established as a research group in 2017 and quickly distinguished itself worldwide as a leading prof...

The Greenhouse Library