"How to Breathe Rock" – an artistic sound work on campus

What role does geology play in our daily lives? Artist Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir explores this in the sound artwork "How to Breathe Rock – Artistic Meditation through Matter" created for the Energy Centre at the University of Stavanger. The artwork is produced by KORO – Public Art Norway.

Poster with the text "How to breathe Rock" on blue background

When you enter the building that keeps you warm, you are entering a three dimensional space made out of materials that were once inside the Earth: the iron structure, the aluminum facade, the plaster, ceramic, clay and raw pigments in walls and flooring, the glass windows and the entire electrical grid.

From "How to Breathe Rock" by Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir , 2024
How to Breathe Rock – Artistic Meditation through Matter.
The starting point is the energy wells drilled several meters below the campus, where geothermal energy will reduce the university's energy consumption by over 60 percent.

Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir (b. 1980, Iceland) has a broad artistic practice.

Portrett av den islandske kunstneren Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir.

She works with kinetic sculptures, mixed media, sound, film, and sculptural performances that both support and undermine our usual perception of ourselves, time, and nature.

Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir holds a master's degree from Concordia University, Canada (2014), and a bachelor's degree from the Iceland Academy of the Arts (2004).

Tryggvadóttir has had solo exhibitions at the National Gallery of Iceland (2024) and Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin (2020). In 2022, she participated in documenta fifteen in Kassel.

Colophon for "How to Breathe Rock – Artistic Meditation through Matter"

By Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir (2024)
An audio reflection on human interdependence with geology.
Public artwork at the UiS Energy Center in Stavanger , produced by KORO – Public Art Norway
Accessible via QR code distributed on signs on location, the audio piece can be listened to whether standing still, walking, or sitting, moving about freely.

This artistic meditation focuses on our human corporeality and other corporeal bodies as our source of life and imagination. It explores the animacy of minerals, processes of interdependence, symbiosis, and variations of material relationships co-creating this moment in time with us.

Throughout the audio journey listeners are invited to access the depth of their own sensorial resources and attune themselves to more layers in the landscapes of the present.

Editor: Cassandra Edlefsen Lasch
Sound Design: Halldór Eldjárn
Graphic Design: Studio Studio
Curators: Ida Höjgaard Thjomoe & Sofie B. Ringstad
Project Leaders: Pernille Skar Norby & Trond Hugo Haugen, KORO – Public Art Norway

Copyright © 2024


Direct quotation, “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”
Nin, Anaïs (1961). Seduction of the Minotaur. Swallow Press.

The artist would like to thank:
Andreas Klovholt, Andri Snær Magnason, Ayumi Paul, Elín Hansdóttir, Fredrik Skaug Fadnes, Harald Jonsson, Hildegard Nortvedt, Linn Carin Dirdal, Lise Chantrier Aasen, Pål Thjømøe, Oyvind Hustoft.

The artist is represented by Gallery Gudmundsdottir, Berlin: www.gallerygudmundsdottir.com
The artist’s website: www.annaruntryggvadottir.net

Source Material

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