Bjergsted: library for the faculty of performing arts

The library for performing arts covers the subject areas of music and dance.

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Chamber music at Ledaal

Sun. 06.04.2025



Chamber music at Ledaal

Sun. 04.05.2025


Opening hours
Staffing hours:

Mon–Thur: 9am–4pm Friday: 9am–3pm Open to students and staff with a keycard from Bjergsted from 7am–11 pm everyday.

Visit and contact:

Bjergstedparken, Bjergsted 1 Faculty of performing arts Phone: 51 83 40 10

Postal adress:

The University Library of Stavanger Bjergsted, P.O.Box 8600 Forus 4036 Stavanger

In the library you can find listening and video rooms, reading spaces, and areas for working together.

Current books


Streaming databases and sheet music

The library has access to a number of streaming databases and more than 20,000 pieces of sheet music.

Feel free to use our listening and video rooms for music streaming. Remember to connect with library remote access if you are not on campus.

Search Oria for an overview of our sheet music. You can search by composer, title or genre - or a combination of these. In the library you will find the music organized in boxes on the shelf where each instrument or ensemble has its own number. Get in touch at the counter or by e-mail if you cannot find what you are looking for. 

You are welcome to suggest new acquisitions.

Streaming databases:

Sheet music online:

Useful resources for performing arts

The library gives you access to many journals and databases, as well as other online resources that are particularly relevant for music and dance.

Gutt leser avis i biblioteket
  • British Library Sound Archive Catalogue of recordings in one of the largest sound collections in the world.
  • Norsk lydinstitutt Search the Norwegian sound institutes database, one of the worlds largest collection of recorded classical music.

In Oria you can find an overview over relevant databases for music and dance.

Some of the databases are open access, but for most of them you’ll need UiS sign in. Use remote access if you are off campus.

Other reccomended databases:

  • Academic Search Premier: Fulltext database with articles from most fields of study.
  • Google Scholar: Search for articles, books, reports, thesis, conference papers and more.
  • JSTOR: Full text database in social science, economy, and humanities.
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature: A comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes. It covers over one million publications from the early 19th century to the present on traditional music, popular music, classical music, and related subjects, enhanced with the full text of more than 200 periodicals
  • African American Music Reference: Extensive reference database of blues, jazz, gospel, and other Afro-American music.
  • Classical Music Reference Library: Contains more than 40 000 references. Covers all of the western, classical history. Includes Baker’s Dictionary of Music, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians og Baker’s Student Encyclopedia of Music.
  • Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: Digital edition of the famous reference work about world music, first published in 1997.
  • International Encyclopedia of Dance: Articles written by professionals from 50 countries. Covers dance, culture, music, and costumes, and contains biographies from many dancers and choreographers.
  • Jazzbasen Historical knowledge database about jazz in Norway. Contains discographical information about Norwegian jazz productions from 1905 until today.
  • Oxford Dictionary of Dance: Information about dances, choreographers, composers, and important works in dance.
  • Oxford History of Western Music: Digital edition of Richard Taruskins famous work about western classical music.
  • Oxford Music Online: Contains Grove Music Online, with The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Opera, and Jazz. Also contains Oxford Dictionary of Music og Oxford Companion to Music.

We have many journals in the library, and you can access our digital journals with remote access. In Oria you can search for journals both by title and ISSN.

With Browzine you can easily get an overview of the journals you need, and create your own, virtual bookshelf with the journals you want to read and keep track of.

Recommended journals for performing arts:

You can find printed newspapers in the library, mostly in Norwegian.

Lending regulations

Check our lending regulations for all you need to know about requesting literature, loans, returning books, and late fees.

Borrow a librarian

Master or PhD student or a researcher at UiS? Borrow a librarian for guidance and help with a literature search.

Not on campus?

With remote access you can access our electronic resources whether you are on campus or working remotely.

Book suggestions?

Suggest literature or subscriptions that the library should have in our collection, and we will consider buying it.

Writing assignments and thesis

News from the Faculty of Performing Arts

Bjarte Engeset employed in temporary position

Bjarte Engeset is employed in a three-year temporary position as Professor in conducting.

Cecilia inspires youth in Bolivia to make music

My summer job: The flute student works voluntary with arranging seminars in her home country during the summers

– I wanted to expand my knowledge, competence and network in music production

Frida studied music production and recording, and is now running and administrating a sound studio

Priscila got to work with high-level musicians and performers

Music production and recording was an opportunity to increase their experiences in the field