Library resources: UiS School of Business and Law

Here you’ll find links to financial, legal, statistical, and market data resources. The Library can help you with searching for literature. Through the library, you have access to research and academic resources that are useful for students and researchers at UiS School of Business and Law.

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Databases and academic sources

The library has academic resources and information relevant for business school studies, which gives you access to economic data, statistics, legal sources, and market analysis.

Remember to use Remote Access to gain access to our online resources even if you are not on campus.

Eikon Datastream gives you access to a broad range on financial information, news and data around the world.

UiS students and PhD-candidates can install Refinitiv Workspace (Eikon) with DataStream on their own computer. This requires a license that you can apply for. You need to use your UiS student or employee email when applying for the license. The license is given for 14-30 days.

If there is a queue the bachelor students licenses will be reduced to 14 days.
Master and PhD candidates get the license for 30 days.
Students will be notified when they dont have access.

Go to Refinitiv Learning Center for user guides and help.

Expanded company and accounting information on Norwegian companies registered in “Brønnøysundregistrene”

Proff Forvalt provides:

  • Overall Summary of all Norwegian companies
  • Roles and relationships in business
  • Segmentation tool with export to Excel
  • E-mail notification of changes

Access to the database is password controlled. Contact the front desk in the library or send us an email to get access.

We have three licenses.

In Oria you can find an overview over relevant database for finance, management and legal resources.

Some of the databases are open access, but for most of them you’ll need UiS sign in. Use remote access if you are off campus.

Recommended databases:

  • Business Source Complete: Research articles from peer reviewed journals, articles from trade journals and business magazines, case studies, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, author profiles over the most-cited authors in the database, and more.
  • EconLit with full text: The American Economic Association's electronic bibliography. Indexes economic literature from around the world. Includes i.a. articles, books, book reviews and dissertations.
  • Emerald Insight: Full text database of journals published by Emerald. Topics include management, library & information services, engineering, applied sciences, and technology.
  • NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research): Working paper series
  • RePEc (Research Papers in Economics): RePEc is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences.
  • S-WoPEC: Access to working papers in finance from Nordic academic institutions and research organizations.
  • World Bank eLibrary: The World Bank e-Library is an online, fully cross-searchable portal of over 3,900 World Bank documents. The collection consists of over 1,600 World Bank publications and over 2,300 Policy Research Working Papers.

We have many journals in the library, and you can access our digital journals with remote access. In Oria you can search for journals both by title and ISSN.

With Browzine you can easily get an overview of the journals you need, and create your own, virtual bookshelf with the journals you want to read and keep track of.

You can find printed newspapers in the library, mostly in Norwegian.
Retriever (Atekst): Articles in full text from Norwegian newspapers and magazines.

  • UiS Brage: In UiS Brage, our open archive,  you can find scientific articles published at UiS. You can also find bachelor- and master thesis’s from UiS. Thesis’s older than 2009 is available in printed form in the library.
  • EconPapers: EconPapers provides access to RePEc, the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software. Most of the working papers and articles are available in full text, but some need a subscription. Ask the library if you need help accessing the papers. 

Writing assignments

The library offers several services to help you get started and take care of important elements in the writing process.

Citations and APA 7

The UiS Business school usually use the citation style APA 7th.The Citation Compass (Kildekompasset) gives examples and explanations on how to quote/cite any type of source, both in-text and in the reference list. The Citation Compass covers both APA 6th and APA 7th

Writing your thesis

You can get help with your writing assignments from student mentors in the Study Lab. They also offer writing groups for master's students. In UiS Brage you can find previous student assignments, both at bachelor's and master's level. You can use these as inspiration, but be aware that the grades can be from A to E.

Research and publish

If you are starting a research project the library can help you with literature search, data mangment, useful software for reference mangment and more.

Searching for literature

If you are starting a research project and need help getting started with the literature search you can ask for a guidance session. Employees, PhD-students and master students at UiS can book individual guidance in searching and systematic searching.


We reccomend using reference management tools, and other software to help you during your researching process. The library offers workshops and support in: Endnote: reference manager that helps you save time formatting citations. Zotero: free and user-friendly reference managment tool. NVivo: lets you process qualitative data. Rayyan: screen your references for systematic reviews and more.

Systematics searching

A systematic search for literature is a comprehensive and well-planned search relevant sources. The use of search terms and keyword synonyms are important. The goal is to find as much literature as possible within a chosen area or topic. The searches should be documented and replicable.

Employees, PhD-students and master students at UiS can book individual guidance in searching and systematic searching. Contact for any inquiries. To get the most of a session it is important that you arrive prepared.

Before searching:

  • Define the key words for your search strategy
  • Choose relevant databases
  • Find relevant search terms: Subject terms, keywords
  • Choose exclusion criteria’s

More about searching:

News from UiS School of Business and Law

Ola Kvaløy Appointed to Committee on Circular Economy

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The Centre for Innovation Research Established for an Additional Five Years

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Doctoral thesis on how students' mindsets affect learning outcomes

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New one-year program in Business and Management

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Students competed for the best consulting report

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Teaching students how to use AI

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Rune Dahl Fitjar is the new head of the Center for Innovation Research

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New Program Advisory Board for MSc in Business Administration established

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– The program is top-notch, prestigious, challenging, engaging, and world-class

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Extended partnership between UiS and Norway Summit

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Chandan hopes to be a pioneering marketer and entrepreneur

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Master program in Law for UiS

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Prestigious award to a researcher from UiS Business School

Elham Ghazimatin is awarded the «Robert Lusch Early Career Research Award» for her research in marketing.

– What I liked most about UiS and the Business School is the degree of internationalization

UiS Business School and Centre for Innovation Research have had two guest researchers this semester.

– To get the opportunity to publish our own research means a lot

Two master students from UiS Business School have got their research published in an international journal

Students learn about motivation through working as consultants

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MSc students brought their case studies to a wind farm

– It was perfect that we could go out and see it with our own eyes, says Professor Gorm Kipperberg.

– This is an excellent achievement for our master' students

Three master students from UiS Business School are one of two finalists in the international marketing competition DMC.

– The expertise you get through the MSc in Business Administration gives a good foundation for any job in economics and finance

Marie Larsen Gellein holds three degrees at UiS Business School. After completing the MSc in Business Administration, sh...