About NVivo

Overwhelmed by large amounts of non-numerical data? NVivo is a great tool if you need to sort through qualitative data such as interviews, surveys, articles or data from social media. NVivo can help you structure your data analysis process, and make your work more efficient.

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Classes and support in NVivo

Stavanger University Library offers workshops and support in NVivo for students and staff at UiS.

Download NVivo

Remember to install NVivo before you attend the class.

More about NVivo

Check out our help page in Canvas for more information about NVivo.

Library classes

Workshop in NVivo

This workshop covers the basic functions in NVivo. You will get to know the user interface and learn how to import different kinds of data. You will learn different methods of coding, and how to use the coding to make various queries. We will also go through how you can visualize your data.

Target audience: master students, PhD candidates and staff at UiS Equipment: Your own laptop with NVivo installed Teaching method: Workshop Prior knowledge needed: No, but prior knowledge about research method and design is recommended.

After the class you should know:

  • How to start a new project
  • The user interface of NVivo and how to utilise it
  • How to import different files into NVivo
  • Different ways of coding your data
  • How to transcribe in NVivo
  • How to make notes and comments
  • Simple data visualization

Classes and events at the library

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 18.03.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 19.03.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Book club – Skråninga by Carl Frode Tiller

Wed. 19.03.2025


University Library

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 25.03.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 01.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 02.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 08.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 16.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 30.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

How to Revise Your Paper: Editing and Proofreading Strategies

Tue. 13.05.2025


KE A-253

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 14.05.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Book club – Augustblå by Deborah Levy

Wed. 14.05.2025


University Library, kongsgårdsalongen

Workshop: Introduction to NVivo

Thu. 22.05.2025


campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 28.05.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet