About Zotero

Zotero is a free and user-friendly program that creates references and bibliographies for you. Zotero collects and keeps track of all the sources you use. If you use Zotero correctly you will get a correct bibliography and references in the right place in your document. Zotero is well integrated in Word, and it works with LaTeX and Google Docs.

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Classes and support in EndNote

If you wish to use Zotero, you should attend an introductory workshop at the University Library. By attending the workshop, you will learn the skills needed to use Zotero efficiently.

The University library offers workshops and support in Zotero. During the semester we offer introduction classes that are open to students and staff at UiS, both in English and Norwegian. Lecturers at UiS can book classes in EndNote for their students.

Download Zotero

Download both the program and Zotero Connector.

More about Zotero

Visit Canvas for more about how to use Zotero.

Zotero support

Visit the official Zotero support page.

Library classes

Workshop in Zotero

The University library offers workshops and support in Zotero. During the semester we offer introduction classes that are open to students and staff at UiS, both in English and Norwegian. Lecturers at UiS can book classes in Zotero.

Illustrasjon Zotero

About the class

In this class you will learn the basic functionalities of Zotero, and after the class you should be able to use the program on your own. You will learn how to import and save different types of references into your Zotero library, and evaluate the information to make sure the references and bibliography are correct. You learn how to use Zotero in Word, and how to choose the correct reference style.

Target audience: Students and staff at UiS Equipment: Your own laptop with Zotero installed Teaching method: Lecture and own work under guidance. Prior knowledge needed: Basic knowledge about citing and searching for literature in databases is recommended Duration: Approx 1 hour and 45 minutes

After the class you should know how to:

  • Manually enter and save references into your Zotero library.
  • Import and save references to Zotero from Oria, databases, websites, etc.
  • Check that the information you import into Zotero is correct, and why this is important.
  • Insert references in the correct reference style into your document, with and without page numbers.
  • Make a correct bibliography.
  • Switch between different reference styles and languages
  • Use important functionalities in Zotero like organizing the references in folders, saving PDF files, searching the library and more.
  • Share libraries with others.

Questions about Zotero? Contact:

Classes and events at the library

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 18.03.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 19.03.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Book club – Skråninga by Carl Frode Tiller

Wed. 19.03.2025


University Library

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 25.03.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 01.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 02.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library

Tue. 08.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 16.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 30.04.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

How to Revise Your Paper: Editing and Proofreading Strategies

Tue. 13.05.2025


KE A-253

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 14.05.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Book club – Augustblå by Deborah Levy

Wed. 14.05.2025


University Library, kongsgårdsalongen

Workshop: Introduction to NVivo

Thu. 22.05.2025


campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 28.05.2025


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet