NIKT 2023

Monday 27 November 09:00 - Thursday 30 November 16:00,
University of Stavanger.

35th Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education.

Published Updated on

27-30 November 2023



NIKT 2023 is hosted by University of Stavanger.
Flyfoto av campus Ullandhaug
Campus Ullandhaug

We have the pleasure of welcoming you to the 35th Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education, NIKT 2023.

This conference is an important annual meeting place for ICT-researchers in Norway. The conference will last from Monday 27 November 09:00 - Thursday 30 November 16:00.

The conference is hosted by Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger.

The conference consists of four tracks:

  • NIK – Norwegian Informatics Conference
  • NOKOBIT – Norwegian Conference for Organizations’ Use of IT
  • NISK – Norwegian Information Security Conference
  • UDIT – Norwegian Conference for Education and Didactics in IT subjects

The University of Stavanger has an innovative and international profile and constitutes a driving force in the development of knowledge and change processes in society. Our societal mission is to challenge the well-known and explore the unknown. Read more here.

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UDIT 2023

Lysing: Utvida samandrag

UDIT (Utdanning og Didaktikk i IT-faga) går av stabelen 27.-30. november 2023. Fristen for bidrag med full artikkel gjekk ut 1. september. No inviterer me til bidrag utan fagfellevurdering. Desse vert administrativt vurderte basert på
(utvida) samandrag. Utan fagfellevurdering gjev dei sjølvsagt ikkje publikasjonspoeng, men me trur at dei kan bidra minst like mykje til ein god fagdiskusjon på konferansen.

Samandrag aksepterte i år er særleg velkomne som fulle fagartiklar til neste år.


UDIT (Utdanning og Didaktikk i IT-faga) er nasjonal møteplass for vitskapleg publisering, diskusjon og utveksling av røynsler knytt til undervising og læring i IKT i høgare utdanning. Me ynskjer bidrag på eitkvart tema knytt til utdanning, læring, didaktikk, og bruk av IKT i læring. Om du har fått ny innsikt eller gode idéar gjennom utvikling av undervising og læremateriell, so er UDIT en arena for deg.
Konferansen skal vera fagleg og akademisk, men perspektivet er frå praksis og ikkje frå fagpedagogisk forsking.

Praktiske instruksar

  • Innsending via EasyChair.
    Merk at konferansen heiter NIKT 2023; UDIT er registrert som spor (track).
  • Samandraga skal vera maksimalt ca. éi side (sjå bort frå forfattaradresser og andre metadata når du vurderer lengda).
  • Bruk malen frå LNCS Springer Computer Science Proceedings. Sjå
    • Ikkje ta med noko samandrag (abstract) av det utvida samandraget.
  • Primærspråket for konferansen er norsk/skandinavisk. Det er likevel høve til å skriva og presentera på engelsk.
  • Fristen for utvida samandrag er 13. oktober 2023.
  • Aksepterte bidrag får melding seinast 20. oktober Bidrag vert administrativt vurderte etter to kriterium:
    • Relevans for konferansen
    • Potensiale for å stimulera diskusjon om undervising og læring
  • Utvida samandrag vert publiserte i NIKT-tidsskriftet i eit eige avsnitt for arbeide utan fagfellevurdering. Sidan dei ikkje er fagfellevurderte, gjev dei heller ikkje
  • Meir informasjon om NIKT 2023



  • Leiar: Hans Georg Schaathun, NTNU
  • Teknisk nestleiar: Yngve Lindsjørn, Universitetet i Oslo
  • Lokal nestleiar: Erlend Tøssebro, Universitetet i Stavanger


  • Salah Uddin Ahmed, USN
  • Per-Arne Andersen, Universitetet i Agder
  • Marcin Fojcik, Høgskulen på Vestlandet
  • Laurence Habib, OsloMET
  • Birgit Krogstie, NTNU
  • Per Lauvås, Høyskolen Kristiania
  • Henrik Hillestad Løvold, UiT Noregs arktiske universitet
  • Robin Isfold Munkvold, Nord Universitet
  • Torstein Strømme, Universitetet i Bergen

  • Workshop proposal submission: Friday 26 May
  • Notification workshop proposals: Friday 9 June
  • Abstract: Friday 1 September
  • Full paper submission: Friday 8 September
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday 13 October
  • Camera ready paper: Friday 27 October
  • Registration: Friday 3 November

For more details see this page.

Monday 27 November

Place: UiS Campus, Kjølv Egelands Hus

09.00-11.00: NISK programme committee meeting, room KE C-334

09.00-12.00: UDIT programme committee meeting, room KE D-443

11.00-13.00: NIKT board meeting, room KE C-334

13.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-17.00: Nasjonalt fagorgan for IKT, room KE C-334

Evening time: Reception at the National Oil Museum, Stavanger city centre, Kjerringholmen 1A, 4006 Stavanger

18.30-19.30: Tour of the museum

19.30-19.45: Conference opening by UiS Rector Klaus Mohn

19.45-21.30: Tapas and mingling

Tuesday 28 November

Place: UiS Campus, Kjølv Egelands Hus

08.15 – Registration and coffee service open

09.00 – Welcome by the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Tom Ryen. Room KE A-101

09.15 – Keynote 1: NOKOBIT, Bjørn Erik Munkvold. Room KE A-101

10.15 – Coffee break

10.30 – Session 1

12.00 – Lunch

13.00 – Keynote 2: UDIT, Roy Andersson. Room KE A-101

14.00 – Coffee break

14.15 – Session 2

16.00 – NOKOBIT general meeting, same room as the NOKOBIT article sessions

19.00 – Conference dinner at Fish & Cow, Stavanger city centre, Skagen 3, 4001 Stavanger (ends 22.00)

Wednesday 29 November

Place: UiS Campus, Kjølv Egelands Hus

08.15 – Registration and coffee service open

09.00 – Keynote 3: NIK, Alexander Lundervold, room KE A-101

10.00 – Coffee break

10.15 – Session 3

12.00 – Lunch

13:00 – Keynote 4: NISK, Tor Helleseth, room KE A-101

14.00 – Coffee break

14.15 – Session 4

16.00 – End of today's programme

Thursday 30 November – workshops

Place: UiS Campus, Arne Rettedals Hus and Kjølv Egelands Hus

  1. Artificial Intelligence Against Fake News: Workshop on Advances in Disinformation Detection (WADD). 09:00-12:00. Room AR Ø-110, Arne Rettedals hus, UiS Campus
  2. SecUre aNd Resilient digItal tranSformation of healthcarE (SUNRISE). 09:00-12:00. Room KE E-550, Kjølv Egelands hus, UiS Campus. More information in this PDF.
  3. How to include sustainability and digitalization in teaching and learning. 09:00-16:00. Room KE E-456, Kjølv Egelands hus, UiS Campus. More information in this PDF.

Lunch 12.00-13.00

  • Artificial Intelligence Against Fake News: Workshop on Advances in Disinformation Detection (WADD)
    • Disinformation in its many forms is an increasingly problematic threat to society. Automated detection of disinformation both online and offline have been widely studied with different approaches. Recently, advances in artificial intelligence have lead to more effective ways of building disinformation detection and prevention systems. This workshop aims at bringing together Norwegian researchers studying all aspects of disinformation in order to create a research community. It also targets the general audience who would like to gain more knowledge about the advances in automated disinformation detection. Considering the threats posed by disinformation, organization of this workshop offers a timely intervention that will lead to novel insights into the national disinformation detection research space.
  • SecUre aNd Resilient digItal tranSformation of healthcarE (SUNRISE)
    • Digital transformation in healthcare is the leveraging of advanced technologies to improving the delivery of care to patients and to coping with new requirements of such delivery, most notably the shift from hospital care to home care. While patient-needs-centric, it also necessarily requires changes and improvements of healthcare-related processes. Whereas various benefits of this transformation are broadly acknowledged, the increased connectivity; the huge volume of -sensitive- health information; and the lack of sufficient cybersecurity awareness and culture among both healthcare professionals and patients result in increased cybersecurity risk and make digital healthcare attractive to cyber criminals and prone to cybersecurity attacks such as phishing, ransomware, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and malware. The increasing connection of medical devices to the Internet, hospital networks and other medical devices expands the attack surface making the patient safety risks higher. The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the interdependence and co-evolutionary dynamic of the cybersecurity and privacy risks in healthcare. All these have raised the need to develop new solutions to increase the cybersecurity and resilience of the healthcare sector and its supply chain.
  • How to include sustainability and digitalization in teaching and learning
    • Candidates from higher IT education will have an important role in solving the great societal challenges of the future. For this, the candidates need relevant competence on sustainability and digitalization. Higher education institutions in Norway are currently working to find the best ways to ensure that students in IT programs develop this competence. To facilitate these efforts, there is a significant need for teaching staff and study programme leaders to exchange experiences and build shared knowledge about good practice and useful resources related to sustainability and digitalization.


  • Rebeka Toth and Laszlo Erdodi: Expanding Horizons: The Evolving Landscape of Development Opportunities in Cybersecurity Training Platforms
  • Silje Berg, Tilde Thorvik and Per Håkon Meland: Fool Me Once, Shame on Me - A Qualitative Interview Study of Social Engineering Victims
  • Odin Heitmann and Katrin Franke: Exploring Digital Forensic Readiness: A Preliminary Study from a Law Enforcement Perspective
  • Shahzana Liaqat and Geir M.Køien: Roaming Security in 5G Systems
  • Håvard Pettersen and Donn Morrison: Call graph discovery in binary programs from unknown instruction set architectures
  • Lea Laux, László ErdÅ‘di and Kai Selgrad: Trust as the Elephant in the Room - Security Evaluation of Decentralized Online Social Networks with Mastodon
  • Abdullah Zafar and Christoph Busch: Analyzing eyebrow region for morphed image detection
  • Siri Lorenz, Jannis Priesnitz, Mathias Ibsen and Christoph Busch: Towards CNN-based Level 1 Feature Extraction for Contactless Fingerprint Recognition
  • Haoyu Zhang, Raghavendra Ramachandra, Kiran Raja and Christoph Busch: PIPE: Plugging in Identity Prior to Enhance Face Morphing Attack Based on Diffusion Model
  • Pia Bauspieß, Patrick Bours, Christian Rathgeb and Christoph Busch: Type^2: A Secure and Seamless Biometric Two-Factor Authentication Protocol Using Keystroke Dynamics


  • Astrid Klotz and Karen Stendal: How can Extended Reality (XR) enhance Aviation Personnel Training: A Literature Review
  • Astrid Klotz, Farhad Ahmadhadi and Veralia Gabriela Sánchez: The Post-Pandemic Era of Digital Teaching: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Perspectives
  • Roar Elias Georgsen: Beyond Code Assistance with GPT-4: Leveraging GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT for Peer Review in VSE Engineering
  • Egil Øvrelid, Olav Haaland Moseng and Ludvig Oftedal Vinje: Operational Backbone Work: Modernization Activities in the Migration of Monolith-Oriented IT Architectures
  • Anne Kristin Ajer and Ole Hanseth: Digital transformation with digital remote care: A case from a Norwegian hospital region
  • John Krogstie, Simen Sommerfeldt, Andreas Louis Riise, Louise Berge, Martin Fjeldvær, Kristian Bjørnhaug, Leif Skiftenes Flak, Thale Håmo, André Heie Vik, Mali Hole Skogen, Pia Jannike Virmalainen Jøsendal and Birgit Krogstie: Development of a Toolbox on Sustainable ICT across Industry and Academia : The goforIT project
  • Tangni Cunningham Dahl-Jørgensen and Anne Aasback: The role of contextual conditions in systems development: The impact of design context on participation in Norwegain Welfare Services
  • Jon Iden, Bendik Bygstad, Ole Hanseth and Stein Albert Nielsen: Hvordan fikk Norge et betalingsformidlingssystem i verdensklasse? En historisk analyse av samarbeidende digitale økosystemer i banksektoren
  • Jon Iden, Kjersti Berg Danilova and Karen Osmundsen: Digitalisering i norske virksomheter: Konsekvenser og utfordringer
  • Veralia Gabriela Sanchez and Rokeya Rumky: Social Robots in Education To Enhance Social Communications And Interaction Skills Of Children With Autism – A Review
  • Dimitra Chasanidou, John Krogstie and Costas Boletsis: Sustainability Design in Mobile Augmented Reality
  • Sondre Verdal and Dag Håkon Olsen: Digitalisering og prosessledelse i offentlig sektor: en studie av digitalisering i norske kommuner
  • Anh Nguyen Duc, Tor Lønnestad, Ingrid Sundbø, Marius Johannessen, Veralia Gabriela, Salah Uddin Ahmed and Rania El-Gazzar: Exploring the Impact of Generative AI in Education – A reflective analysis from nine IT courses
  • Ahmed Idries, John Krogstie and Jayaprakash Rajasekharan: Ecosystem well-being and platform survival in the current energy transition: A case study on the evolution of an EV-charging platform


  • Sondre Sæther Bolland, Tyra Fosheim Eide and Torstein J. F. Strømme: Mandatory or Voluntary Course Work in Introductory Programming Courses?
  • Rolando Gonzalez, Hanne Sørum and Kjetil Raaen: Back to campus after the Covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative study from the students perspective
  • Bashira Jaradat and Birgit R. Krogstie: Challenges of Integrating a Sustainability Interdisciplinary Profile in Computing Education: A Case Study
  • Bjørn Klefstad and Grethe Sandstrak: Hvordan skape økt bevissthet og oppslutning fra studentene i kvalitetsutvikling i høyere utdanning
  • Line Kolås, Oddlaug Marie Lindgaard and Ninni Anita Rotmo Olsen: Infographics as analysis tool in student research
  • Ana Fuentes Martinez, Justyna Szynkiewicz, Majid Rouhani and Kateryna Osadcha: Assessment strategies for programming integrated in upper secondary education subjects
  • Anolan Milanés and Bjørn Jæger: Teaching Programming Blockchain Applications to undergraduate students
  • Omid Mirmotahari and Yngvar Berg: Utvikling av førsteårsstudenters tilbakemeldingskompetanse gjennom egen-vurdering
  • Omid Mirmotahari, Rifat Naim Islam, Yngvar Berg, Camilla Foss and Håkon Stensland: Spillifisering for økt engasjement, fleksibilitet og alternativt læringsløp
  • Attiqa Rehman and Monica Divitini: Categorizing Projects for Software Engineering Capstone Courses
  • Ragnhild Kobro Runde, Quintin Cutts and Lars Kristian Skaarseth: Exploring Scratch to Python Transfer in Norwegian Lower Secondary Schools
  • Michaela Schmidt, Rares Cristea, Elena Parmiggiani and Rune Hjelsvold: Sustainability integration in a higher education computer department – a case study
  • Guttorm Sindre: AI Technology: Threats and Opportunities for Assessment Integrity in Introductory Programming
  • Hanne Sørum and Kjetil Raaen: Experiences after Covid-19 and digital teaching: IT students ask for streaming and recordings, but say they learn best on campus!
  • Nipuna Hiranya Weeratunge and Rune Hjelsvold: A review of taxonomies of cybersecurity educational games
  • Irene Zanardi, Serena Versino, Karolina Bolesta, Anna Szlávi and Monica Landoni: Looking for a Major in Computing? Technical Knowledge versus Broader Social Values in Computing Majors
  • Øyvind Aas, Lester Allan Lasrado and Helene Lie Røhr: Nudging in Higher Education: Text Message Interven-tions and Study Habits in Mathematics

The conference will take place at:
University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
Kjølv Egelands Hus (KE-hus)

Kart over campus Ullandhaug

We recommend downloading Mazemap to navigate the campus area.

Please note that the distance between the city centre and the university is about 15 minutes by bus/car.

Kart som viser avstanden mellom Stavanger og Ullandhaug.

There are three buses that travel from the city centre to the University: nr. 6, 7 and X60

They stop at the bus stations Jernbaneveien H and Vaktapoteket A.

To travel by bus you need to download the Kolumbus App. To find your way around the university you might want to download the Maze Map App for iPhone or Android.

Recommend hotels in the city center are:

If you would like to stay near the University you could stay at Ydalir.

Logoen til Cegal.

Excited Centre of Excellent IT Education is sposoring the UDIT keynote. The centre aims at bringing Norway to the forefront of innovative IT education and provide IT education for a sustainable and digital future.

Keynote speaker – NIK

Alexander Lundervold

Associate Professor at Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Portrett av Alexander Lundervold


From research to reality: Practical use of Generative AI

The talk dives into the evolving realm of generative AI, focusing on the impact and applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT.

Shifting from an era of intensive research to an age of practical deployment, LLMs have transitioned from “research mode” to “release mode”, providing powerful tools with significant real-world utility in scenarios ranging from customer service and education to research and development. We aim to highlight how organizations employ these tools to boost productivity, develop new solutions, and create competitive advantages, redefining the landscape of organizational IT usage.

We will also explore the frontier of generative AI, shedding light on some emerging trends shaping the field.


My teaching and research activities are motivated by two questions: “How do you turn machine learning models into machine learning solutions” (machine learning engineering) and “What’s the role of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare, now and in the future?” (medical AI).

At HVL, I’m part of the Artificial Intelligence Engineering group. I have a part-time position as a Senior Data Scientist at Haukeland University Hospital, where I lead the Medical AI activities at the Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Center. As a Partner in AkademiX, I collaborate with industry trying to bring research into practice.


Keynote speaker – NOKOBIT

Bjørn Erik Munkvold

Professor at University of Agder

Portrett av Bjørn Erik Munkvold


Technology-based innovation for societal resilience

With society today being exposed to a complex set of risk and threat scenarios resulting from both natural and man-made hazards, technology is becoming increasingly important for supporting crisis preparedness, response, and recovery. Information systems are vital for continuous monitoring of evolving crisis scenarios, and for supporting coordination and decision-making among different organisations and agencies involved in joint operations. While progress is being made, research in this domain is still somewhat fragmented across different communities.

The talk will bring together some of the current research on technology-supported crisis management, providing examples and pointing to areas in need of further work. The focus will be on the use of technology for supporting collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders involved in crisis preparedness and response.


Bjørn Erik Munkvold is professor in information systems at the University of Agder and adjunct professor at Kristiania University College. He is Director of the Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM) at University of Agder, which conducts interdisciplinary research on technology-based innovation for societal resilience. Professor Munkvold has thirty years of experience on research related to implementation of ICT in different organizational contexts, with particular emphasis on collaborative technologies. He has conducted in-depth studies of implementation and use of technological solutions supporting enterprise collaboration and content management, virtual projects, knowledge management, enterprise resource planning systems and building information modelling, with an overall focus on contributing to effective deployment and use of the technologies. His current research focus is on how ICT can support collaborative work practices in the domain of crisis management and societal resilience.


Keynote speaker – NISK

Tor Helleseth

Professor Emeritus at the Selmer Center

Portrett av Tor Helleseth


Tor Helleseth received his Dr. Philos. degree in mathematics from the University of Bergen, Norway, in 1979. In 1979-1980 he was a Research fellow at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. From 1981 to 1984 he was at the Chief Headquarters of Defense in Norway. Since 1984 he has been a Professor at the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen. He has led the Selmer Center from the very begining and has been the major factor in building up the group.

His research interests are coding theory, cryptography, sequences and discrete mathematics. He has published more than 400 papers in international refereed journals or conferences, chapter in books, chapters in Encyclopaedias etc. (103 of the papers are in the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Information Theory)

During 1991-1993 and 2012-2014 he served as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. He is on the editorial board on Designs, Codes and Cryptography since 1996 and on Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences since 2009.


Keynote speaker – UDIT

Roy Andersson

Academic Developer and Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Lund University

Portrett av Roy Andersson


How to grow a positive teaching culture through collegiality and SoTL

In order to create a coordinated educational development – not only for individual teachers and in individual subjects, but also across programs, professional environments and institutions – a collegial culture is required that goes beyond the individual, where teachers have a research-based and scientific approach to teaching and learning. In other words, they should have a Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) approach. Many strengths of the research culture can also be adopted in the teaching culture, which benefit from being evidence-based, hypothesis-driven, and peer-reviewed. A key feature of SoTL is that university teachers approach their teaching much in the same way as they approach their research (Boyer 1990).

This presentation will show how a collegial and scientific teacher culture – a SoTL culture – can be developed both at department and institutional level with examples from Lund University, Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and the Centre for Excellence in Biology Education (bioCEED) at University of Bergen.


Roy Andersson works both as an Academic Developer and as a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering (Swedish acronym LTH) at Lund University. He has been working as an Academic Developer since 1998 and his main interest is in supporting academics to investigate their practice in a scholarly way, in other words supporting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). He is the director for the Centre for Engineering Education at LTH including responsibility for the program of pedagogical courses for university teachers at LTH and he teaches in several courses himself. He is a member of the Pedagogical Academy at LTH since 2002. Since 2015 he also holds a part-time position as Senior Guest Lecturer/Associate Guest Professor at the Centre for Excellence in Biology Education (bioCEED) at the University of Bergen.

