The PhD programme in artistic research provides for the three research disciplines dance, music and documentary film.
Three years
The PhD programme in artistic research is a joint degree between The Faculty of performing arts at The UiS and The Faculty of arts at The University of Agder.
About the ph.d. programme in artistic research
The programme allows possibilities for specific research within one of the fields as well as interdisciplinary examinations. The structure and several of the components in this PhD is equivalent to a scientific PhD degree, although the most important component in this education is an independent work in artistic research combined with a theoretic reflection.
The programme in artistic research is a joint degree between The Faculty of performing arts at The UiS and The Faculty of arts at The University of Agder. The nominal length of study of the PhD programme is three years.
PhD Programme in Artistic Research
Study plan
Extension programme – 180 ECTS credits – 3 years – Kristiansand and Stavanger
PhD programme in Artistic Research at the Faculty of Fine Arts, UiA and the Faculty of Performing Arts, UiS.
Admission requirements
The applicant must have completed a performing and/or creative master's degree within relevant subject from a Norwegian or foreign university or university college. Artistic competence may in special cases be considered equal providing it is equivalent to a master's degree in scope and level.
Admission must be in accordance with the Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Agder and the Regulations for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Stavanger.
The admission is financed either through a three- or four-year (with 25% duty work) fellowship, or through financial documentation from the employer/organization. This includes three years' salary, operating costs and office space. Private financial support (own savings, spouse/family financing, etc.) is not accepted as a basis for admission to the PhD programme.
General description of the programme
The subject for the PhD degree in artistic research is performing and creative art, thus the University of Agder, includes the fields of music, theatre and visual arts, and the University of Stavanger includes music, dance and documentary movies.
The PhD programme is standardized to 180 ECTS credits, i.e. three years of study. It consists of one part educational (30 ECTS credits) and one part artistic PhD research (150 ECTS credits). The artistic PhD research is an independent artistic research that also includes documentation and critical reflection. The educational consists of a mandatory course (25 credits) and an optional course (5 credits).
The educational and the PhD research must be at a high artistic level and have national and international relevance. The programme shall provide knowledge, skills and competence in line with the objectives of the national qualifications framework (3rd cycle).
The artistic research will be at the centre of the doctoral project. At the same time, the work must be followed by an explicit reflection that, when presenting the project, allows others to take part in the work method and insight that the artistic research generates.
The programme qualifies for artistic performing and research at national and international level.
The PhD degree in artistic research is awarded on the basis of:
- Approved implementation of the educational part
- Approved artistic result
- Approved part of reflection
- Approved essay of assigned topic
- Approved public defence of the artistic PhD result ( Disputation)
Educational part:
The educational part of the PhD programme in artistic research consists of a mandatory and an optional part. In total, the educational part is 30 credits. The education includes the following topics:
- Joint academic education at the National Research School in Artistic Development (20 ECTS credits)
- Joint programme course: Artistic development work and critical reflection (UiA/UiS) (5 credits)
- Optional courses (5 credits)
The joint academic education at the National Research School in Artistic research (20 points) is mandatory for all candidates in the PhD programme in Artistic Development at the Faculty of Fine Arts (UiA) and the Faculty of Performing Arts (UiS).
The Research School shall provide the PhD candidate with knowledge, skills and competence in accordance with the national qualification framework. The PhD candidate should be educated in documentation of reflection and results in artistic research, methodology, project development as well as ethics. The PhD candidate will also receive training in dissemination to peers, students and the public, and develop knowledge and insight through their own artistic experience.
The joint academic research under the auspices of the research school takes place through seminars, conferences and other relevant forums, in meetings with other candidates and peers working on artistic research nationally and internationally.
The joint programme course in artistic development work (5 credits) is a course given by UiA/UiS. The course will include candidates in all disciplines on the programme.
In the case of optional courses (5 points), the candidates may upon their application to the chosen faculties have relevant courses approved at previous research schools or other doctoral programmes. Here, in consultation with the supervisor, the candidate can freely choose from possible offers at UiS/UiA or at other institutions in Norway or abroad. The falculties cooperate with a number of research schools and other national and international partners.
All candidates are encouraged to apply for a guest stay at a foreign institution as part of their doctoral research.
The educational part must contain academic and methodological schooling with quality and scope relevant to the artistic research. It will help the candidate to further develop an independent and reflective relationship with own and others' artistic research, as well as to its role in a larger context.
The PhD research must consist of artistic work, as well as material documenting critical reflection relevant to the research, cf. Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Agder § 11.1 and the Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Stavanger § 6-1. The artistic research must be an independent work that meets international standards with regard to level, scope and ethical requirements in the field.
The artistic result is presented publicly, cf. Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Agder § 16.6 and the Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Stavanger § 7-11.
The reflection must be documented in the form of submitted material, with a critical approach to:
- Process regarding the choice of theory and methods in the artistic doctoral research, ethical issues, dialogue with different networks and academic communities.
- Disposition and description of own artistic point of view and work in relation to the relevant field, nationally and internationally
- Contribution to professional development in the field, including professional innovations
The candidate chooses the medium and form of the reflection. The language for this is usually English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language.
Both the artistic result and the reflection must be published in the Research Catalogue or the corresponding platform for permanent storage of artistic PhD research.
The PhD candidate submits an application form for assessment of the artistic PhD research to the faculty where the candidate is affiliated, no later than three months prior to presentation of the research. Application to receive assessment for the PhD research can only be submitted once the educational part has been approved. Applications for assessment shall normally be directed to the faculty no later than five (5) months before the planned time for presentation of the artistic result. In accordance with Section 14.1 of the PhD Regulations at UiA and Section 7-3 at UiS, the application must include:
- A statement of what will form the basis for the assessment, including a plan for where, when and in what way the research will be presented publicly.
- Account of the choice of medium, language and form of the reflection part and the time of submission
- Account of how the educational part is or will be fulfilled, and for any other academic education or competence
- Documentation of necessary permits
- Plan for approved documentation and permanent archiving of the entire doctoral research.
- Declaration from a partner where this is required
- A declaration of the work is submitted for assessment for the first or second time.
- Declaration that the work has not been submitted for assessment at another institution.
- Statement from the main supervisor
The Faculty affiliated with the candidate shall propose an assessment committee in accordance with section 15 of the PhD Regulations at UiA and Section 7-4 at UiS. It is therefore important that the candidate notify the Faculty well in advance for an application of assessment. The public presentation of the research is carried out in a practiacal way for the project. The candidate presents the overall PhD research to the assessment committee. The committee's recommendation is sent to the faculty where the candidate is affiliated, and the faculty notify the candidate. A disputation should take place within two months after the Faculty has found the work worthy to be discoursed.
Learning outcomes
The educational part together with the PhD research shall ensure that the candidate achieves the following:
The candidate should:
- be able to develop and apply various methods and processes in artistic research
- be able to contribute to development of new theories, methods and interpretations in performing and creative arts, and in meetings between such and other socially relevant areas
- be able to contribute to the development of new forms of documentation and reflection
- be able to master and discuss context-oriented performing/creative and methodological issues within the various arts
The candidate should:
- be able to ennunciate issues for, analyse and synthesize artistic experience at a high national and international level, with a focus on methods and results
- be able to handle complex academic questions and challenge established knowledge and practice in the field
- be able to develop an artistic practice that is distinctive, be at the forefront of their field, and have a high level of knowledge within the field’s issues and methods
- actively contribute to the development of the field in Norwegian and international contexts.
- be able to place their own artistic project and provide new present-day questions
in a professional context.
General Competence
The candidate should:
- have the ability to overview of, analyze and synthesize artistic practice and theory in relation to different contexts
- be able to identify, reflect on and deal with relevant artistic and professional ethical issues and conduct their research with professional integrity
- be able to disseminate research work through aknowledged national and international channels
- be able to apply knowledge and skills in the field to lay out advanced tasks and projects
- contribute to innovation
Work and assessment methods
Work methods in the educational part
The aim of the educational part is for the candidates to obtain a wide range in the PhD programme, and that the courses will support the doctoral research, in a artistic, theoretic and methodic manner. Through courses, seminars and conferences, the candidates will become familiar with artistic thinking, critical reflection and practice, with particular emphasis on current and problem-oriented research. The teaching in the educational part is organized in the form of sessions.
The sessions will include work methods such as lectures, workshops, various forms of sharing artistic research, and discussions. The discussions are related to each candidate's project and to research at an overall level, with an emphasis on transfer value to the candidate’s own research. The teaching may take place in smaller or larger groups. Candidates are expected to be prepared and to cover the various topics in advance, which are shared and discussed during the sessions.
The PhD candidates are expected to participate in one of the faculties' research groups and activities. Candidates are encouraged to participate in other relevant national and/or international networks.
Further provisions on teaching methods and work requirements are described within the individual course description.
Work methods in Ph.D. research
The doctoral work is carried out under supervision, by a main supervisor and a secondary supervisor. The main supervisor will usually be affiliated with the PhD programme at the Faculty of Fine Arts, UiA or at the Faculty of Performing Arts, UiS. If appropriate, the secondary supervisor may come from another environment or institution. The agreement upon admission to the PhD programme regulates rights and responsibilities. The main supervisor has the overall responsibility for following up the candidates in accordance with the plan. The candidate and supervisor must present a annually report on achieved progress.
Assessment methods in the educational part
All courses in the training component are assessed as pass/fail. For further provisions, please refer to the course descriptions.
Assessment methods in the research
The educational part must be completed and passed in its entirety before the candidate can apply to the affiliated faculty to have the PhD research assessed. The assessment is carried out by an expert committee. The Faculty appoints an expert committee of at least three members to assess the research, and the final doctoral examination (artistic presentation and public dispute). For further discussion of assessment, reference is made to Part IV of the Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Agder and Chapters 7 and 8 of the Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Stavanger.
Level of degree
The programme leads to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research.
Other information
Upon admission, the candidate signs a PhD agreement with the affiliated institution. There is a separate agreement for externally funded candidates.
KF-XXX Joint academic training component at the Norwegian Artistic Research School
20 ECTS – Duration 1.-5. Semester
The course is part of the PhD programme in Artistic research at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Agder and the Faculty of Performing Arts, University of Stavanger.
Achived objectives
After completed course the candidate should:
- master basic theory of artistic research
- be able to explain method diversity in artistic research, and reflect on and argue for the choice of methods and processes in their own artistic research
- be able to contribute to the discourse on artistic research
- be able to formulate issues and plan the implementation of research, with a focus on artistic processes and results
- be able to work with complex academic questions, and challenge established discourses and practices in the field
- be able to handle interdisciplinary questions in artistic research
Overall Competence
- be able to explain ethical principles and conditions in artistic research
- be able to identify ethical issues and carry out artistic research with integrity
- be able to share artistic research in relevant national and international contexts
- be able to participate in professional debates in international forums
The course gives candidates an introduction to theory and methodology and ethics related to artistic research, and training in disseminating results from artistic research. The joint academic training shall be a support of the artistic doctoral project and contribute to academic excellence. The candidate shall be trained in documentation of reflections and results in artistic research, methods, project development, as well as ethics. During the project period, the candidate will receive training in dissemination to peers, students and the general public. The PhD candidate will develop knowledge and insight through his/her own artistic practice.
Work methods
Training takes place through seminars, conferences and other relevant forums, in meetings with other PhD candidates and peers working on artistic research nationally and internationally. Work methods include lectures, workshops, various forms of sharing research and discussions. The discussions are related to each candidate’s project and to research at an overall level, with an emphasis on transfer value to the candidate’s own research.
The PhD candidates are expected to prepare and familiarize themselves with various forms of material in advance, which are shared and discussed during the seminars. At the conferences, the candidate will meet national and international projects and academic communities within artistic research. The candidate shares and discusses his/her own project, as well as participates in relevant and current discourses. Through the sharing of their artistic research, the candidates contribute to the development of the respective art fields. The conferences provide the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and are the arena for a more general discourse on artistic research.
Participation in the National Research School for Artistic Development is mandatory for candidates in the PhD programme. Here, attendance is recorded and an overview of whether work requirements are met. Information is passed on to each candidate's institution, which approves whether the training can be included as part of the institution's common subject. Approval of completed joint academic training part is carried out by the Programme for Artistic Development, on the basis of feedback from the National Research School in Artistic Development. Approval requires participation in seminars and conferences, and that work requirements have been met. Approval of the overall learning outcomes is achieved through the institution's quality assurance system.
Assessment verdict: Pass/fail.
The National Research School of the Artistic Research Board is responsible for the academic content and quality of the education programme. Diku - The Directorate for Internationalization and Quality Development in Higher Education Programme for Artistic Resarch has administrative responsibility for the education programme. The programme is quality assured by the National Research School. This happens annually through:
- evaluation among participants according to activities.
- evaluation among candidates who have completed the research school.
- exchange of experience and discussions during dialogue meetings with the institutions
Every third year through:
- an extended evaluation that also includes supervisors and relevant representatives from participating institutions.
- evaluation from candidates who have discoursed in the last three years.
Every six year through:
- a more comprehensive evaluation that includes external peers.
Institutions with PhD candidates who make use of the research school's programmes will have access to the results of the evaluations.
Offered as a single course
Responsible faculty
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder
Faculty of Performing Arts, University of Stavanger
KF-XXX – Artistic Research and Critical Reflection
5 ECTS – Autumn/Spring – Duration 1 semester – Kristiansand/Stavanger
The course is part of the PhD programme in Artistic research at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Agder and the Faculty of Performing Arts, University of Stavanger.
The candidate must either be admitted to a PhD programme for artistic research or an artistic-scientific PhD programme that includes both a written and an executive/creative dimension.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the candidate should:
- be at the forefront of knowledge when it comes to relevant terminology and concepts within artistic research related to their own field of study and practice
- have an in-depth understanding of how one's own practice belongs to a larger discourse and broader societal conditions
- be able to apply critical, theoretical and analytical knowledge perspectives in their own artistic research
- be able to communicate and share new insights and knowledge with the field
- develop language, concepts and tools for knowledge transfer beyond their own practice and field of study
The course will provide education in theories and methods for critical reflection based on the candidate's own practice and own PhD project. The education shall facilitate critical reading and discussion of key practices and texts within artistic research The course will promote experimentation and development of the candidates as good professionals in artistic research.
The course deals with the following central topics:
- Critical reflection
- Conceptual development
- Writing training
- Historical-philosophical currents
- Forms of knowledge
Forms of dissemination
The course emphasizes developing knowledge about and conceptual apparatus in order to be able to engage in artistic discourses beyond their own professional context.
Teaching and learning methods
The teaching is based on gatherings with a focus on workshops and dialogue, where the candidate contributes with issues related to his/her own PhD project. Two to four all-day gatherings are held. According to content, the forms of learning will be adapted to the PhD candidates' projects.
Parts of the teaching are compulsory. These sections will be presented in Teams at the start of the semester.
The expected scope of work is 27 hours per credit.
Conditions for taking the exam
- Approved attendance for compulsory teaching
- Individual oral presentation of the sketch for the exam.
- Prepared comment on another PhD candidate's presentation
Further information will be provided in Teams at the start of the semester.
Individual oral exam of 45 minutes. Grade expression: pass/fail.
Student evaluation
The programme coordinator in consultation with the union representatives of the PhD candidates determines the form of evaluation and whether the courses shall have a midway or final evaluation, cf. Chapter 4.1 of the quality system. Course evaluation form information is published in Teams.
Offered as a single course
Responsible faculty
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder Faculty of Performing Arts, University of Stavanger
PhD fellows
Contact/ research coordinator
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