Jan Aage Aasen
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51832042
Email: jan.aasen@uis.no
Room: KE E-369
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Associate Professor
Telephone: 51832042
Email: jan.aasen@uis.no
Room: KE E-369
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Gomado, Foster Dodzi; Khalifeh, Mahmoud; Saasen, Arild; G. Sanfèlix, Susana ; Kjøniksen, Anna-Lena; Aasen, Jan Aage
Effect of Calcium Expansive Additives on the Performance of Granite-Based Geopolymers for Zonal Isolation in Oil and Gas Wells.SPE Journal.
ISSN 1086-055X.
Volum 28.
Hefte 6.
DOI: 10.2118/217431-PA
Gomado, Foster Dodzi; Khalifeh, Mahmoud; Aasen, Jan Aage
Expandable Geopolymers for Improved Zonal Isolation and Plugging. I: SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition March 7-9, 2023.Society of Petroleum Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-61399-875-5.
DOI: 10.2118/212493-MS
Gomado, Foster Dodzi; Khalifeh, Mahmoud; Kamali, Mohammadreza; Saasen, Arild; Aasen, Jan Aage
Sealing Performance of Geopolymer for Plugging and Abandonment; Apple-to-Apple Scenario . I: SPE Norway Subsurface Conference 2022.Society of Petroleum Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-61399-857-1.
DOI: 10.2118/209552-MS
Beltran Jimenez, Katherine; Gardner, Dave; Kragset, Steinar; Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta; Reales, Oscar A. M.; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Lourenco de Souza, Marcelo I.; Aasen, Jan Aage; Skadsem, Hans Joakim; Delabroy, Laurent
Cement properties characterization from a section retrieved from an oil production well after 33 years of downhole exposure.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
ISSN 0920-4105.
Volum 208.
Rubio, Juan Manuel Romero; Aasen, Jan Aage
API Equation Design Limits Plot for Ellipse and Circle of Plasticity.SPE Drilling & Completion.
ISSN 1064-6671.
Volum 36.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.2118/204079-PA
Aasen, Jan Aage; Svensson, Joakim Haram
Rig-Assisted snubbing: Drillpipe pressure control in MPD/UBD. I: ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 11: Petroleum Technology.The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-8443-0.
Skadsem, Hans Joakim; Aasen, Jan Aage
Transforming the concentric annulus to a finite width duct for laboratory measurements of wellbore flows. I: SPE Norway One Day Seminar 2018.Society of Petroleum Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-61399-609-6.
DOI: 10.2118/191306-MS
Divyankar, Shreyansh; Khatibi, Milad; Time, Rune Wiggo; Skadsem, Hans Joakim; Aasen, Jan Aage
Experimental and CFD Study of Circulation Efficiency in Simulated Irregular Annulus. I: ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 8: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology; Petroleum Technology.The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-5129-6.
Aasen, Jan; Aadnøy, Bernt S.
Multistring analysis of wellhead movement.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
ISSN 0920-4105.
Volum 66.
Hefte 3-4.
Aasen, Jan; Aadnøy, Bernt S.
Three-dimensional well tubular design improves margins in critical wells.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
ISSN 0920-4105.
Volum 56.
Aasen, Jan Aage
Drawdown behavior of gravity drainage wells.
Aasen, Jan Aage; Svensson, Joakim Haram
OMAE2020-18168 Rig-Assisted snubbing: Drillpipe pressure control in MPD/UBD.
International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2020-06-28 - 2020-07-03.
Lohne, Hans Petter; Aasen, Jan Aage; Randeberg, Erlend; Skadsem, Hans Joakim
Reliability-Based Casing Design for Geothermal Wells.
European Geothermal Congress 2019;
2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14.
Skadsem, Hans Joakim; Aasen, Jan Aage
Transforming the Concentric Annulus to a Finite Width Duct for Laboratory Measurements of Wellbore Flows.
SPE Norway One Day Seminar;
2018-04-18 - .
Aasen, Jan Aage; Aadnøy, Bernt Sigve
SPE-188605-MS Revitalized Three-Dimensional Design Method Improves Tubular Design.
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference;
2017-11-13 - 2017-11-16.
Aasen, Jan
Multistring Analysis of Well Growth.
IADC/SPE Asia Pacific DRilling Technology Conference & Exhibition;
Aasen, Jan
Mechanistic Analysis of Expandable Solid Tubulars.
Paper 1071 WCCM VI/APCOM?04;
Aasen, Jan; Aadnøy, Bernt S.
Mechanistic analysis of expandable solid tubulars.
6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM/APCOM'04;
Aasen, Jan; Aadnøy, Bernt S.
Multistring analysis of well growth.
IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Conference and Exhibition;
Aasen, Jan; Aadnøy, Bernt S.
Fully Three-Dimensional Well Design Improves Margins in Critical Wells.
SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition;
2003-10-20 - 2003-10-22.
Aasen, Jan; Skaugen, Erik
Pipe Buckling at Surface in Underbalanced Drilling.
2002 IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology (APDT), 9-11 September 2002 in Jakarta, Indonesia;
2002-09-09 - 2002-09-11.
Aasen, Jan; Aadnøy, Bernt S.
New Buckling Model Improves Analysis.
2002 IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology (APDT), 9-11 September 2002 in Jakarta, Indonesia;
2002-09-09 - 2002-09-11.
Aadnøy, Bernt S.; Aasen, Jan
Buckling Models Revisited.
IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference.;
2002-09-09 - 2002-09-11.