
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Ost, Alexander D.; Wirtz, Tom; Audinot, Jean-Nicolas; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Puntervold, Tina


4D Surface Reconstruction of Micron-Sized Organic Calcite for the Characterization of Chemical Heterogeneity of Chalk Surfaces.

Energy & Fuels.

ISSN 0887-0624.

Volum 37.

Hefte 9.


DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c04047

Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Zimmermann, Udo; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen; Audinot, Jean-Nicolas; Madland, Merete Vadla


Characterization of mineral precipitation in artificially fractured chalk during flooding experiments for IOR research.

Geoenergy Science and Engineering.

ISSN 2949-8929.

Volum 231.

DOI: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212369

Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Ost, Alexander D.; Wirtz, Tom; Audinot, Jean-Nicolas; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


High-Resolution Topographic and Chemical Surface Imaging of Chalk for Oil Recovery Improvement Applications.


ISSN 2075-163X.

Volum 12.

Hefte 3.

DOI: 10.3390/min12030356

Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Zimmermann, Udo; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla


Water Weakening of Artificially Fractured Chalk, Fracture Modification and Mineral Precipitation during Water Injection—An Experimental Study.


ISSN 1996-1073.

Volum 15.

Hefte 10.

DOI: 10.3390/en15103817

Zimmermann, Udo; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bredal, Tine Vigdel


An Analytical TOOLBOX for the Characterization of Chalks and Other Fine-Grained Rock Types within Enhanced Oil Recovery Research and Its Application—A Guideline.


ISSN 1996-1073.

Volum 15.

Hefte 11.

DOI: 10.3390/en15114060

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bertolino, Silvana R.A.; Omdal, Edvard; Andersen, Pål Østebø


Mineralogy and geochemistry of reservoir and non-reservoir chalk from the Norwegian continental shelf.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 205.

DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108914

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Berawala, Dhruvit Satishchandra; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; Omdal, Edvard; Zimmermann, Udo


Modeling of Permeability and Strain Evolution in Chemical Creep Compaction Experiments with Fractured and Unfractured Chalk Cores Conducted at Reservoir Conditions.

SPE Journal.

ISSN 1086-055X.

DOI: 10.2118/197371-PA

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Omdal, Edvard; Zimmermann, Udo


Permeability evolution of shear failing chalk cores under thermochemical influence.

ACS Omega.

ISSN 2470-1343.

Volum 5.


DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b04470

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Effect of Initial Wettability on Rock Mechanics and Oil Recovery: Comparative Study on Outcrop Chalks .

Transport in Porous Media.

ISSN 0169-3913.

Volum 133.


DOI: 10.1007/s11242-020-01416-x

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Cherif, Yosra; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Omdal, Edvard; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Zimmermann, Udo


Validation study of water weakening research from outcrop chalks performed on Eldfisk reservoir cores.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 198.

DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.108164

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Egeland, Nina; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Nakamura, Eizo; Kobayashi, Katsura; Ota, Tsutomu


Mineralogical alterations in calcite powder flooded with MgCl2 to study Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) mechanisms at pore scale.

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials.

ISSN 1387-1811.

DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.03.050

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Impact of Initial Wettability and Injection Brine Chemistry on Mechanical Behaviour of Kansas Chalk.

Transport in Porous Media.

ISSN 0169-3913.

Volum 128.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/s11242-019-01269-z

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Omdal, Edvard; Zimmermann, Udo; Andersen, Pål Østebø


Permeability Evolution of Shear Failing Chalk Cores under Thermochemical Influence. I: IOR 2019 – 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-278-8.

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201900073

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Muriel, Herman; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Chalk Surface Area Evolution during Flow of Reactive Brines: Does Oil Play a Role?.

Energy & Fuels.

ISSN 0887-0624.

Volum 33.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b00515

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Sripal, Edison A.; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; James, Lesley A.


A laboratory scale approach to wettability restoration in chalk core samples.

E3S Web of Conferences.

ISSN 2267-1242.

Volum 89.


DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20198903003

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Schultz, Bernhard; Gilbricht, Sabine


Mineral replacement in long-term flooded porous carbonate rocks.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

ISSN 0016-7037.

Volum 268.


DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.09.017

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Berawala, Dhruvit Satishchandra; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; Omdal, Edvard; Zimmermann, Udo


Modelling of Permeability and Strain Evolution in Chemical Creep Compaction Experiments with Fractured and Unfractured Chalk Cores Conducted at Reservoir Conditions. I: Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, 11-14 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-61399-672-0.

DOI: 10.2118/197371-MS

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Storm, Eirik Vika; Stødle, Trond Inge Berg; Madland, Merete Vadla; Fabricius, Ida Lykke


Incorporating electrostatic effects into the effective stress relation — Insights from chalk experiments.


ISSN 0016-8033.

Volum 83.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1190/GEO2016-0607.1

Borromeo, Laura; Egeland, Nina; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Andò, Sergio; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Quick, easy, and economic mineralogical studies of flooded chalk for EOR experiments using Raman spectroscopy.


ISSN 2075-163X.

Volum 8:221.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.3390/min8060221

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Bertolino, Silvana R.A.; Andersen, Pål Østebø


Temperature effects on rock engineering properties and rock-fluid chemistry in opal-CT-bearing chalk.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 169.


DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2018.05.072

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


How the presence of oil and water affects chalk mechanics at isotropic stresses. I: 80th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2018.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-254-2.

Borromeo, Laura; Toccafondi, Chiara; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Andò, Sergio; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Ossikovski, Razvigor


Application of Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for the nanoscale characterization of flooded chalk.

Journal of Applied Physics.

ISSN 0021-8979.

Volum 124.

Hefte 17.

DOI: 10.1063/1.5049823

Haukås, Jarle; Madland, Merete Vadla; Flornes, Kristin Margrethe; Hiorth, Aksel; Valestrand, Randi; Viig, Sissel Opsahl; Stavland, Arne; Zimmermann, Udo; Jettestuen, Espen; Mebratu, A.; Bjørnstad, Tor; Klöfkorn, Robert; Skjæveland, Svein Magne; Nævdal, Geir


Integration of IOR Research Projects through Generic Case Studies. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201700260

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Chalks at Deviatoric Stress Condition: Experiments Performed with Four Different Brines. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Haser, Sabine; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Comparative Studies of Mineralogical Alterations of Three Ultra-long-term Tests of Onshore Chalk at Reservoir Conditions. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

Egeland, Nina; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Kobayashi, Katsura; Ota, Tsutomu; Nakamura, Eizo; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Quantification of Mineralogical Changes in Flooded Carbonate under Reservoir Conditions. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201700310

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Physical modelling of rheological properties of polymer solutions for enhanced oil recovery. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Modelling the rheology of two-phase polymer flow. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Jettestuen, Espen; Aursjø, Olav; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Rate Laws Predicted from Reactive Pore Scale Simulations. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201701792

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus


Petrological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Constraints on Hydrocarbon Bearing North Sea Reservoir Chalk. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201700300

Andersen, Pål Østebø; Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Bertolino, Silvana R.A.; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Schulz, Bernhard; Gilbricht, Sabine


Comparative study of five outcrop chalks flooded at reservoir conditions: chemo-mechanical behaviour and profiles of compositional alteration.

Transport in Porous Media.

ISSN 0169-3913.

Volum 121.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1007/s11242-017-0953-6

Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Borromeo, Laura; Egeland, Nina


Tools to Determine and Quantify Mineralogical Changes During EOR Flooding Experiments on Chalk. I: SPE Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-61399-563-1.

DOI: 10.2118/188297-MS

Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Aursjø, Olav; Kjørslevik, Trygve Alexander Carlsen; Østensen, Geir


How Stress and Temperature Conditions Affect Rock-Fluid Chemistry and Mechanical Deformation. I: Flow and Transformations in Porous Media.

ISBN 978-2-88945-077-0.


DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2016.00002

Pedersen, Janne; Jettestuen, Espen; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Hiorth, Aksel


A dissolution model that accounts for coverage of mineral surfaces by precipitation in core floods.

Advances in Water Resources.

ISSN 0309-1708.

Volum 87.


DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.11.010

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Aursjø, Olav; Madland, Merete Vadla; Kjørslevik, Trygve Alexander Carlsen; Østensen, Geir


How stress and temperature conditions affect rock-fluid chemistry and mechanical deformation.

Frontiers in Physics.

ISSN 2296-424X.

Volum 4.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2016.00002

Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Bertolino, Silvana R.A.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania


Evaluation of porosity change during chemo-mechanical compaction in flooding experiments on Liege outcrop chalk .

Geological Society Special Publication.

ISSN 0305-8719.

Volum 435.

DOI: 10.1144/SP435.10

Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Nermoen, Anders; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Bertolino, Silvana A.R.; Hiorth, Aksel; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Audinot, Jean-Nicolas; Grysan, Patrick


Evaluation of the compositional changes during flooding of reactive fluids using scanning electron microscopy, nano-secondary ion mass spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, and whole-rock geochemistry.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.

ISSN 0149-1423.

Volum 99.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1306/12221412196

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Porosity and permeability development in compacting chalks during flooding of nonequilibrium brines: Insights from long-term experiment.

Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth.

ISSN 2169-9313.

Volum 120.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011631

Zimmermann, Udo; Andersen, Tom; Madland, Merete Vadla; Larsen, Ingrid Skipenes


The role of U-Pb ages of detrital zircons in sedimentology-An alarming case study for the impact of sampling for provenance interpretation.

Sedimentary Geology.

ISSN 0037-0738.

Volum 320.


DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.02.006

Megawati, Megawati; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Mechanical and physical behavior of high-porosity chalks exposed to chemical perturbation.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 133.


DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2015.06.026

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Haug, S.A.H. Aloysius; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


The Dynamic Stability of Chalks During Flooding of Non-Equilibrium Brines and CO2. I: 4th EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop 2014.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 9781632665386.


DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20140092

Andersen, Pål Østebø; Ahsan, Rajib; Evje, Steinar; Fred, Bratteli; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


A Model for Brine-Dependent Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments with Porous Plate. I: 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, June 10 - 13, 2013, London, United Kingdom.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-61399-254-8.

DOI: 10.2118/164901-m

Megawati, Megawati; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


The Impact of Surface Charge on the Mechanical Behavior of High-Porosity Chalk.

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

ISSN 0723-2632.

Volum 46.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1007/s00603-012-0317-z

Hiorth, Aksel; Jettestuen, Espen; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Madland, Merete Vadla


Precipitation, dissolution, and ion exchange processes coupled with a lattice Boltzmann advection diffusion solver.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

ISSN 0016-7037.

Volum 104.


DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.11.019

Andersen, Pål Østebø; Evje, Steinar; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


A geochemical model for interpretation of chalk core flooding experiments.

Chemical Engineering Science (CES).

ISSN 0009-2509.

Volum 84.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2012.08.038

Megawati, Megawati; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Probing pore characteristics of deformed chalk by NMR relaxation.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 100.


DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2012.11.001

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Omdal, Edvard; Megawati, Megawati; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Evje, Steinar; Cathles, Lawrence M.


Chemical Alterations Induced by Rock-Fluid Interactions When Injecting Brines in High Porosity Chalks.

Transport in Porous Media.

ISSN 0169-3913.

Volum 87.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1007/s11242-010-9708-3

Omdal, Edvard; Madland, M. V.; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Nagel, N.B.; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel


Deformation Behavior of Chalk Studied Close to In Situ Reservoir Conditions.

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

ISSN 0723-2632.

Volum 43.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1007/s00603-010-0087-4

Hiorth, Aksel; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Madland, M. V.


The Impact of Pore Water Chemistry on Carbonate Surface Charge and Oil Wettability.

Transport in Porous Media.

ISSN 0169-3913.

Volum 85.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1007/s11242-010-9543-6

Evje, Steinar E; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, M. V.; Korsnes, Reidar I.



Networks and Heterogeneous Media.

ISSN 1556-1801.

Volum 4.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.3934/nhm.2009.4.755

Freyer, Rune; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Madland, M. V.; Omdal, Edvard; Omdal, Øyvind


Multilateral System Allowing 100 Level 5 Laterals Drilled Simultaneously SPE 121814. I: Society of Petroleum Engineers 8th European Formation Damage Conference : 27-29 May 2009, Kurhaus Hotel, Scheveningen, the Netherlands : new technologies for conventional and unconventional reservoirs : proceedings / sponsored by: BP.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 9781555632458.

Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Wersland, Erlend; Austad, Tor; Madland, M. V.


Anisotropy in chalk studied by rock mechanics.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 62.

Hefte 1-2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2008.06.004

Austad, Tor; Strand, Skule; Madland, M. V.; Puntervold, Tina; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Seawater in chalk: An EOR and compaction fluid.

SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering.

ISSN 1094-6470.

Volum 11.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.2118/118431-PA

Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor; Haver, Stig; Røsland, Geir


The effects of temperature on the water weakening of chalk by seawater.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 60.

Hefte 3-4.


DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2007.06.001

Thingvoll, Torgrim T.; Heath, Steve; Flatebø, Roar; Madland, M. V.; Clark, Graham; Strachan, Catherine; Vorland, Kim Andre Nesse; Korsnes, Reidar I.


Design and Field Deployment of Scale Inhibitors for Reducing the Risk for Chalk Influx Post Squeeze Treatments in Multiple Fractured Horizontal Wells in BP Valhall. I:

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Omdal, Edvard; Vorland, Kim Andre Nesse; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Knutsen, Therese; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Madland, M. V.


Induced geometry in chalk during hydrochloric acid stimulation. I: Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical coupling in geomaterials and applications : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium GeoProc '2008.


ISBN 9781848210431.


Zangiabadi, Bizhan; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Vorland, Kim Andre Nesse; Madland, M. V.


The effect of wetting conditions on the mechanical strength of chalk. I: Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical coupling in geomaterials and applications : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium GeoProc '2008.


ISBN 9781848210431.


Omdal, Edvard; Madland, M. V.; Renli, Ragnhild; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Hiorth, Aksel; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania


Laboratory observation with implications for depletion of chalk reservoirs. I: Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical coupling in geomaterials and applications : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium GeoProc '2008.


ISBN 9781848210431.


Zangiabadi, Bizhan; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Hiorth, Aksel; Sutarjana, Komang I.; Lian, Anders; Madland, M. V.


Chemical water weakening of various outcrop chalks at elevated temperature. I: Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical coupling in geomaterials and applications : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium GeoProc '2008.


ISBN 9781848210431.


Madland, M. V.; Omdal, Edvard; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Breivik, Hilde; Hiorth, Aksel; Kristiansen, Tron Golder


Investigation of the effective stress relation for outcrop chalk. I: Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical coupling in geomaterials and applications : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium GeoProc '2008.


ISBN 9781848210431.


Strand, Skule; Hjuler, Morten Leth; Torsvik, Randi; Pedersen, J. I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor


Wettability of chalk: impact of silica, clay content and mechanical properties.

Petroleum Geoscience.

ISSN 1354-0793.

Volum 13.

Madland, M. V.; Finsnes, Anne; Alkafadgi, Ali; Risnes, Rasmus; Austad, Tor


The influence of CO2 gas and carbonate water on the mechanical stability of chalk.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 51.


Korsnes, Reidar I.; Strand, Skule; Madland, M. V.; Hoff, Ørjan; Pedersen, Trond; Austad, Tor


Does the chemical interaction between seawater and chalk affect the mechanical properties of chalk?. I: Eurock 2006, Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics- Cottheim, A.V., Charlier, R., Thimus, J.F. and Tshibangu, J.P. (eds).

Taylor & Francis.

ISBN 9780415410014.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor


Impact of Brine Composition on the Mechanical Strength of Chalk at high Temperature. I: Eurock 2006, Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics- Cottheim, A.V., Charlier, R., Thimus, J.F. and Tshibangu, J.P. (eds).

Taylor & Francis.

ISBN 9780415410014.

Risnes, Rasmus; Madland, M. V.; Hole, M.; Kwabiah, N.


Water weakening of chalk - Mechanical effects of water-glycol mixtures.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 48.


Heggheim, T; Madland, M. V.; Risnes, Rasmus; Austad, Tor


A chemical induced enhanced weakening of chalk by seawater.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 46.

Bilstad, Torleiv; Espedal, E.; Madland, M. V.


Membrane Separation of Wool Scour Effluent.

Water Science and Technology.

ISSN 0273-1223.

Volum 29.

Hefte 9.


Bøker og kapitler

Batenburg, Diederik van; Bekri, S; Chapman, Emma; Cubillos, Helber; Dalland, Mariann; Edelman, Inna; Fevang, Øivind; Ghahri, Panteha; Holtz, Mark; Leonhardt, Bernd; Morel, D; Muggeridge, A.; Kokal, Sunil; Madland, Merete Vadla; Masserano, Franco; Rossen, William R.; Surguchev, L.M.; Szelenyi, Janos


IOR 2019 – 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-278-8.

Raaholt, Magnus


Reactive Flow Simulation.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Cherif, Yosra; Omdal, Edvard


Water flooding of Eldfisk reservoir cores.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus


“Mineral Replacements in Flooding Experiments Linked to Enhanced Oil Recovery in Chalk”.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7644-799-6.

Wang, Wenxia


Geological and Engineering Aspects of Chemo-Mechanical Compaction during Flooding Experiments on High-Porosity Chalks.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Ma, Shijia


Permeability evolution of chalk under different stress states.

Fontalvo, Herman


Evolution of wetting index over time in mixed wet Kansas chalk using triaxial cells.

Bakka, Håkon Sunde


Examination of Dynamic Stress and Conductivity in the Eldfisk Chalk Field.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus


Micro- and naon-applications to monitor the rock-fluid interaction in fractured chalk.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Olsen, Kaia


The Impact of Temperature and Non-Carbonate Minerals on Chalk Compaction.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Medetbekova, Maiya


Evolution of porossity and premeability in chalks as an effect of cariations in non-carbonate minerals and testing temperature.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Reservoir stability during water flooding and the effect of cooling - triaxal cell experiments on Johan Sverdrup reservoir sand.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Water weakening of chalk. A mechanistic study.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 8276442579.

Hefte 11.


Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Zimmermann, Udo; Omdal, Edvard; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Permeability evolution of shear failing chalk cores under thermochemical influence.


2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Raaholt, Magnus; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Reactive flow simulations and compaction.


2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Cherif, Yosra; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Omdal, Edvard; Madland, Merete Vadla


Brine injection at reservoir conditions: Does reservoir- and outcrop chalk show similar geomechanical behavior?.


2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Lundin deler hemmeligheter om Edvard Grieg-feltet.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Oljeselskap deler oljedata til forskning ved UiS.

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Omdal, Edvard; Zimmermann, Udo; Andersen, Pål Østebø


Permeability Evolution of Shear Failing Chalk Cores under Thermochemical Influence.

IOR 2019 – 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery ;

2019-04-08 - .

Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo


Mineralogical understanding of rock composition and mineralogical changes before and after EOR experiments.

IOR konferanse 2019;

2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Extended collaboration; The National IOR Centre of Norway and NES.

Møte med NES;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Possible collaboration? .

Meeting with NOV Completion & Production Solutions, Subsea Production Systems, Seabox;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Valestrand, Randi; Viig, Sissel Opsahl


The Value of Joining The National IOR Centre of Norway - Selected Highlights.

Meeting with DNO;


Madland, Merete Vadla


IOR project ideas – possible partnership? .

Meeting with Pgning;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Becoming one of our new user partners? The Value of Joining The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Meeting with KUFPEC;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Welcome to IOR NORWAY 2019.


2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Impact of Initial Wettability and Injection Brine Chemistry on Mechanical Behaviour of Chalk.


2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Duran, Luis; Madland, Merete Vadla


CO2 Plume Migration in the Stø Formation: A Simulation Study.


2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway – who are we and what do we do? .

Delegation from Coventry University visiting UiS;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway – mulig samarbeid?.

Møte med Endur Energy Solutions;


Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


A toolbox for characterization of chalk.

Goldschmidt 2019;

2019-08-19 - 2019-08-23.

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Berawala, Dhruvit Satishchandra; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; Omdal, Edvard; Zimmermann, Udo


Modelling of Permeability and Strain Evolution in Chemical Creep Compaction Experiments with Fractured and Unfractured Chalk Cores Conducted at Reservoir Conditions.

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference;

2019-11-11 - .

Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger; Madland, Merete Vadla


Environmental risk assessment of Smart Water EOR. .

OG 21 Conference;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Kunsten å omstille seg.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Er oljeforskning bærekraftig?.

Forskerforbundets forskningspolitiske seminar;


Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Zimmermann, Udo; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla


Mineralogical changes in EOR experiments in fractured chalk .


2019-08-19 - 2019-08-23.

Panneer Selvam, Arun Kumar; Ould Metidji, Mahmoud; Silva, Mario ; Viig, Sissel Opsahl; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bjørnstad, Tor


Nanoparticle tracers for petroleum reservoir studies .

IOR 2020 Conference;

2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The main activities of The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Møte med ressursgruppen for energi i Næringsforeningen;


Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Zimmermann, Udo; Andersen, Pål Østebø


Permeability and Stress State.


2018-04-24 - .

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Nermoen, Anders


Mineral alterations in water wet and mixed wet chalk due to flooding of seawater-like brines .


2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Bredal, Tine Vigdel; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Ruud, Caroline


Micro- and nano-analyses of fracture-filling after flooding on-shore chalk with different IOR fluids .


2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Kavli, Emilie; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Erba, Elisabetta


The impact of paleontological components on IOR experiments and upscaling from pore to core and larger scales.


2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Gjersdal, Siri gloppen; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Giske, Nils Harald; Stavland, Arne


Polymer-injection for IOR purposes at the Norwegian Continental shelf – micro- and nanoanalytical approach for the understanding of phase-formation and its implication for upscaling.


2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


Effect of presence of oil and water on chalk mechanics.


2018-04-23 - 2018-04-25.

Thu, Rowena Su Wen Shi; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Kalai, Dori Yosef


Systematic specific surface area analyses on rocks to implement as a necessary, quick and informative method to understand geomechanical parameter in IOR experiments.


2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Madland, Merete Vadla



Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Egeland, Nina; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo


Mineralogical alterations in calcite powder flooded with MgCl2 to study underlying Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) mechanisms .

CPM 8;

2018-05-06 - 2018-05-09.

Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo


Core Scale Experiments and Submicron Studies.

Meeting with scientific commitee ;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Smart Solutions for Future IOR.


2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The main R&D activites within The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Møte med ressursgruppen for energi i Næringsforeningen;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Visit at Shell in Stavanger;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Det Nasjonale IOR-senteret.

Adm. direktør NFR besøkte UiS;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Orientering om Det Nasjonale IOR-senteret.

Åpen dag ved Universitetet i Stavanger;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Valestrand, Randi


Where, why , how – The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Norsk Olje og Gass besøkte UiS;


Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo


Can we control water induced compaction in chalk reservoirs? Experiences from in-situ core and pore scale studies.



Madland, Merete Vadla


Improved oil recovery: Collaborating for better technology and a greener future.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Laupretre, Thierry


Collaboration is key – the success story of The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway – Where, why and how?.



Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Pore-Fluid Composition and Mechanical Properties of the Reservoir Understanding the Geomechanical Effects of EOR Fluids .


2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06.

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Sripal, Edison A.; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; James, Lesley A.


A Laboratory Scale Approach to Wettability Restoration in Chalk Core Samples.

International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2018-08-27 - 2018-08-30.

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


How the Presence of Oil and Water Affects Chalk Mechanics at Isotropic Stresses.

80th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018;

2018-06-11 - 2018-06-16.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Valestrand, Randi; Viig, Sissel Opsahl


Scientific status and progress.

Møte med OD;

2018-10-17 - .

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Aursjø, Olav; Jettestuen, Espen; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Insight into core scale oil release from pore scale simulations.

SPE EUROPEC featured at 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition;

2018-06-11 - 2018-06-14.

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Aursjø, Olav; Jettestuen, Espen; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Effects of nucleation on mineral dissolution and precipitation predicted from reactive pore scale simulations .


2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13.

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Valestrand, Randi; Hiorth, Aksel; Bjørnstad, Tor; Klöfkorn, Robert; Viig, Sissel Opsahl; Jettestuen, Espen; Skjæveland, Svein Magne; Zimmermann, Udo; Stavland, Arne; Nævdal, Geir; Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

6th November Conference;

2018-11-12 - 2018-11-14.

Borromeo, Laura; Zimmermann, Udo; Andò, Sergio; Egeland, Nina; Garzanti, Eduardo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Raman spectroscopy and TERS for the oil industry: new tools for mineralogical and chemical characterization .

XIII conference GEORAMAN;

2018-06-10 - 2018-10-14.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway - What can Russia learn from us?.

Møte med Moscow Petroleum Institute;

2018-10-26 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway - What can Petronas learn from us?.

Møte med Petronas;

2018-11-06 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Riiber, Kjersti


Mer olje opp på en grønnere og billigere måte.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Økt andel kvinnelige professorer på UiS – fra 21 til 27 prosent.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Navet i den internasjonale forskningen for IOR.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Ringen, Irene; Riiber, Kjersti


Hvordan skvise olje ut av en stein?.


2018-09-22 - .

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Edison, A Sripal; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; James, Lesley A.


A laboratory scale approach to wettability restoration in chalk core samples.

The 2018 International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA 2018) ;

2018-08-26 - 2018-08-30.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Focus on Quality: Excellence, Impact and Implementation.

Presentasjon for TN fakultetsstyre med eksterne tilhørere;


Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Chalks at Deviatoric Stress Condition: Experiments Performed with Four Different Brines.

IOR Norway 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Milliard-jegerne på UiS.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Vorland, Kim Andre Nesse


Forsker på saltvann for mer miljøvennlig oljeutvinning.

Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Katzenjammer in Norwegens Erdöl-Hauptstadt.

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Modelling the rheology of two-phase polymer flow.

IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Rheology of polymeric flows in circular pipes, slits and capillary bundles: analytical solutions from kinetic theory.

IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Jettestuen, Espen; Aursjø, Olav; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Rate Laws Predicted from Reactive Pore Scale Simulations.

IOR NORWAY 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery. Stavanger;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Haser, Sabine; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Comparative Studies of Mineralogical Alterations of Three Ultra-long-term Tests of Onshore Chalk at Reservoir Conditions.

19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Egeland, Nina; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Kobayashi, Katsura; Ota, Tsutomu; Nakamura, Eizo; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Quantification of Mineralogical Changes in Flooded Carbonate under Reservoir Conditions.

19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining Forces to Recover More.

Presentasjon for New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining forces to recover more.

Presentasjon for olje- og energiminister Terje Søviknes;

2017-02-21 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining forces to recover more.

Presentasjon for delegasjon fra IEA GOT;

2017-04-04 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Valestrand, Randi


NIOR Centre Overview.

Presentasjon for BASF;

2017-05-23 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Muggeridge, A.


Conference report: IOR NORWAY 2017 – the 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery.

Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Zimmermann, Udo; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla


Petrological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Constraints on Hydrocarbon Bearing North Sea Reservoir Chalk.

IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Søviknes til kamp for flere oljedråper.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The IOR Technology Toolbox - Key Solutions for Reservoir Mapping and Upscaling.

Offshore Mature Fields – Extended Life and IOR;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Innvalgt i OG21-styret.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


R & D Highlights and the way forward.

Presentasjon for Oljedirektoratet;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Oljefortellinger i omstillingens tid.



Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Kallesten, Emanuela Iedidia; Egeland, Nina; Hiorth, Aksel


Grønn oljeutvinning.



Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus


Hva gjør vi på IOR-senteret? Besøk fra 8. klasse, Gosen skole.



Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus


Labpresentasjon for Statoil Akademia.

Presentasjon for Statoil Akademia;


Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Understanding EOR mechanisms.

Lunch and Learn ConocoPhillips;


Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo


From Core to Pore to Field.

NFiP annual one day seminar 2017;


Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Borromeo, Laura; Egeland, Nina


Tools to Determine and Quantify Mineralogical Changes During EOR Flooding Experiments on Chalk.

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference;

2017-11-13 - 2017-11-16.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Valestrand, Randi; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Styremøte i OG21;


Egeland, Nina; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Kobayashi, Katsura; Ota, Tsutomu; Nakamura, Eizo; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Quantification of Mineralogical Changes in Flooded Carbonate under Reservoir Conditions.

2nd Reservoir Characterization Conference;

2017-12-05 - 2017-12-06.

Egeland, Nina; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Kobayashi, Katsura; Nakamura, Eizo; Ota, Tsutomu; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Mineralogical and chemical alteration of calcite by MgCl2 injection.

Misasa International Symposium 2016;

2016-03-08 - 2016-03-11.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Micron and submicron investigation - what can we learn?.


2016-04-25 - 2016-04-27.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


"Understanding EOR mechanisms at pore-scale".


2016-04-25 - 2016-04-27.

Madland, Merete Vadla


17 Johan Sverdrup-er ligger og venter.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Mye olje igjen….

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Mastering the EOR challenges.


ISSN 0807-6472.


Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Siqveland, Ola Ketil


Which processes are at play during water induced compaction of wettability altered chalks?.

IOR Norway 2016;

2016-04-25 - 2016-04-27.

Hiort, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla; Opsahl, Eystein; McCulley, Russell


Mastering the EOR challenges.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Is the devil in the details? Micron and submicron investigation - what can we learn?.

Visit from the Danish IOR Centre;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Welcome to the IOR Centre (National Centre for Improved Oil Recovery).

Dialogue meeting with Danish research Centre;

2016-05-10 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining forces to recover more – forming a true base for the IOR competence in Norway.

Visit at The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre DTU;

2016-02-26 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Joining forces to recover more – forming a true base for the IOR competence in Norway.

Visit to Maersk;

2016-02-26 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining forces to recover more.

FORCE seminar;

2016-02-03 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining forces to recover more- forming a true base for the IOR competence in Norway.

Norsk olje og gass-seminar;

2016-04-06 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


IOR NORWAY 2016 – Recover for the future.


2016-04-26 - 2016-04-27.

Madland, Merete Vadla


For få kvinnelige professorer.

Madland, Merete Vadla


– For få kvinnelige professorer.

Egeland, Nina; Zimmermann, Udo; Borromeo, Laura; Andò, Sergio; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Raman spectroscopy applied to enhanced oil recovery research.

Goldschmidt conference 2016;

2016-06-26 - 2016-07-01.

Flornes, Kristin Margrethe; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Valestrand, Randi; Viig, Sissel Opsahl; Skjæveland, Svein Magne


Joining forces to recover more on NCS.

IEA GOT Offshore Mature Fields;


Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Studies of Mineralogical Changes for the Understanding of Enhanced Oil Recovery Mechanisms at Porescale.

Goldschmidt Conference 2016;

2016-06-26 - 2016-07-01.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Schulz, Bernhard; Audinot, Jean-Nicolas


Fluid-flow during EOR experiments in chalk: insights using SEM-MLA, EMPA and nanoSIMS applications.

SCA annual symposium;

2016-08-21 - 2016-08-26.

Løvås, Mari; Madland, Merete Vadla



Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


How Wetting Conditions Dictate Chalk Mechanics at Uni-axial Strain Conditions – Insights from Experiments Performed at In-situ Stress, Temperature and Pore Pressure.

International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2016-08-21 - 2016-08-26.

Flornes, Kristin Margrethe; Madland, Merete Vadla; Stokka, Sigmund


R&D Collaboration for Future Energy Demand.

Petroleum Research School of Norway annnual seminar;


Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


How Wetting Conditions Dictate Chalk Mechanics at Uni-axial Strain Conditions: Insights from Experiments Performed at In-situ Stress, Temperature and Pore Pressure.

Lunch & Learn Seminar;


Nermoen, Anders; Jettestuen, Espen; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla


Quantifying the microscopic morphology of SEM microscopy images.



Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Jettestuen, Espen; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla; Aursjø, Olav; Skartlien, Roar; Palmer, Teresa Lynne; Shogin, Dmitry


Pore scale simulation and non-Newtonian flow.

Møte ENI;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Rock-fluid interactions, ultra-long term test at reservoir conditions..

Workshop at ENI Reserach Centre;

2016-10-04 - 2016-10-05.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Presentation The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Presentasjon hos VNG;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Presentasjon Det Nasjonale IOR Senteret.

Presentasjon hos VNG;


Nermoen, Anders; Jettestuen, Espen; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Madland, Merete Vadla


Quantifying the microscopic morphology of SEM images.

Annual IEA-EOR;

2016-09-18 - 2016-09-22.

Flornes, Kristin Margrethe; Madland, Merete Vadla; Stokka, Sigmund


IOR Challenges at the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

DHRTC Technology Conference 2016;

2016-11-16 - 2016-11-17.

Egeland, Nina; Zimmermann, Udo; Borromeo, Laura; Andò, Sergio; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Enhanced Oil Recovery Research.

Goldschmidt Abstracts 2016.

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Audinot, Jean-Nicolas; Grysan, Patrick; Schulz, Bernhard; Haser, Sabine; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Gutzmer, Jens


Development of a natural fractureduring flooding experiments for EOR purposes.

NGF Vinterkonferansen 2015;

2015-01-12 - 2015-01-14.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Konferanse om økt oljeutvinning på UiS.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway. Aktiviteter/organisering/relevans for industrien.

Årsmøte Accelerator;

2015-01-13 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway. Activities and relevance for the oil industry.

Presentation and meeting with INTSOK at UiS ;

2015-01-14 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway – Ongoing activities.

Lunch Seminar ;

2015-03-11 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway – Ongoing activities.

Presentation and meeting with Eni, Milan;

2015-01-15 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Jenter og realfag.

Åpen dag;

2015-03-10 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Presentasjon av Det Nasjonale IOR senteret.

Møte med Statoils IOR-senter;

2015-03-25 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla




2015-04-28 - 2015-04-29.

Madland, Merete Vadla


IOR NORWAY Workshop.

IOR NORWAY 2015 - workshop;

2015-04-30 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway- ongoing activities.

Presentation and meeting with Cepetro/Unicamp, Brazil;

2015-05-05 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway - TC meeting & Workshop.

National IOR Centre of Norway - TC meeting & Workshop;

2015-05-18 - 2015-05-19.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Skjæveland, Svein Magne


Informasjonsmøte om PhD stillinger ved IOR senteret - for masterstudenter ved TN/ UiS.

Informasjonsmøte om PhD stillinger ved IOR senteret - for masterstudenter ved TN/ UiS;

2015-05-12 - .

Nermoen, Anders; Lykke Fabricius, Ida; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Vika Storm, E.; Stødle, Trond; Madland, Merete Vadla


“Extending the effective stress estimate to incorporate electrostatic effects”.

IEA Collaborative Project, 36th EOR Workshop & Symposium;

2015-09-06 - 2015-09-11.

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Aursjø, Olav; Madland, Merete Vadla; Carlsen Kjørslevik, T.A.; Østensen, Geir


“When time comes into play: How does stress and temperature conditions affect rock-fluid chemistry and mechanical deformation”.

IEA Collaborative Project, 36th EOR Workshop & Symposium;

2015-09-06 - 2015-09-11.

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania


“How simple brine tests can be used to understand chalk core dynamics – Insights from long-term experiments”.

IEA Collaborative Project, 36th EOR Workshop & Symposium;

2015-09-06 - 2015-09-11.

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Fabricius, Ida; Storm, Eirik V.; Stødle, Trond; Madland, Merete Vadla


Extending the effective stress estimate to incorporate electrostatic effects.

Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG) International exposition and 85th Annual Meeting;

2015-10-18 - 2015-10-23.

Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania


The effects of temperature on porosity development in flooded Aalborg chalk for EOR.


2015-09-13 - 2015-09-16.

Madland, Merete Vadla


IOR on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Faglig seminar på Schlumberger;

2015-12-09 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The importance of rock-fluid interactions for IOR and how to account for them in reservoir simulations.

NPF Reservoir Characterization Conference;

2015-12-02 - 2015-12-03.

Madland, Merete Vadla


IOR innovations.

Innovasjonsseminar: Forskningbasert næringsutvikling;

2015-11-05 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Presentation of The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Visit from The Embassy of Japan;

2015-11-12 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway: Overview.

Meeting with delegation from SKK-MIGAS, Indonesia;

2015-09-03 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Organisering og strategiprosesser Hvordan jobber sentrene med organisering og strategiprosesser for å sikre resultater for sentrets overordnede mål?.

Kontaktmøte med NFR;

2015-11-26 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Nasjonal og internasjonal aktivitet i Det Nasjonale IOR-senteret Hva foregår og hvilke tanker gjøres om fremtidige muligheter og framstøt?.

Kontaktmøte med NFR;

2015-11-26 - .

Minde, Mona Wetrhus; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Micro-scale Characterization of Mineralogical Alterations of Fine-grained Sedimentary Rocks in an EOR perspective.

NPF conference: "Reservoir Characterization";

2015-12-02 - 2015-12-03.

Pedersen, Janne; Jettestuen, Espen; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel


Models for evolution of reactive surface area during dissolution and precipitation.

European Geosciences Union General Assembly ;

2014-04-27 - 2014-05-02.

Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Nermoen, Anders; Stødle, Trond; Storm, Eirik V.; Madland, Merete Vadla


The effect of aging, temperature and brine composition on the mechanical strength of chalk.

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014;

2014-04-27 - 2014-05-02.

Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


The stability of chalk during flooding of carbonated sea water at reservoir in-situ conditions.

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014;

2014-04-27 - 2014-05-02.

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Aloysius Haug, S.; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


The dynamic stability of chalks during flooding of non-equilibrium brines and CO2.

Fourth EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop ;

2014-04-22 - 2014-04-24.

Buan, I; Ringen, I; Ruud, C; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Porosity, permeability and specific surface area measurements on Ediacaran to Mesozoic siliciclastic and carbonatic rocks form northern Spain: A case study.

Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction;

2014-05-28 - 2014-05-30.

Kallesten, E; Gómez, I.R.; Rojo, L.A.; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Vagle, Kåre


North Sea reservoir chalk: First results from chemostratigraphic and mineralogical studies.

Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction;

2014-05-28 - 2014-05-30.

Minde, Mona W.; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Chemostratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous Mattinata Formation in eastern Italy.

Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction;

2014-05-28 - 2014-05-30.

Wang, Wenxia; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania


Porosity development during chemo-mechanical compaction in chalk.

Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction;

2014-05-28 - 2014-05-30.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

NPF Conference: Mature Fields: Business Opportunities and Challenges;

2014-04-01 - 2014-04-02.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Improved Oil Recovery Research in the National IOR Centre of Norway.

NPF seminar;


Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Insights from long term experiments of compaction and non-equilibrium water flooding of chalks.

Reservoir quality of clastic and carbonate rocks: Analysis, modelling and prediction;

2014-05-28 - 2014-05-30.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiort, Aksel; Nævdal, Geir


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Lunch and Learn;

2014-05-15 - .

Pedersen, Janne; Jettestuen, Espen; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Madland, Merete Vadla; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel


A multi scale approach to interpret chalk core experiments.

IEA Collaborative Project on EOR;

2014-10-15 - 2014-10-17.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Delegation from CoP, Bartlesville;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Kommedal, Roald; Hiorth, Aksel


Meeting at UiS 16. June 2014 Professor Johan Sjøblom (Ugelstad Laboratory, NTNU).

Meeting at UiS 16. June 2014 Professor Johan Sjøblom (Ugelstad Laboratory, NTNU);


Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


National R&D Centre to improve oil recovery from the Norwegian continental shelf.

NPF Conference;

2014-06-17 - 2014-06-18.

Madland, Merete Vadla


National IOR Centre of Norway -Technical program.


2014-06-10 - 2014-06-11.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Nævdal, Geir


The R&D Activities, Theme 1 and 2.

Technical Committee;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

WECP Annual General Meeting 2014;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Joining forces to recover more.

WECP Annual General Meeting 2014;


Madland, Merete Vadla


From Core to Pore to Field. Extracting the Unextractable.

ONS Centre Court;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Senter for økt utvinning. Planer og aktiviteter, hva kan vi tilby?.

NFR lunsjseminar ONS;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Meeting with Global Energy Capital LP;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Bjørnstad, Tor


Presenting the 2 R&D Themes for The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Meeting with geo, DEUS and DTU;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The Technical Programme - The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Tekna olje og gass, medlemskveld;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Presentation for russian delegation;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Nævdal, Geir


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Meeting at HESS;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Nævdal, Geir


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Presentation for Baker Hughes;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Nævdal, Geir


Status R&D activities, theme 1 and 2.

TC meeting;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Our R&D activities within The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Visit from CoP, Bartlesville;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

The official visit to Norway by HE Dr. John Dramani Mahama, President of The Republic of Ghana;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Det Nasjonale IOR-senteret.

Besøk av 9. klasse, Kristianlyst skole;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Kommedal, Roald; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway - Research highlights abd ambitions.

Besøk av statssekretær Bjørn Haugstad;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Visit by Auckland University of Technology;


Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre - research highlights and ambitions.

Production Geoscience 2014;

2014-11-04 - 2014-11-05.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Continuing the Oil Adventure.

Girl Geek Dinner;


Madland, Merete Vadla


Teknologifaglig vurdering.



Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Viig, Sissel Opsahl


National IOR Centre.

PETROSENTER kontaktmøte;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The energetic region: Stavanger. Stavanger wins new IOR center.

Norway Exports.

ISSN 0029-3628.


Madland, Merete Vadla


Scientific Advisory Board IOR, IRIS.

Meeting IRIS;

2014-01-15 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Presentasjon ved NPD;

2014-02-18 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Presentasjon ved GEO, Geus og DTU ;

2014-02-19 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Jenter for Realfag;

2014-03-06 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Økt olje utvinning sikrer Norges framtid.


2014-03-19 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Theme 1 & 2.

Workshop at IRIS, UiS-IRIS, Ife, Ugelstad laboratory by Prof. Sjøblom, and the national and international collaborators ;

2014-03-27 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


IOR Centre presentation.

Delegation from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India;

2014-04-22 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Our new research center for improved oil recovery.

Contact meeting City of Stavanger ;

2014-04-22 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Brazilian Partnership Delegation; FINEP, Innovation Norway;

2014-05-21 - .

Hald, Karin; Madland, Merete Vadla


Increased opportunities with Increased Oil Recovery.

Business seminar;


Hald, Karin; Madland, Merete Vadla


Increased opportunieties with Increased Oil Recovery.

Acipet seminar;


Hald, Karin; Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR centre.

November conference;

2014-11-03 - 2014-11-04.

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Jettestuen, Espen; Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Research at IRIS: secondment opportunities.

Workshop / Training school within the FlowTrans project (EU FP7 ITN);

2014-05-09 - 2014-05-14.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


The National IOR Centre of Norway. Research highlights and ambitions.

Production Geoscience 2014;

2014-11-04 - 2014-11-05.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Presentation and meeting with Committee MUN (Memorial University of Newfoundland) for new Study Program Petroleum Offshore Engineering;

2014-11-26 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla


Emphasizing More Sustainability in Upstream Petroleum Activities.

Annual Petroleum Research School of Norway (NFiP), PhD Seminar ;

2014-11-24 - .

Flornes, Kristin Margrethe; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel; Nævdal, Geir; Skjæveland, Svein Magne


The National IOR Centre of Norway - Technical program.

COREC Seminar;

2014-06-10 - 2014-06-11.

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Zimmermann, Udo; Bollhorn, Peter; Foged Christensen, Helle; Ancker Agergaard, Frederic; Trads, Niels; Pedersen, Janne; Jettestuen, Espen; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Evje, Steinar; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Water weakening of chalk at realistic reservoir conditions.

JCR-7 Symposium 2014;

2014-09-19 - 2014-09-21.

Ahsan, Rajib; Megawati, Megawati; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


The impact of surface charge on capillary pressure and mechanical behaviour of chalk.

The 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium in San Francisco ;

2013-06-26 - .

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Christensen, Helle Foged; Traeds, Niels; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Measuring the Biot coefficient and its implications on the effective stress estimate.

The 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium in San Francisco 2013;

2013-06-23 - 2013-06-26.

Pedersen, Janne; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Jettestuen, Espen; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Pore Scale Modeling of Brine Dependent Pore Space Evolution in Carbonates.

EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec;

2013-06-10 - 2013-06-13.

Andersen, Pål Østebø; Ahsan, Rajib; Evje, Steinar; Fred, Bratteli; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


A Model for Brine-Dependent Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments with Porous Plate.

EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec;

2013-06-10 - 2013-06-13.

Støle, L; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Provenance, age and tectonic setting of the Barrios Formation and Hirnantian glacial diamictites from northern Spain.

Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen ;

2013-01-08 - 2013-01-10.

Sivertsen, N.; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Provenance, age and tectonic setting of the Lower Paleozoic Oville and San Pedro Formations (northern Spain).

Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen ;

2013-01-08 - .

Minde, Mona; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Chalk and chert of the Mattinata Formation (NE Apulia, Italy).

Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen ;

2013-01-08 - .

Kallesten, E.; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


High-resolution C-O stable isotope analyses on Pliensbachian belemnites from the Rodiles Formation (northern Spain).

Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen ;

2013-01-08 - .

Wang, Wenxia; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bertolino, S.R.A.; Lie, B.V.; Morosova, V.


The search of on-shore equivalents for reservoir chalk in the North Sea: Rare Earth Elements, d13C and d18O isotopes as indicators?.

Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen ;

2013-01-08 - .

Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bertolino, S.R.A.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Hiorth, Aksel; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Tracing Fluid Flow in Flooded Chalk under Long Term Test Conditions.

EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec in London;

2013-06-10 - .

Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Haser, S.; Audinot, J.N.; Gysan, P.


Neoformed Dolomite in Flooded Chalk for EOR.

EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec in London;

2013-06-10 - .

Nermoen, Anders; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Christensen, Helle Foged; Trads, N.; Hiort, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Measuring the Biot stress coefficient and its implications on the effective stress estimate.

47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium;

2013-06-23 - 2013-06-26.

Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolini, S.A.R.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Geochemistry and isotope geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous chalk as equivalent for reservoir chalk of the North sea Basin for EOR.

Goldschmidt conference 2013;

2013-08-25 - 2013-08-30.

Pedersen, Janne; Jettestuen, Espen; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel


Pore Scale Modeling of Brine Dependent Permeability.

International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts ;

2013-09-16 - 2013-09-19.

Bertolino, Silvana; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Hiorth, Aksel; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotope geochemistry to reveal fluid flow processes in flooded chalk under long term test conditions for EOR purposes.

XV International Clay Conference;

2013-07-07 - 2013-07-11.

Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolini, S.A.R.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Geochemistry and isotope geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous chalk as equivalent for reservoir chalk of the North sea Basin for EOR.

Mineralogical magazine.

ISSN 0026-461X.

Volum 77.

Hefte 5.


Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, S.R.A.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Korsnes, Reidar Inge


Geochemistry and nano-structure of putative filamentous microbes from the 3.24 Ga Sulfur Springs Group, Pilbara, Western Australia.

2013. Geochemistry and isotope geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous chalk as equivalent for reservoir chalk of the North Sea Basin for EOR, Goldschmidt 2013;

2013-08-25 - 2013-08-30.

Madland, Merete Vadla


Hun skal lede jakten på mer olje.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

34th IEA EOR Symposium;

2013-09-08 - 2013-09-12.

Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

NFiP (Norsk Forskerskole i Petroleum);


Madland, Merete Vadla


The new petroleum R&D centers - IOR.

OG21 Forum;


Madland, Merete Vadla


The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Innovasjonsseminar, Prekubator;


Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Jettestuen, Espen; Nermoen, Anders; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Madland, Merete Vadla; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Hiorth, Aksel


Chemical and mechanical alteration of chalk - from pore to field.

Workshop / Training school within the FlowTrans project (EU FP7 ITN);

2013-11-02 - 2013-11-08.

Wang, Wenxia; Madland, Merete Vadla; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolini, S.A.R.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Reidar, Inge


Geochemistry and isotope geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous chalk as equivalent for reservoir chalk of the North sea Basin for EOR.

Goldschmidt conference;

2013-08-25 - 2013-08-30.

Bråtveit, J.; Liknes, J.; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bertolino, S.R.A.; Tait, J.A.


Provenance and hydrocarbon content of Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic shales in northern Spain.

30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting;

2012-01-09 - .

Skripnes Larsen, I.; Støle, L.; Øye, S.; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bertolino, S.R.A.; Moczydlowska-Vidal, M.


Provenance of the Precambrian-Lower Cambrian Herreria Formation in northern Spain.

30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting;

2012-01-09 - .

Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Megawati, Megawati; Læknes, Therese; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


SEM analysis of outcrop chalks prior to and after experimental water-flooding – studying Ekofisk reservoir rock analogues.

SCANDEM 2012.Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society;

2012-06-12 - .

Øye, Susanne; Støle, L; Larsen, S.I.; Moczydlowska-Vidal, Malgorzata; Zimmermann, Udo; Madland, Merete Vadla


Bio- and lithostratigraphy of the Precambrian-Lower Cambrian Herreria Formation in northern Spain.

30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting;

2012-01-09 - 2012-12-12.

Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Hiorth, Aksel; Jettestuen, Espen; Pedersen, Janne; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Nermoen, Anders; Madland, Merete Vadla; Cathles, Lawrence M.


Reactive flow of brines in calcite pores using Lattice - Boltzmann.

Gordon Research Conferences, Rock Deformation;

2012-09-19 - 2012-09-24.

Ahsan, Rajib; Madland, Merete Vadla; Bratteli, Fred; Hiorth, Aksel


A study of sulphate ions - effects on ageing and imbibition capillary pressure curve.


2012-08-27 - 2012-08-30.

Hiorth, Aksel; Jettestuen, Espen; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Madland, Merete Vadla


Thermo-Chemistry Reservoir Simulation for Better EOR Prediction.

IEA EOR 34th Annual Symposium Stavanger 2013;

2011-09-08 - 2013-09-12.

Immerstein, Tonje; Mehus, Trine; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, Silvana; Madland, Merete Vadla; Tait, Jenny


Chemostratigraphy and geochemistry of Pliensbachian carbonate successions from northern Spain.

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Kverneland, Karoline; Vindenes, Kristine; Schmalholz, Martina; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, Silvana; Madland, Merete Vadla; Tait, Jenny; Bechstaedt, Thilo


Chemostratigraphy and geochemistry of Lower to Middle Cambrian carbonates in northern Spain and its significance for the understanding of facies changes.

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Larsen, Marie; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, Silvana; Gustavsen, Hendrik; Utvik, Christian; Madland, Merete Vadla; Cooper, Mark A; Mitchell, Ian; Cayecedo, Alberto


Chemostratigraphy, facies determination and mechanical properties of Upper Cretaceous chalk deposits in Northern Ireland.

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Lie, Vivek; Fernandez Bulfa, Ednella; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, Silvana; Madland, Merete Vadla; Tait, Jenny


Environmental constraints for Late Cretaceous to Early Palaeocene chalk successions from the North Sea.

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Morosova, Vera; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, Silvana; Madland, Merete Vadla; Tait, Jenny; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania


Clay and carbonate mineralogy and chemistry of chalk from selected Late Cretaceous rocks.

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Naidoo, Thanusha; Hatløy, Sveinung; Vigre, Pål; Zimmermann, Udo; Bertolino, Silvana; Moczydlowska-Vidal, Malgorzata; Madland, Merete Vadla; Vervoort, Jeff


Provenance, age and origin of Neoproterozoic successions of northern Spain (Cantabrian Mountains).

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Megawati, Megawati; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Mechanical instabilities induced by sulfate adsorption.

Goldschmidt conference 2011;

2011-08-14 - 2011-08-19.

Megawati, Megawati; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


The effect of Sulphate Adsorption on the Cation Exchange Capasity of High Porosity Chalks.

Goldschmidt conference 2011;

2011-08-14 - 2011-08-19.

Pedersen, Janne; Jettestuen, Espen; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Madland, Merete Vadla; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Hiorth, Aksel


A study on the effect of pore goemetry on mineral changes.

Goldschmidt conference 2011;

2011-08-14 - 2011-08-19.

Hiorth, Aksel; Bache, Øystein; Jettestuen, Espen; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Moe, Robert W.; Omdal, Edvard; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Madland, Merete Vadla


A Simplified Approach to Translate Chemical Alteration in Core Experiments to Field Conditions.

International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2011-09-18 - 2011-09-21.

Megawati, Megawati; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Evje, Steinar; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


The effect of aqueous chemistry pH on the time dependent deformation behaviour of chalk - experimental and modeling studies.

Flows and and mechanics in natural porous media from pore to field scale. Pore2Field;

2011-11-16 - 2011-11-18.

Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Læknes, Therese; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Megawati, Megawati; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Waterflooding experiments on chalk: rock-fluid interaction as revealed by scanning electron microscopy.

Vinterkonferansen 2011;

2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Hiorth, Aksel



Hiorth, Aksel; Jettestuen, Espen; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Cathles, Lawrence M.



Society of Core Analysts 2010 International Symposium;

2010-10-04 - 2010-10-07.

Madland, M. V.



Madland, M. V.


Nye millioner til IOR-forskning.

Madland, M. V.


Millionene ramler inn på UiS-kontoen.

Omdal, Edvard; Renli, Ragnhild; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Laboratory observations with implications for Depletion of Chalk Reservoirs.

4th Biot Conference on Poromechanics;

2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10.

Madland, Merete Vadla; Omdal, Edvard; Breivik, H.; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hiorth, Aksel; Kristiansen, Tron Golder


Investigation of the Effective Stress Relations for Outcrop Chalk.

4th Biot Conference on Poromechanics;

2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10.

Zangiabadi, Bizhan; Korsnes, Reidar Inge; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Hiorth, Aksel; sutarjana, A; Lian, A; Madland, Merete Vadla


Chemical Water Weakening of Various Outcrop Chalks at Elevated Temperature.

Poromechanics IV;

2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10.

Madland, M. V.; Hiorth, Aksel; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Evje, Steinar; Cathles, Lawrence M.


Rock Fluid Interaction in Chalk exposed Injection of Seawater, MgCl2, and NaCl Brines with equal Ionic Strength.

EAGE 15th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2009-04-27 - 2009-04-29.

Megawati, Megawati; Hiorth, Aksel; Siqveland, Ola Ketil; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Madland, M. V.


Pore-water Distribution from NMR to Study Water-induced Compaction in High-porosity Chalk.

EAGE 15th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2009-04-27 - 2009-04-29.

Omdal, Edvard; Breivik, H; Næss, K. E.; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, M. V.


Experimental investigation of the effective stress coefficient for various high porosity outcrop chalks.

43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium;

2009-06-28 - 2009-07-01.

Zangiabadi, Bizhan; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania; Hiorth, Aksel; Kristiansen, Tron Golder


Mechanical Properties of High and Lower Porosity Outcrop Chalk at Various Wetting States.

43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium;

2009-06-28 - 2009-07-01.

Omdal, Edvard; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Hiorth, Aksel


Experimental Investigation of the Effective Stress Coefficient for various High Porosity Outcrop Chalks.

International ymposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2008-10-29 - 2008-11-02.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Vorland, Kim Andre Nesse; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Hiorth, Aksel; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania



International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2008-10-29 - 2008-11-02.

Madland, M. V.; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Hiorth, Aksel; Midtgarden, Kristine; Manafov, Rafig; Kristiansen, Tron Golder



International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2008-10-29 - 2008-11-02.

Hiorth, Aksel; Kolnes, Jostein; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Vikane, Olav; Lohne, Arild



International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts;

2008-10-29 - 2008-11-02.

Hiorth, Aksel; Kolnes, Jostein; Lohne, Arild; Vikane, Olav; Cathles, Lawrence M.; Madland, M. V.


Chemical modelling of wettability change in carbonate rocks.

Wettability conference, Wettability Challenges in Carbonates;

2008-10-26 - 2008-10-28.

Zangiabadi, Bizhan; Korsnes, Reidar I.; Davidian, Tina A.; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Madland, M. V.



Wettability Conference, Wettability Challenges in Carbonates;

2008-10-26 - 2008-10-28.

Kolnes, Jostein; Hiorth, Aksel; Siqveland, Ola Ketil; Omdal, Edvard; Zangiabadi, Bizhan; Madland, M. V.



Wettability Conference, Wettability Challenges in Carbonates;

2008-10-26 - 2008-10-28.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, M. V.


Detection of chemical processes affecting chalk mechanical strength with the use of different flooding brines at elevated temperatures.

33rd International Geological Congress;

2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14.

Madland, M. V.


Weakening of Chalk Reservoirs - Experimental and Modeling studies.

Chalk deformation - geochemical aspects;


Austad, Tor; Strand, Skule; Madland, M. V.; Puntervold, Tina; Korsnes, Reidar I.


Seawater in Chalk: An EOR and Compaction Fluid.

2007 International Petroleum Technology Conference;

2007-12-04 - 2007-12-06.

Madland, M. V.


CO2 challenges in chalk.

Forum for reservoir characterisation, reservoir engineering and exploration (FORCE), NPD;


Strand, Skule; Hjuler, Morten Leth; Torsvik, Randi; Pedersen, J. I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor


Wettability of chalk: Impact of silica, clay content and mechanical properties.

The 9th International Wettability Symposium;

2006-09-18 - 2006-09-19.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Strand, Skule; Hoff, Ørjan; Pedersen, Trond; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor


Does the chemical interaction between seawater and chalk affect the mechanical properties of chalk?.

Eurock 2006;

2006-05-09 - 2006-05-12.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor


Impact of Brine Composition on the Mechanical Strength of Chalk at high Temperature.

Eurock 2006;

2006-05-09 - 2006-05-12.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor; Haver, Stig; Røsland, Geir


The Effects of Temperature on the Water Weakening of Chalk by Seawater.

the 2006 international symposium of the international society of core analysts;

2006-09-12 - 2006-09-16.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor


Impact of Brine Composition on the Mechanical Strength of Chalk at high Temperature.

IEA Symposium and Workshop19th to 22nd of September, IFP, Paris, France;

2006-09-19 - 2006-09-22.

Korsnes, Reidar I.; Madland, M. V.; Austad, Tor; Haver, Stig; Røsland, Geir


The Effect of Temperature on the Water Weakening of Chalk by Seawater.

Joint SPWLA/CWLS 2006 Fall Topical Conference,Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada;

2006-10-29 - 2006-11-02.

Heggeheim, T.; Madland, M. V.; Risnes, Rasmus; Austad, Tor


A chemical induced enhanced weakening of chalk by seawater.

25th Annual Workshop & Symposium Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery International Energy Agency.;

2004-09-05 - 2004-09-08.

Madland, M. V.; Risnes, Rasmus


Effects of temperature and pore pressure in Brazilian, uniaxial and triaxial compressive tests with high porosity chalk.

15 th ALERT WORKSHOP 2003;

2003-10-06 - 2003-10-08.

Madland, M. V.; Vasshus, Linda; Risnes, Rasmus


Variation of cohesion and friction angle with temperature in high porosity chalk.

European Geophysical Society XXVII General Assembly;

2002-04-21 - 2002-04-26.

Madland, M. V.; Korsnes, R.I.; Risnes, Rasmus


SPE 77761, Temperature effects in Brazilian, uniaxial and triaxial compressive tests with high porosity chalk.

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition;

2002-09-29 - 2002-10-02.

Madland, M. V.; Risnes, Rasmus


Temperature effects in high porosity chalk.

W(H)YDOC 02, International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics;

2002-12-04 - 2002-12-06.

Risnes, Rasmus; Korsnes, Reidar I.; grøtteland, a.e.; Dahl, M.; Dahl, D.S.; Madland, M. V.


Temperature effects in Brazilian and uniaxial compressive tests with high porosity chalk.

European Geophysical Society, XXVI General Assembly;

2001-03-25 - 2001-03-30.

Risnes, Rasmus; Flaageng, Ove; Madland, Merete V.


Some aspects of chalk-fluid interactions.

JCR Symposium;

Madland, M.V.; Risnes, R.


Capillary effects in high porosity chalk.

Second Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics. Relationships Between Damage and Localisation;

Bilstad, Torleiv; Espedal, E.; Haaland, A.H.; Madland, M. V.


Ultrafiltration of oily Wastewater.

Proceedings of Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.;