Jan-Tore Jakobsen
Head Engineer

Email: jan-tore.jakobsen@uis.no
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science
Laboratory IMBM
Head Engineer
Email: jan-tore.jakobsen@uis.no
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science
Laboratory IMBM
Jakobsen, Jan-Tore; RATNAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE, Chandima; Sem, Sølve Sætre; Neverdal, Arnfinn
Investigating optimal parameter combination for friction stir spot welding on AL7075-T6 : Engineering robust design approach. I: Proceedings of the ASME 2021 16th International manufacturing science and engineering conference MSEC2021, June 21-25, 2021 : Volume 2 : Manufacturing processes manufacturing systems nano/micro/meso manufacturing quality and reliability.The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 9780791885079.
Jakobsen, Jan-Tore; RATNAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE, Chandima
Statistical Experimentation for Investigating Optimal Parameter Combination: Friction Stir Welding AA6082-T6 Alloy.Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering.
ISSN 2366-2557.
Volum 110.
Wdowik, Roman; Magdziak, Marek; Nazarko, Piotr; Sliwa, Romana; Belzo, Artur; Bendikiene, Regita; Ciuplys, Antanas; Cesnavicius, Ramunas; Juzenas, Kazimieras; Rimasauskas, Marius; Leemet, Tonu; Zimmermann, Mailis; Madissoo, Marten; Jakobsen, Jan-Tore; RATNAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE, Chandima; Pancaldi, Chiara; Rigattieri, Linda; Romanini, Mariaelena; Benini, Alice
Didactic guide for utilization of digital manufacturing tools for product development and manufacturing (ProDeM) in higher education.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
ISBN 9788379345953.
Wdowik, Roman; Magdziak, Marek; Nazarko, Piotr; Sliwa, Romana; Belzo, Artur; Bendikiene, Regita; Ciuplys, Antanas; Cesnavicius, Ramunas; Juzenas, Kazimieras; Rimasauskas, Marius; Leemet, Tonu; Zimmermann, Mailis; Madissoo, Marten; Jakobsen, Jan-Tore; RATNAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE, Chandima; Pancaldi, Chiara; Rigattieri, Linda; Romanini, Mariaelena; Benini, Alice
ProDeM work-book : Integrated digital workbook for ProDeM students.