Franziska Maria Vogler

Senior Adviser

Franziska Maria Vogler


Telephone: 51831477 / 92346770


Location: Kitty Kiellands Hus, 3.etasje


Division of Education

NettOp UiS

About me

I work as a learning experience designer at NettOp-UiS and have a bachelor degree in communication design from the University of applied science in Dornbirn  (Austria) and a master degree in multimedia and learning technology from the University of Agder (Norway). As a learning experience designer I work with e-learning with a special focus on the structure and design of online courses.     


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Folkvord, Synnøve Mari Eidsvik; Mykkeltveit, Ida Helene; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Lyngset, Jorunn Flaten; Mordt, Petter; Vogler, Franziska Maria; Gjesdal, Kine


The value of a blended learning supervision course at the advanced level: Supervisors’ experiences .

NORDVEI: Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk.

ISSN 2535-3047.

Volum 9.

DOI: 10.15845/ntvp.v9i1.3968


Undheim, Marie; Vogler, Franziska Maria


Fleksibel og distriktsvennlig bachelor i sykepleie.