Maria Nyre Vigmostad
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Quality and Health Technology
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Quality and Health Technology
Löffeler, Sven; Bertilsson, Helena Maria; Müller, Christoph Rainer; Aas, Kirsti; Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen; Aksnessæther, Bjørg Yksnøy; Pesonen, Maiju; Thon, Kristian; Tandstad, Torgrim; Murtola, Teemu; Poulsen, Mads Hvid Aaberg; Nordstrøm, Tobias; Vigmostad, Maria Nyre; Ottosson, Fredrik; Holmsten, Karin; Christiansen, Ola B.; Slaaen, Marit; Haug, Erik Skaaheim; Storås, Anne Marie Holck; Asphaug, Lars; Rannikko, Antti; Brasso, Klaus
Protocol of a randomised, controlled trial comparing immediate curative therapy with conservative treatment in men aged ≥75 years with non-metastatic high-risk prostate cancer (SPCG 19/GRand-P).BJU International.
ISSN 1464-4096.
Volum 133.
Hefte 6.
DOI: 10.1111/bju.16314
McLeod, Olga Dianna; Palsdottir, Thorgerdur; Walz, Jochen; Tilki, Derya; Briganti, Alberto; Stabile, Armando; Vigmostad, Maria Nyre; Mortezavi, Ashkan; Elyan, Anas; Dudderidge, Tim; Govers, Tim; Grönberg, Henrik; Vigneswaran, Hari
Cost Analysis of Prostate Cancer Care Using a Biomarker-enhanced Diagnostic Strategy with Stockholm3.European Urology Open Science.
ISSN 2666-1691.
Volum 66.
Vinje, Cathrine Alvær; Vigmostad, Maria Nyre; Kjosavik, Svein Reidar; Grönberg, Henrik; Gilje, Bjørnar; Skeie, Svein
Prostate Biopsies Can Be Omitted in Most Patients with a Positive Stockholm3 Test and Negative Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging.European Urology Focus.
ISSN 2405-4569.
Forbes, LJL; Simon, AE; Warburton, F; Boniface, D; Brain, KE; Dessaix, A; Donnelly, C; Haynes, K; Hvidberg, L; Lagerlund, M; Lockwood, G; Tishelman, C; Vedsted, P; Knudsen, Maria Nyre; Ramirez, A.; Wardle, J.
Differences in cancer awareness and beliefs between Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK (the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership): do they contribute to differences in cancer survival?.British Journal of Cancer.
ISSN 0007-0920.
Volum 108.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2012.542
Simon, AE; Forbes, LJL; Boniface, D; Warburton, F; Brain, KE; Dessaix, A; Donnelly, M; Haynes, K; Hvidberg, L; Lagerlund, M; Petermann, L; Tishelman, Carol; Vedsted, Peter; Knudsen, Maria Nyre; Wardle, J.; Ramirez, AJ
An international measure of awareness and beliefs about cancer: development and testing of the ABC.BMJ Open.
ISSN 2044-6055.
Volum 2.
Hefte 6.
De Laere, Bram; Crippa, Alessio; Discacciati, Andrea; Larsson, Berit; Persson, Maria; Johansson, Susanne; D’hondt, Sanne; Bergström, Rebecka; Chellappa, Venkatesh; Mayrhofer, Markus; Banijamali, Mahsan; Kotsalaynen, Anastasijia; Schelstraete, Céline; Vanwelkenhuyzen, Jan Pieter; Hjälm-Eriksson, Marie; Pettersson, Linn; Ullén, Anders; Lumen, Nicolaas; Enblad, Gunilla; Thellenberg Karlsson, Camilla; Jänes, Elin; Sandzén, Johan; Schatteman, Peter; Vigmostad, Maria Nyre; Olsson, Martha; Ghysel, Christophe; Sautois, Brieuc; De Roock, Wendy; Van Bruwaene, Siska; Anden, Mats; Verbiene, Ingrida; De Maeseneer, Daan; Everaert, Els; Darras, Jochen; Aksnessæther, Bjørg Yksnøy; Luyten, Daisy; Strijbos, Michiel; Mortezavi, Ashkan; Oldenburg, Jan; Ost, Piet; Eklund, Martine Birketvedt; Grönberg, Henrik; Lindberg, Johan
Androgen receptor pathway inhibitors and taxanes in metastatic prostate cancer: an outcome-adaptive randomized platform trial.Nature Medicine.
ISSN 1078-8956.
Volum 30.
Hansen, Therese; Knudsen, Maria Nyre; Backe, Bjørn
Medical student in the delivery room - a support rather than a nuisance for the woman in labour.
2004 Conference;
2004-09-05 - 2004-09-08.