Minna Anneli Sorsa

About me
Minna Sorsa, Ph.D., RN (Psych) has worked as a psychiatric nurse, and has extensive knowledge within the area of mental health and substances. Her Ph.D. study focused on help-seeking in the context of mothers with mental ill health and substance use issues. She has developed qualitative methods. She has worked in an international context in World Association for Infant Mental Health since 2006 and knows the area of infant and family mental health. She has in total over 200 publications, whereof 19 are peer reviewed articles. She has initiated a project “Help-seeking in gender Based Violence” in Finland in MiStory consortium. The mixed methods study contains quantitative measures, and qualitative interviews including photoelicitation. Minna currently works as a Researcher in Addiction and Mental Health at Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health at UiS.