QUALinCLINstud - Aiming for quality in nursing home care

The QUALinCLINstud project addresses the urgent need for improved quality in clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in nursing homes.

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Project period

2018 - 2022


The Research Council of Norway, HELSEVEL


14 millions

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The QUALinCLINstud project is about creating a novel, collaborative and co-productive partnership between the nursing education system and clinical care institutions for older people. The project also aims to explore and extend current knowledge on clinical supervision and assessment practices in nursing home studies. Furthermore, the study will develop, pilot test and evaluate an innovative web-based supervision and assessment program ​targeting quality improvements in clinical supervision and assessment in the nursing home context.

The innovation will target three stakeholders groups (1) nurse mentors (2) first-year nursing students and (3) nurse teachers and aims to improve the following quality dimensions; a) nurse mentors supervision and assessment competence b) student nurses critical thinking skills and learning experience and c) nurse teachers assessment tools. Thus, this project entails testing of innovative tools (e-learning tools) to optimize efficiency in education and practice. The QUALinCLINstud project will employ a multiple case study design using a mixed- method approach organized in four work packages.

WP 1 will explore how the nurse education system ensures high-quality in nursing home placements.

WP 2, we will explore clinical supervision and assessment practices from a multiple stakeholder perspective using a triangulation of qualitative methods.

WP 3 will be based on a synthesizing of findings from WP 1-2, where we will develop an innovative web-based supervision and assessment program in close collaboration with key stakeholders in WP3.

WP 4 will test and evaluate the web-based program by using a mixed-method approach.

Combined, this project holds great potential for value creation where tools to increase students learning experience and outcomes are seen as crucial for preparing students for the 21st century labor market.

Find more information and recent publications in the Research Council's project bank.

Researchers at UiS

University of South-Eastern Norway

Kirsti Skovdahl Marianne Gonzalez Ann Kristin Skalleberg Hilde Sollid Monica Ravik

University of Agder

Åshild Slettebø Else Mari Ekra Kari Brodtkorb Ingrid Espegren Dalsmo

Advisory board

Brenden MacCormak, Queen Margareth University, Edinburgh Annica Kihlgren, University of Orebro, Sweden

Linda Lundgaard Andersen, Roskilde University, Denmark Patrick Crookes, University of Canberra, Australia Stephen Billett, Griffith University, Australia