
Geosciences is an important expertise area within the energy sector, environment, construction among others.

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Much of our research is conducted in collaboration with international universities and industrial partners.

Geosciences is fundamental to understand the processes that form and control the various types of energy, their distribution, properties and ultimately the amount of energy that can be produced and impact in the environment.

Our research focuses on understanding the geologic processes that control the petroleum system at the regional and reservoir scale, and on geologic to production time scales. We also conduct research to understand the impact of data and interpretation uncertainties on evaluations and decisions, and the psychological and judgmental aspects of decision-making. 

Some ongoing research projects include:

  • Caribbean basins, tectonics, and hydrocarbons
  • Tectonic evolution of western Gondwana
  • Impact of faulting and folding on reservoir connectivity
  • Real time decision making in drilling operations

Research areas


Head of Office: 
Hannah Kate Hondebrink
Telephone: +47 51 83 31 37

Director of NCS2030:
Alejandro Escalona
Telephone: +47 51 83 22 59

Scientific staff

Professor II / researchers

PhD candidates & postdocs