Smart-ER virtual research institute

The ECIU University Research Institute for smart European regions (Smart-ER) will design, develop and implement smart city research.

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Project duration

2021 - 2024 (36 months)


EU Horizon 2020

Budget (total)

2.000.000 EUR 

All the 12 Smart-ER partners are members of the ECIU.

The challenges are identified by the ECIU University, an Erasmus+ financed project. Activities will be implemented by bringing together scientific and management research capacities at 12 ECIU University member institutions (see list of universities below).

The challenge-based approach adopted by the ECIU University allows engagement of societal stakeholders and learners (from any age and background) in creating and working on challenges and exploiting results.

The SMART-ER Research Institute, together with diverse stakeholder groups at a local, national and international level, will work according to a shared Research and Innovation Agenda. To move towards the vision, the ECIU University will align research capacities and will bring together researchers as an example of how to overcome the limits of each single institution. 

New research model

The SMART-ER Research Institute will implement a new model of doing research and innovation without walls while promoting the dialogue with society, overcoming the limitations of disciplines, sectors and countries and being mainly based on a virtual collaborative environment.

Jointly, the institutions will pilot a capacity building programmes (Seed Programme and SMART-ER Academy) and citizen science initiatives that will be used as a testbed to put into practice all the mechanism and structures built. 

Consortium Partners: 

The partners in this project are all members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). Together, they have established the ECIU University. Partner list (country):

  • University of Twente (NL)
  • Aalborg University (DK)
  • Dublin City University (IE)
  • Kaunas University of Technology (LT)
  • Linköping University (SE)
  • Tampere University (FI)
  • Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
  • Universidade de Aveiro (PT)
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (ES)
  • University of Stavanger (NO)
  • Università degli Studi di Trento (IT)
  • Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (FR) 

Read more on the ECIU website

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