The Cognitive Lab is the only arena at UiS where all faculties meet and collaborate on research at the highest level. The lab provides the natural sciences with a meeting place for the health sciences, psychology and various disciplines that study social conditions, human behaviour and learning.
Affective Neuroscience Clinical Neuroscience Environmental Neuroscience Deep Immersion Baby and Child Lab AI in Neuroscience
The initiative will make it possible to realize research ideas that previously wasn't feasible at the university.
The Cognitive and behavioural neuroscience lab is under establishment. The lab provides new opportunities in research and for student projects. The activity on the lab is focused on cognition, particularly neuroscience, and, in the extension of this, behavioural research. The research that is associated with Cognitive lab is characterized by the use of various equipment for measurements during on-site or field experiments, followed by signal and image processing and analysis.
Working groups
Executive Group
The chair for Cognitive Lab
The chair for Cognitive Lab is appointed for a period of two academic years. PhD scholarship holders and student representatives are appointed for a period of one academic year. Any adjustment to the chair's composition is assessed after each two-year period. The academic supervisor acts as the working committee's secretariat and attends the meetings.