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Faculties and Divisions
Museum of Archaeology
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Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Performing Arts
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Department of Classical Music
Department for Jazz, Dance, PPU and Music Production
Board Secretariat
UiS School of Business and Law
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Fakultetsadministrasjonen HV
Department of Caring and Ethics
Department of Quality and Health Technology
Department of Public Health
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Division of Innovation and Society
Division of Research
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Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Quality and Health Technology
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Adriana Rosenberg
Associate Professor
Aina Lillian Bjerkeli Lekens
Assistant Professor
Alexander Hoholm
PhD Candidate
Anders Blilie
PhD Candidate
Anders Elten
Assistant Professor
Ane Iselin Brogeland
PhD Candidate
Anita Kaasbøll
Assistant Professor
Anita Salamonsen
Ann Cathrin Løland
Assistant Professor
Anne Lene Høivik
Assistant Professor
Anne Siri Norland
Annelin Espetvedt
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Annemariet Gonzalez Comendador
Assistant Professor
Are Gorholt Sandbakken
Aslaug Margareth Vasshus
Asma Sabri
PhD Candidate
Bartosz Filip Sosnowski
PhD Candidate
Bastien Michel Georges Ricquebourg
Associate Professor
Bettina Smith
Birgitte Bauer-Nilsen
Associate Professor
Birte Fagerdal
Postdoctoral Fellow
Bjarte Engeset
Bjørn Einar Halvorsen
Head of Department
Bodil Bø
Associate Professor
Brynjar Åbel Bandlien
Associate Professor
Camilla Jacqueline Hansine Normand
Adjunct Associate Professor
Camilla Seljemo
PhD Candidate
Cecilie Erga
PhD Candidate
Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland
Associate Professor
Charity Atim Fabio Ambrose
PhD Candidate
Charles Julian Thompson
Adjunct Associate Professor
Christine Tvedt-Gundersen
Assistant Professor
Dag Magnus Søyland Narvesen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Dagrunn Nåden Dyrstad
Associate Professor
Daniel Adrian Lungu
Associate Professor
Daniel Ingo Röhm
David Friedrich
Assistant Professor
Dmitry Arseniev
Assistant Professor
Dorina Komani
Associate Professor
Eli Sandsgård-Hilmarsen
PhD Candidate
Elin Espeland
Assistant Professor
Elina Sofie Christ Borg Björnström
Eline Ree
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Jeppesen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Elisabeth Norberg-Schulz
Elise Rosenvinge Syse
Ellen Nisbeth
Associate Professor
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Erik Emberland Andersen
Assistant Professor
Erna Harboe
Adjunct Associate Professor
Esa Olavi Lilja
Associate Professor
Espen Fevang
Adjunct Associate Professor
Eva Keilen Austbø
Assistant Professor
Fernando Cruz Robledillo
Associate Professor
Friederike Wildschütz
Associate Professor
Frode Bremseth
University College Teacher
Gerhard Peter Dieckmann
Ghislain Marie Gourvennec
Assistant Professor
Gry Galta Van Merkensteijn
Assistant Professor
Gwyn Meredydd Evans
Hagit Yakira
Associate Professor
Halldis Rønning
PhD Candidate
Halvor Kristiansson Hosar
Associate Professor
Hanne Vagle
Assistant Professor
Hans Morten Lossius
Hans Petter Tangen
Assistant Professor
Harald Eikaas
Hege Langli Ersdal
Heidi Janne Dombestein
Postdoctoral Fellow
Helene Lund
Assistant Professor
Heloise Baldelli
PhD Candidate
Henning Rød Haugland
Assistant Professor
Hilda Bø Lyng
Associate Professor
Hilde Bratteng Stensland
Assistant Professor
Håkon Kartveit
Assistant Professor
Håkon Vestly
Assistant Professor
Igor Vyacheslavovich Eliseev
Assistant Professor
Ilmari Tauno Mikael Hopkins
Assistant Professor
Inger Johanne Bergerød
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ingrid Tjoflåt
Ingunn Aase
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ingvild Dalen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Ingvild Idsøe-Jakobsen
PhD Candidate
Ingvild Margreta Morken
Irene Hodnefjell Enge
Assistant Professor
Irene Sirevåg
Associate Professor
Jannicke Fjermestad
Jens Torolf Larsen
Jicke Elon Gustaf Höök
PhD Candidate
Jo Røislien
Joanna Barbara Baluszek
Kari Marie Manum
Assistant Professor
Kari Mette Ellingsen
Assistant Professor
Kari Olene Oma Rønnes
Karina Aase
Kjetil Djuve Torgeirsen
Assistant Professor
Kristian Thunestvedt Evjen
Assistant Professor
Kristin Akerjordet
Kristin Alstveit Laugaland
Kristin Glenna Bodsberg
Associate Professor
Kristin Tønsager
Adjunct Associate Professor
Kristy Elizabeth Stohlmann
Assistant Professor
Kyrre Sassebo Haaland
Senior Executicve Officer
Lars Arnold Nesheim
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Lars Jacobsen
Assistant Professor
Lena Ailin Heimvik
Assistant Professor
Lena Crosby Haug
Senior Executicve Officer
Lene Schibevaag
Lise Karin Meling
Associate Professor
Liv Opdal
Associate Professor
Malin Emilia Rosell Magerøy
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Malin Knutsen Glette
Marcus Thomas Thor Roalsø
PhD Candidate
Mari Flønes
Associate Professor
Mari Hult
Maria Camila Gonzalez Velez
PhD Candidate
Maria Nyre Vigmostad
PhD Candidate
Maria Ravndal
Assistant Professor
Mark William Drews
Matthew Robert Hilditch
Assistant Professor
Merete Frøyland Kluge
Assistant Professor
Michael Quan Nguyen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Milan Rabrenovic
Associate Professor
Morten Schjelderup Wensberg
Nils Petter Oveland
Adjunct Associate Professor
Nina Hjertvikrem
Head of Department
Nina Vatland
Assistant Professor
Odin Hagen
Assistant Professor
Olaf Eggestad
Associate Professor
Paul Magnus Heggland
Assistant Professor
Pegah Sedgh
PhD Candidate
Per Dahl
Per Kristian Hyldmo
Associate Professor
Per Kristian Svensen
Per Zanussi
Associate Professor
Per-Erik Petersen
Higher Executive Officer
Peter Sebastian Szilvay
Associate Professor
Petru Popa
Assistant Professor
Petter Frost Fadnes
Petter Viksveen
Associate Professor
Philipp Seidel
PhD Candidate
Ragnhild Margrete Finnesand Michaelsen
Assistant Professor
Ranja Katrin Gärtner
Higher Executive Officer
Runar Salte
University College Teacher
Sanna Pauliina Törmälä-Tranberg
Assistant Professor
Silje Karin Sjøseth Askeland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Simen Kiil
Assistant Professor
Sina Furnes Øyri
Assistant Professor
Siri Dybwik
Siri Lerstøl Olsen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Siri Wiig
Siv Hilde Berg
Associate Professor
Soffien Chadli Ajmi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Solveig Hodne
Assistant Professor
Stein Bjelland
University College Teacher
Stein Inge Brækhus
Associate Professor
Stephen Johan Mikal Sollid
Steven Craig James
Assistant Professor
Stig Åge Solemsli
Director of Faculty
Svein Olav Herstad
Associate Professor
Tarjei Nygård
Higher Executive Officer
Teklay Tesfay Kidanemariam
PhD Candidate
Theodor Barsnes Onarheim
Assistant Professor
Thomas Eide Torstrup
Assistant Professor
Thor Ole Gulsrud
Associate Professor
Tone Knutsen Brandeggen
Associate Professor
Tor Paaske Utheim
Tor Yttredal
Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Assistant Professor
Torunn Beate Johannessen
Associate Professor
Torunn Strømme
Associate Professor
Trond Myklebust Lund
University College Teacher
Une Elisabeth Stømer
Associate Professor
Vegard Asgeir Forsaa
Adjunct Associate Professor
Verena Juliane Schall
PhD Candidate
Veslemøy Guise
Associate Professor
Victoria Vatsvåg
PhD Candidate
Vidar Vikøren
Associate Professor
Vilde Baklid
Senior Executicve Officer
Vilde Marie Thomseth
PhD Candidate
Wayne Thomas Brasel
Associate Professor
Wolfgang Georg Cornelius Voelckel
Adjunct Associate Professor
Øyvind Grong
Assistant Professor