Here you will find a guide for the various stages for going on exchange for one or two semesters.
Application deadline for exchange in the autumn semester
- Søknadsweb opens: 1 January
- Application deadline: 1 February*
*This deadline applies to both semesters for students at the Faculty of Performing Arts
Application deadline for exchange in the spring semester
- Søknadsweb opens: 1 August
- Application deadline: 1 September
Explore your options
When and where can I travel?

What does it mean to go on exchange?
An exchange gives you the opportunity to study abroad for one or two semesters. You must choose courses that can be approved as part of your degree when you return. This is a unique chance to live and study in a country you’re interested in!
Unfortunately, exchange is only available to bachelor's and master's students.
Check when and where you can go
All study programmes at UiS must have a semester that is designed for exchange, and it is rarely possible to go on exchange outside the recommended semester. Always start by reading about the exchange opportunities in your study programme by searching for the relevant programme in the map on the main page for exchange.
Main page for outbound exchange at UiS.
You should also read through the requirements for applying for exchange.
Rules for applying for exchange as part of a full degree programme
Familiarise yourself with the host institutions
Once you have found your study programme through the map and read the information about exchange, you can move on to the descriptions of the recommended institutions.
You can also read about previous exchange students' experiences (only in Norwegian).
Course offers and spesialisations
Check if the institutions you're interested in offer relevant courses or placement opportunities before applying. Remember that not all institutions recommended for your study programme will necessarily suit your specialization.
You should always discuss options with your student adviser.
Interested in an institution not recommended for your study programme?
UiS may have an agreement with an institution in a country you're interested in, but which is not recommended in your study programme. You must always contact the International Office for clarification if you wish to go on exchange to such an institution.
If you wish to go to an institution UiS does not have an exchange agreement with, you must go as a so-called "freemover" student. You are then responsible for the entire application process yourself.
Outbound exchange as a Freemover student.
Possible requirements from the host institution
Check if the host institution has tuition fees, GPA requirements, or language requirements. This is stated in the institution descriptions.
How to calculate your grade point average at UiS.
International students who pay tuition fees at UiS must continue to pay this fee during the exchange and are not exempt from any potential tuition fees at the host institution.
Rules for tuition fees during exchange.
Personal considerations
Remember that academic considerations are only one part of choosing where you want to go on exchange. Familiarise yourself with the country you wish to travel to and consider factors that may be relevant to you and your situation. These may include aspects related to minority background, ethnicity and religion, orientation and identity, language and culture, climate, safety, disability, or health services.
What should you consider when choosing a country for exchange?
If you have questions about course or placement choices, applying for pre-approval, or your education plan, you must contact your student advisor.
If you have general questions about exchange, please contact the International Office.
We assist you in the Exchange Guide through the Digital Student Service Desk.
Apply to go on exchange
How to apply in Søknadsweb

Applying for exchange through Søknadsweb means you are applying to use one of the exchange spaces UiS has at institutions abroad.
All students who wish to go on exchange must start the Exchange Guide. There, you can send questions to the International Office and receive follow-up from your contact person if you receive an exchange offer.
Rules for applying for exchange and for allocation of spaces
Before applying, you should familiarise yourself with the requirements for applying for exchange and how spaces are allocated if there are more applicants for an institution than spaces available.
Rules for applying for exchange as part of a full degree programme and rules for ranking applicants for limited exchange study spaces as part of a full degree study programme.
Apply through Søknadsweb
You submit the actual application through Søknadsweb. You can choose up to 5 application options in order of priority.
If you wish to apply to an institution that is not recommended in your study programme but is open to all UiS students, select “other exchange agreements” (or equivalent) and enter the full name of the institution and priority number in the extra information field. Remember to clarify this with the International Office before applying.
Apply for exchange in Søknadsweb.
Application deadlines
Submit your application by the deadline. You cannot apply og change your application after the deadline, and there are no waitlist spaces.
- Application deadline for exchange in the spring semester: 1 September
- Application deadline for exchange in the autumn semester: 1 February*
*This deadline applies to both autumn and spring semesters for students at the Faculty of Performing Arts.
Please note that agreements UiS has with institutions you apply to may change or be cancelled after the application deadline. If this happens, we will contact you to explore other options.
Application response
The International Office processes applications on an ongoing basis, and you will usually receive a response within 3 weeks after the application deadline.
If you receive an exchange offer, you must respond in Søknadsweb within the deadline specified in the offer letter (5 days). You will receive a receipt by email after you have responded. If you experience technical issues, you must contact the International Office before the response deadline.
Please note that the offer will expire if you do not respond within the deadline. If you decline an offer, you will not receive an offer for another institution.
If you have questions about course or placement choices, applying for pre-approval, or your education plan, you must contact your student advisor.
If you have general questions about exchange or need guidance on your application, please contact the International Office.
We assist you in the Exchange Guide through the Digital Student Service Desk.
Prepare your application to the host institution
What to do before applying for admission

If you have accepted an exchange offer from UiS within the deadline, you will be assigned a contact person from the International Office. This person will help you get started with the application process.
Please remember that all communication from the International Office takes place in the Exchange Guide. You must start this to receive further follow-up.
Your contact person will nominate you to the host institution
Nomination means that UiS informs the host institution that you will be applying for admission. We will contact you through the Exchange Guide if we need information from you, and you must keep an eye on your email during this period.
Please wait to contact the host institution until we have confirmed your nomination.
Familiarise yourself with the host institution's application process
After the nomination, you must apply for admission directly to the host institution. Your contact person or the host institution will provide guidance on how to do this.
You must read carefully through all the information and any documents you receive. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the application process and the documents you need to include with your application. Please remember also to check if you need to choose courses or apply for student housing as part of the application process.
We recommend that you prepare all documents well in advance of the host institution's application deadline.
Apply for pre-approval
To ensure that courses or placements are approved as part of your degree, you must apply for pre-approval. This is also a requirement to apply for support from Lånekassen. You should have received pre-approval for courses or placements before registering for courses at the host institution.
Read more about pre-approval of partial studies abroad.
Plan for the semester after the exchange
If the exchange ends after the next semester at UiS has started, you must make a plan for the adjustment of your study plan with your student advisor so that you are not delayed in your studies. This applies, for example, to institutions where semesters start later than in Norway. Please make a plan before departure.
If you are going to write a bachelor's or master's thesis after the exchange, you should also check if there is information you need before you leave.
Special accommodations
If you have special needs, you should inform your contact person in the International Office, your student advisor at UiS, and the host institution early on. This ensures the best possible accommodation.
Read more about accommodation during your exchange.
If you have questions about course or placement choices, applying for pre-approval, or your education plan, you must contact your student advisor.
If you have general questions about exchange or need guidance on your application, please contact the International Office.
We assist you in the Exchange Guide through the Digital Student Service Desk.
Apply for admission
Submit your application to the host institution

When you have prepared everything you need for the application, you can apply for admission to the host institution. You must complete the application by the deadline and should apply as soon as you are ready.
If you have questions about the application, documentation requirements, or login issues, you can contact the host institution. Be aware that response times to emails can vary, so make sure to contact them early.
Practical preparations
What do you need to prepare before you can go on exchange?

After you have applied for admission to the host institution, there are some practical things you need to prepare.
Unfortunately, UiS cannot assist with visa applications or finding accommodation but can provide general advice.
Semester fee and semester registration at UiS
Even if you go on exchange, you are still a student at UiS and must pay the semester fee by the given deadline to retain your study rights. You must also register for the semester/approve your education plan in Studentweb.
Read more about entitlements and obligations.
You must check if you qualify for loans and grants from Lånekassen and any other support schemes. Remember that you must have been admitted to the host institution and have received pre-approval for courses or placements before you can apply for support from Lånekassen.
Read more about finances during outbound exchange.
You must explore accommodation options at your host institution and familiarise yourself with any application process. Be aware that most host institutions do not guarantee student housing.
Read more about housing during outbound exchange.
You must have sufficient travel, health, and other additional insurance that covers your entire exchange. Health insurance is also a mandatory requirement to receive the Erasmus+ grant.
Read more about insurance during outbound exchange.
If you are going on exchange through Erasmus+, you will receive an Erasmus+ grant. It is important to familiarise yourself with submission deadlines and documentation requirements to receive the grant. The International Office organises information meetings and drop-ins for all students this applies to.
Read more about exchange through Erasmus+.
You must check whether you need a visa. This usually depends on your citizenship. Find out what type of visa you need and what affects this (e.g., studies or placement, and the duration of your stay). Remember to check your passport's expiry date and any validity requirements after returning home.
Contact the relevant embassy or consulate for questions about the visa and the application process. If you have already been nominated to a host institution, you can also contact them for any documents needed for the visa application.
Vaccinations and health
Stay updated on which vaccinations are required or recommended for the country you are traveling to. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has useful information on infection prevention advice for travel. Start vaccinations well in advance of departure for the best possible protection.
If you are going on a placement, there may be specific vaccine requirements. Please contact your faculty/department and the host institution for information on any vaccine requirements for the placement period.
Always check the documentation requirements in advance if you are traveling with medication.
Emergency preparedness and safety
When going on exchange, it is important to be prepared for unforeseen events. Have a plan for what to do if a crisis occurs and know who you can contact in emergencies.
The International Office organizes an information meeting on emergency preparedness and safety for all students going on exchange. This meeting provides you with tools and knowledge to handle any challenges during the exchange.
Remember to be aware and take responsibility for your own safety.
Read the instructions for emergency preparedness for outbound exchange carefully.
Language course
If you go on exchange with Erasmus+, you get access to free Online Language Support (OLS). You can assess and improve your language level through the online platform EU Academy.
Read more about language courses through Erasmus+.
It is also possible to apply for support for language courses from Lånekassen.
Read more about Lånekassen's criteria for language support.
At this stage, you should be in contact with the host institution. If you have questions, you can also contact the International Office.
We assist you in the Exchange Guide through the Digital Student Service Desk.
During your stay
Remember this during your exchange

Update information in Studentweb
Register emergency contact details and your address abroad if you haven’t already done so.
Complete registration at the host institution
Attend the official semester start at the host institution. Some institutions also require attendance during welcome weeks or similar events.
Check if the host institution has a specific registration procedure upon your arrival (such as physical registration at the International Office).
If something happens
If you experience an emergency situation, please follow the guidelines outlined on the emergency preparedness website for Norwegian institutions: and notify UiS. Please also notify UiS if you experience any violations of your academic freedoms at the host institution.
Link to UiS's alert system Let us know.
Transcript of Records from your exchange semester
Before your stay is complete, you must find out how to obtain an official version of your final transcript. Some institutions send this directly to UiS, while others provide it to students or ask you to download a digital version. It is your responsibility to obtain this document.
Termination of your exchange
If you wish to cancel your exchange after it has started, you must inform the following parties:
- Your contact person in the International Office
- Your student advisor
- The host institution
If you have received an Erasmus+ grant, you may be asked to reimburse the entire amount.
Learn more about the rules for Erasmus+ grants and exchange termination.
At this stage, you should be in contact with the host institution. If you have questions, you can also contact the International Office.
We assist you in the Exchange Guide through the Digital Student Service Desk.
After your stay
Complete this when you return home

Final approval
To have the pre-approved courses or placement included in your degree, you must apply for final approval of your exchange when you return home. Remember to upload the official Transcript of Records from the host institution as part of your application.
Learn more about final approval of partial studies abroad.
If you have received an Erasmus+ grant, you must submit all necessary documents by the specified deadline.
Information about exchange through Erasmus+.
If you have questions about applying for final approval, you must contact your student advisor.
If you have other questions, please contact the International Office.
We assist you in the Exchange Guide through the Digital Student Service Desk.