Kolb, Nadine;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Luque, Alicia;
Minor, Sergey;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen;
Rothman, Jason
(Extra-)linguistic variables in multilingual language development in children and adolescents.
Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax (OpVaMS) IV Workshop;
2024-01-31 - 2024-02-02.
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Sergey;
Rothman, Jason
The impact of (extra-)linguistic variables on the development of Syrian-Arabic and German.
FLUENT Lunch Talk Series;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Kolb, Nadine;
Luque, Alicia;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
Cross-linguistic influence in adverb placement in L3 Spanish: comparing offline and online measures.
BHL 2024: Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World;
2024-01-10 - 2024-01-12.
Kolb, Nadine;
Jaekel, Nils
L3 English learners with immigrant backgrounds in EFL classrooms: A systematic review​.
AAAL 2024;
2024-03-16 - 2024-03-19.
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Kolb, Nadine;
Stadt, Rosalinde;
Luque, Alicia;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
Cross-linguistic influence from English in beginner learners of French and German as an L3 in the Netherlands: Comparing offline knowledge and online processing of adverb placement.
L3 Workshop: Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use;
2024-05-17 - 2024-05-19.
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Minor, Sergey;
Kolb, Nadine;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking.
L3 Workshop: Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use;
2024-05-17 - 2024-05-19.
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Sergey;
Rothman, Jason
The impact of (extra-)linguistic variables on the development of Syrian-Arabic as a heritage language.
AcqVA Aurora Closing Event;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Stadt, Rosalinde;
Kolb, Nadine;
Luque, Alicia;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
Cross-linguistic influence at the initial stages: Influence from L1 Dutch and L2 English on adverb placement in L3 French and German.
AcqVA Aurora Closing Event;
Kolb, Nadine;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Luque, Alicia;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
Cross-linguistic influence in the production and processing of adverbs in L3 Spanish, French and German: Exploring individual differences.
AcqVA Aurora Closing Event;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Minor, Serge;
Kolb, Nadine;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking .
2024-05-23 - 2024-05-24.
Kolb, Nadine;
Minor, Serge;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking.
EuroSLA 33;
2024-07-03 - .
Stadt, Rosalinde;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Kolb, Nadine;
Luque, Alicia;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
Cross-linguistic influence at the initial stages: Influence from L1 Dutch and L2 English on verb placement in L3 French and L3 German.
The 13th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism (IAM L3 Conference 2024);
2024-08-29 - 2024-08-31.
Kolb, Nadine;
Jaekel, Nils
Exploring multilingual learner trajectories:A systematic review of L3 English learners with immigrant backgrounds in EFL settings .
The 13th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism (IAM L3 Conference 2024);
2024-08-29 - 2024-08-31.
Kolb, Nadine
Cross-linguistic influence in L3 acquisition.
Högre seminariet i tvåspråkighetsforskning;
Natvig, David Albert;
Kolb, Nadine;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet
Tverrspråklig påvirkning i norsk som tredjespråk hos ukrainskspråklige innlærere .
Møte om norsk språk 20;
2024-11-27 - 2024-11-29.
Jakobsen, Åsmund Glende;
Kalsås, Vidar Fagerheim;
Kanstad, Daniel;
Kolb, Nadine
Aksjonsforskning i lærerutdanning og profesionsutvikling.
2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27.
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Kolb, Nadine;
Luque, Alicia;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine
Cross-linguistic influence from Norwegian and English in the production and processing of adverbs in L3 Spanish and French.
Going Romance 2024;
2024-12-04 - 2024-12-06.
Kalsås, Vidar Fagerheim;
Kolb, Nadine;
Jakobsen, Åsmund Glende;
Kanstad, Daniel
Aksjonsforskning i lærerutdanning og profesjonsutvikling.
Rogalandskonferansen 2024;
2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27.
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Kolb, Nadine;
Luque, Alicia G.;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine
Cross-linguistic influence from Norwegian and English in the production and processing of adverbs in Spanish and French..
. Going Romance 2024;
van Osch, Brechje Antonet;
Kolb, Nadine;
Stadt, Rosalinde;
Luque, Alicia G.;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine
Understanding L3 Acquisition Through the Lens of Cross-Linguistic Influence: Integrating Online and Offline Measures to Assess the Processing of Adverb Placement Across Beginner L3 Learners of French and German in the Netherlands.
VALP: Variation and Language Processing 6;
Kolb, Nadine
Multilingual early childhood education.
Workshop on Multilingualism;
Kolb, Nadine
Quality development in multilingual education.
Multilingual Education Workshop;
van Osch, Brechje;
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Stadt, Rosalinde;
Luque, Alicia;
Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen
Cross-linguistic influence from English as a heritage language in L3 acquisition.
Heritage Languages at the Crossroads (HL@Cross): Cultural contexts, Individual differences, and methodologies;
2023-05-29 - 2023-05-30.
Lorenz, Eliane;
Kolb, Nadine;
Jensberg, Helene
Cross-Linguistic Influence in L2 and L3 English Acquisition: Norwegian and Norwegian-Heritage Language Children.
Heritage Languages at the Crossroads (HL@Cross): Cultural contexts, Individual differences, and methodologies;
2023-05-29 - 2023-05-30.
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Sergey;
Rothman, Jason
Investigating Proxies for Understanding Trajectories: An empirical study on Syrian Arabic as a heritage language and German as a second language.
Heritage Languages at the Crossroads (HL@Cross): Cultural contexts, Individual differences, and methodologies;
2023-05-29 - 2023-05-30.
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Sergey;
Rothman, Jason
Heritage language and child second language development in Syrian Arabic and German in the European refugee context.
International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB14);
2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30.
Kolb, Nadine
Multilingualism - Language Development of Syrian Arabic and German.
Mentor Training Workshop;
2023-03-04 - 2023-08-04.
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Serge;
Rothman, Jason
Predictive Processing in HL Syrian Arabic and cL2 German.
AMLAP23 Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing;
2023-08-31 - 2023-09-02.
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Serge;
Rothman, Jason
Language experience predictors of heritage language trajectories in 6- to 12-year-old Syrian Arabic-German bilinguals.
Q-BEx workshop;
2023-09-14 - 2023-09-15.
Kolb, Nadine
Le développement plurilingue.
Parent Workshop;
Kolb, Nadine;
Anderssen, Merete Brendeford;
Minor, Sergey;
Rothman, Jason
Syrian Arabic as a Heritage Language in Germany.
RUEG 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research ;
2023-09-26 - 2023-09-28.
Kolb, Nadine
A Cross-Country Comparison: Plurilingual Teaching Across Educational Curriculain Finland, Germany, and Norway.
DEMCI Annual Seminar;
Klassen, Rachel;
Kolb, Nadine;
Hopp, Holger;
Westergaard, Marit
Syntactic and lexical gender congruency in native Spanish speakers acquiring L2 German.
2022-08-04 - 2022-08-05.
Kolb, Nadine;
Andersen, Merete;
Rothman, Jason
Heritage Language and Child Second Language Development in Refugee Contexts: An empirical study on Syrian Arabic and German
GASLA 16: Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition;
2022-05-12 - 2022-05-14.
Kolb, Nadine;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit
Russian heritage language speakers in Germany: A study on child L3 acquisition.
HLAW: Heritage Languages Around the World Conference;
2022-05-18 - 2022-05-20.
Kolb, Nadine;
Guajardo, Gustavo;
Bernstein, Katharina
Cross-linguistic influence in L3 and L2 German.
GASLA 16: Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition;
2022-05-12 - 2022-05-14.
Kolb, Nadine;
Andersen, Merete;
Rothman, Jason
Heritage Language and Child Second Language Development in Refugee Contexts.
AcqVA workshop;
2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.
Hopp, Holger;
Westergaard, Marit;
Klassen, Rachel;
Kolb, Nadine
Interactions between lexical and syntactic L1–L2 overlap: Effects of gender congruency on L2 sentence processing in L1 Spanish–L2 German speakers.
MultiGender: A Multilingual Approach to Grammatical Gender workshop;
2022-06-02 - 2022-06-03.
Klassen, Rachel;
Kolb, Nadine;
Hopp, Holger;
Westergaard, Marit
Syntactic and lexical gender congruency in native Spanish speakers acquiring L2 German.
Poznan Lingiustic Meeting PLM51;
2022-09-08 - 2022-09-10.
Kolb, Nadine;
Guajardo, Gustavo;
Bernstein, Katharina;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit
Cross-linguistic influence in L3 and L2 German .
Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use 2022;
2022-10-22 - 2022-10-23.
Kolb, Nadine
Sprachen fördern im Alltag.
Online Fachtag: Bildung und Erziehung von mehrsprachig aufwachsenden Kindern;
Kolb, Nadine
Early Multilingualism in Montessori Education Module 1.
Workshop: Early Multilingualism in Montessori Education Module 1;
2022-11-25 - 2022-11-26.
Kolb, Nadine
Early Multilingualism in Montessori Education Module 2.
Workshop: Early Multilingualism on Montessori Education Module 2;
Klassen, Rachel;
Kolb, Nadine;
Hopp, Holger;
Westergaard, Marit
Interactions between syntactic and lexical gender congruency in L1 Spanish-L2 German speakers.
Conference on Multilingualism (COM2021);
2021-06-23 - 2021-06-25.
Kolb, Nadine
Immersion: Deutsch und Dänisch in der Kita.
Online-Vortragsreihe: Frühe Begegnung mit der Nachbarsprache;
Kolb, Nadine;
Guajardo, Gustavo Ariel;
Westergaard, Marit
Acquiring German as a third language: An empirical study on cross-linguistic influence at early stages .
Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALANA) - 9;
2021-05-07 - 2021-05-09.
Kolb, Nadine;
González Alonso, Jorge
How to implement the ‘QITA handbook for language and multilingualism’ in multilingual early childhood education.
fmks online lecture series;
Kolb, Nadine;
Guajardo, Gustavo Ariel;
Westergaard, Marit
L3 development: A longitudinal study on L3 German in Norway.
13th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB 13);
2021-07-10 - 2021-07-14.
Kolb, Nadine;
Guajardo, Gustavo Ariel;
Westergaard, Marit
Cross-linguistic influence at early stages of L3 German: An empirical study on morpho- syntactic properties.
The 30th Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 30);
2021-06-30 - 2021-07-03.
Kolb, Nadine
INPUT - Investigating Proxies for Understanding Trajectories: Heritage Language Maintenance and Child Second Language Acquisition in Refugee Contexts.
38. BIVEM (Berliner Interdisziplinärer Verbund für Mehrsprachigkeit) Kooperationstreffen;
Kolb, Nadine;
Guajardo, Gustavo;
Westergaard, Marit
A longitudinal study on cross-linguistic influence in L3 German.
New Approaches to Bilingualism and Multilingualism and Language Learning/Teaching Conference (BiMuLT);
2021-11-20 - 2021-11-21.
Kolb, Nadine;
Westergaard, Marit
Investigating Early Stages of L3 Acquisition.
Conference on Multilingualism 2020 (COM2020);
2020-06-23 - 2020-06-25.
Kolb, Nadine;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit
Cross-linguistic influence in German-Russian bilinguals acquiring English as a third language.
CLI Workshop;
2019-05-20 - 2019-05-21.
Jensen, Isabel Nadine;
Kolb, Nadine
Flerspråklighet i skolen i et språkforskerperspektiv.
NAFO (Nasjonalt senter for flerkulturell opplæring) - samling;
2019-04-25 - 2019-04-26.
Kolb, Nadine;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit
Transfer of morphosyntactic properties in third language acquisition: An empirical study on German-Russian bilinguals acquiring L3 English.
EuroSLA 29;
2019-08-28 - 2019-08-31.
Kolb, Nadine
QITA: Qualitätsentwicklung und Gelingensfaktoren in zwei- und mehrsprachigen Kitas [Quality development and influential factors in bi- and multilingual kindergarten programs].
Workshop at the fmks (Frühe Mehrsprachigkeit an Schulen und Kitas e.V.)-Fachtag "Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit";
2019-02-02 - .
Kolb, Nadine
Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit in Kita und Schule [Multilingualism in kindergarten and school].
Aktionstag "Snack mehr (Spraken) mit mi!" Sprachenvielfalt und frühe Mehrsprachigkeit;
2019-10-01 - .
Kolb, Nadine;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit
Crosslinguistic influence in child L3 acquisition: German-Russian bilinguals acquiring English.
GALA 14;
2019-09-12 - 2019-09-14.
Kolb, Nadine;
Mitrofanova, Natalia;
Westergaard, Marit
V2 in L3 English: A study on Russian heritage speakers in Germany.
V2 and related phenomena-workshop;
2019-10-22 - 2019-10-23.