Greenhouse online book talk: Caroline Grego, Hurricane Jim Crow
In "Hurricane Jim Crow", Caroline Grego explores the painful and contradictory history of how...

Greenhouse online book talk: Killian Quigley, Reading Underwater Wreckage
In "Reading Underwater Wreckage", Killian Quigley puts the environmental humanities, and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Neil Oatsvall, Atomic Environments
In "Atomic Environments", Neil Oatsvall demonstrates how policymakers often failed to protect and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Christina Dunbar-Hester, Oil Beach
In "Oil Beach", Christina Dunbar-Hester reveals how logistics infrastructure threatens ecologies as...

Greenhouse online book talk: Ezra Rashkow, The Nature of Endangerment in India
In "The Nature of Endangerment in India", Ezra Rashkow offers a global intellectual history of the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Abigail Agresta, The Keys to Bread and Wine
In "The Keys to Bread and Wine", Abigail Agresta argues that Valencia’s Christian rulers took a...

Greenhouse online book talk: Simone Ferracina, Ecologies of Inception
In Ecologies of Inception, Simone Ferracina re-thinks potentiality in architecture and design, in...

Greenhouse online book talk: Benjamín Schultz-Figueroa, Celluloid Specimen
In The Celluloid Specimen, Benjamín Schultz‑Figueroa examines rarely seen behaviorist films of...

Greenhouse online book talk: Samantha Muka, Oceans Under Glass
In Oceans Under Glass, Samantha Muka examines the use of specialized tanks to preserve coral...

Greenhouse online book talk: Faizah Zakaria, The Camphor Tree and the Elephant
Historian Faizah Zakaria traces the conversion of the Batak people in upland Sumatra and the Malay...

Greenhouse online book talk: Christiaan De Beukelaer, Trade Winds
In Trade Winds, Christian De Beukelaer recounts his life-changing personal odyssey sailing aboard...

Greenhouse online book talk: Matthew S. Henry, Hydronarratives
In Hydronarratives, Matthew S. Henry examines cultural representations that imagine a just...

Greenhouse online book talk: Lisa Bloom, Climate Change and the New Polar Aesthetics
In Climate Change and the New Polar Aesthetics, Lisa E. Bloom considers the ways artists, filmmakers...

Greenhouse online book talk: Charne Lavery, Writing Ocean Worlds
In Writing Ocean Worlds, Charne Lavery explores the Indian Ocean world as it is produced by colonial...

Greenhouse online book talk: Min Hyoung Song, Climate Lyricism
In Climate Lyricism Min Hyoung Song articulates a climate change-centered reading practice that...

Greenhouse online book talk #100: Lydia Pine, Endlings
In Endlings: Fables for the Anthropocene, Lydia Pyne explores how discussion about endlings—how we...

Greenhouse online book talk: Eric Hirsch, Acts of Growth
In 'Acts of Growth: Development and the Politics of Abundance in Peru', Eric Hirsch considers what...

Greenhouse online book talk: Kjetil Fallan, Ecological by Design
In Ecological by Design, Kjetil Fallan describes the efforts of Scandinavian designers to forge an...

Greenhouse online book talk: Joshua Barnett, Mourning in the Anthropocene
In Mourning in the Anthropocene, Joshua Trey Barnett argues that our capacity to grieve for more...

Greenhouse online book talk: Thomas Zeller, Consuming Landscapes
In Consuming Landscapes, Thomas Zeller explores how what we see while driving reflects how we view...

Greenhouse online book talk: Rohan Lloyd, Saving the Reef
In Saving the Reef, Rohan Lloyd charts the social history of Australia’s most prized yet vulnerable...

Greenhouse online book talk: Sophie Chao, In the Shadow of the Palms
With In the Shadow of the Palms, Sophie Chao examines the multispecies entanglements of oil palm...

Greenhouse online book talk: James Morton Turner, Charged
In Charged, James Morton Turner unpacks the history of batteries to explore why solving "the battery...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jenny Price, Stop Saving the Planet!
In Stop Saving the Planet!, Jenny Price sets out a manifesto for an environmentalism that is hugely...

Greenhouse online book talk: Erik Nordman, The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom
In The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom, author Erik Nordman brings to life Ostrom’s brilliant...

Greenhouse online book talk: Nancy Langston, Climate Ghosts
In Climate Ghosts, Nancy Langston explores three “ghost species” in the Great Lakes watershed and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Raf de Bont, Nature's Diplomats
By examining international efforts to protect migratory birds, the threatened European bison, and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jessica Hurley, Infrastructures of Apocalypse
In Infrastructures of Apocalypse, Jessica Hurley delivers a fresh literary history of post-1945...

Greenhouse online book talk: Samantha Walton, Everybody Needs Beauty
In Everybody Needs Beauty, Samantha Walton engages seriously with the connection between nature and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Charlie Hailey, The Porch
The Porch takes us on a journey along the edges of nature where the outside comes in, hosts meet...

Greenhouse online book talk: Candace Fujikane, Mapping Abundance for a Planetary Future
In Mapping Abundance for a Planetary Future, Candace Fujikane contends that the practice of mapping...

Greenhouse online book talk: Max Liboiron, Pollution is Colonialism
In Pollution Is Colonialism Max Liboiron presents a framework for understanding scientific research...

Greenhouse online book talk: Vincent Ialenti, Deep Time Reckoning
In Deep Time Reckoning, Vincent Ialenti offers a guide for envisioning the planet’s far future—to...

Greenhouse online book talk: Heather Houser, Infowhelm
In Infowhelm, Heather Houser analyzes how artists transform the techniques of the sciences into...

Greenhouse online book talk: Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, A Monastery for the Ibex
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg merges the history of conservation with the social history of the Gran...

Greenhouse online book talk: Kirsten A. Greer, Red Coats and Wild Birds
In Red Coats and Wild Birds, Greer examines the lives, writings, and collections of a number of...

Greenhouse online book talk: Robert Geal, Ecological Film Theory and Psychoanalysis
In Ecological Film Theory and Psychoanalysis, Robert Geal argues that films about environmental...

Greenhouse online book talk: Anna Burton, Trees in Nineteenth-Century English Fiction
In Trees in Nineteenth-Century English Fiction, Anna Burton tracks the impact of the accumulating...

Greenhouse online book talk: Finn Arne Jørgensen, Recycling
Is there a point to recycling? Is recycling even good for the environment? In Recycling, Finn Arne...

Greenhouse online book talk: Finis Dunaway, Defending the Arctic Refuge
In Defending the Arctic Refuge, Finis Dunaway tells the story of how the people fought back against...

Greenhouse online book talk: Joanna Page, Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art
In Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art, Joanna Page interrogates how artistic practices may...

Greenhouse online book talk: Emily O'Gorman, Wetlands in a Dry Land
In Wetlands in a Dry Land, Emily O'Gorman uses the Murray-Darling Basin as a case study to examine...

Greenhouse online book talk: Anna Barcz, Environmental Cultures in Soviet East Europe
In Environmental Cultures in Soviet East Europe, Anna Barcz offers the first in-depth study of the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Christine Keiner, Deep Cut: Science, Power and the Unbuilt Interoceanic Canal
In Deep Cut, Christine Keiner examines the Atlantic-Pacific Central American sea-level canal in an...

Greenhouse online book talk: Alda Balthrop-Lewis, Thoreau's Religion
In Thoreau’s Religion, Alda Balthrop-Lewis presents a ground-breaking interpretation of Henry David...

Greenhouse online book talk: Ben Anderson, Cities, Mountains and Being Modern
In Cities, Mountains and Being Modern, Ben Anderson presents the first transnational history of...

Greenhouse online book talk: Environmental History Panel
Presenters from earlier in the book talk series reflected reflected upon the place of their own work...

Greenhouse online book talk: Nayanika Mathur, Crooked Cats
In Crooked Cats, Nayanika Mathur reframes "man-eaters" as big cats that have gone off the straight...

Greenhouse online book talk: Justyna Poray-Wybranowska, Climate Change
Climate Change, Ecological Catastrophe, and the Contemporary Novel responds to the critical need for...

Greenhouse online book talk: Frederico Freitas, Nationalizing Nature
In Nationalizing Nature, Frederico Freitas uncovers the crucial role played by conservation in Latin...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jonathan Padwe, Disturbed Forests, Fragmented Memories
Disturbed Forests, Fragmented Memories tells the story of violence and dispossession in the...

Greenhouse online book talk: C. Anne Claus, Drawing the Sea Near
This richly detailed, engagingly written ethnography focuses on Okinawa’s coral reefs to explore an...

Greenhouse online book talk: Joseph Pugliese, Biopolitics of the More-than-Human
In Biopolitics of the More-Than-Human Pugliese examines the concept of the biopolitical through a...

Greenhouse online book talk: Timo Maran, Ecosemiotics
Timo Maran provides an accessible introduction to ecosemiotics and demonstrates its pertinence for...

Greenhouse online book talk: Pratik Chakrabarti, Inscriptions of Nature
In Inscriptions of Nature, Chakrabarti argues that, in both the real and the metaphorical digging of...

Greenhouse online book talk: Benjamin Cohen, Pure Adulteration
In Pure Adulteration, Cohen uses the pure food crusades to provide a captivating window onto the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jemma Deer, Radical Animism
In Radical Animism, Deer offers a new theory of animism for an age of environmental crisis...

Greenhouse online book talk: Craig Santos Perez, Habitat Threshold
With Habitat Threshold, Craig Santos Perez has crafted a timely collection of eco-poetry that...

Greenhouse online book talk: Stefania Barca, Forces of Reproduction
In Forces of Reproduction, Stefania Barca offers a narrative justice approach that places feminist...

Greenhouse online book talk: Sasha Engelmann, Sensing Art in the Atmosphere
Sensing Art in the Atmosphere: Elemental Lures and Aerosolar Practices traces the potential of...

Greenhouse online book talk: Kate Teltscher, Palace of Palms
In Palace of Palms, Kate Teltscher tells the extraordinary story of the creation of the Palm House...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jamie Lorimer, The Probiotic Planet
In The Probiotic Planet, Jamie Lorimer offers a sweeping overview of diverse probiotic approaches...

Greenhouse online book talk: Elizabeth Parker, The Forest and the EcoGothic
This book offers the first full length study on the pervasive archetype of The Gothic Forest in...

Greenhouse online book talk: Peter Dauvergne, AI in the Wild
In AI in the Wild, Dauvergne avoids the AI industry-powered hype and offers a critical view...

Greenhouse online book talk: Alexandra Palmer, Ethical Debates in Orangutan Conservation
Ethical Debates in Orangutan Conservation explores how conservationists decide whether, and how, to...

Greenhouse online book talk: Rebecca Giggs, Fathoms
In Fathoms, Rebecca Giggs blends natural history, philosophy, and science to explore how the lives...

Greenhouse online book talk: Alenda Chang, Playing Nature
In Playing Nature, Alenda Y. Chang argues that video games need to be understood as part of a...

Greenhouse online book talk: Aidan Tynan, The Desert in Modern Literature and Philosophy
Tynan offers a timely and provocative rethinking of some of the core assumptions of ecocriticism and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Peder Anker, The Power of the Periphery
Peder Anker examines how Norwegian scholar-activists of the late twentieth century portrayed their...

Greenhouse online book talk: Hannah Boast, Hydrofictions
In Hydrofictions, Hannah Boast identifies water as a crucial new topic of literary and cultural...

Greenhouse online book talk: Etienne Benson, Surroundings
In Surroundings, Benson uncovers the diversity of forms that environmentalism has taken over the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Lesley Green, Rock Water Life
In Rock | Water | Life, Green examines the interwoven realities of inequality, racism, colonialism...

Greenhouse online book talk: Kate Rigby, Reclaiming Romanticism
Reclaiming Romanticism rediscovers the importance of the European Romantic tradition to the ways...

Greenhouse online book talk: Luke Keogh, The Wardian Case
Luke Keogh discusses the invention of the Wardian Case and the revolution in the movement of plants...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jennifer Telesca, Red Gold
In Red Gold, Jennifer E. Telesca discusses the role of ICCAT in the disappearance of the giant...

Greenhouse online book talk: Melody Jue, Wild Blue Media
In Wild Blue Media, Jue destabilizes terrestrial-based ways of knowing and reorients our perception...

Greenhouse online book talk: Rocio Gomez, Silver Veins, Dusty Lungs
In Silver Veins, Dusty Lungs, Rocio Gomez examines the detrimental effects of the silver mining...

Greenhouse online book talk: Daniel Macfarlane, Fixing Niagara Falls
Fixing Niagara Falls reveals the technological feats and cross-border politics that facilitated the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Thom van Dooren, The Wake of Crows
The Wake of Crows is an exploration of the entangled lives of humans and crows.

Greenhouse online book talk: Emily Wanderer, Life of a Pest
The Life of a Pest tracks the work practices of scientists in Mexico as they study flora and fauna...

Greenhouse online book talk: Paul Huebener, Nature’s Broken Clocks
In Nature’s Broken Clocks, Paul Huebener analyses works of fiction and poetry, examining how...

Greenhouse online book talk: Emily Pawley, The Nature of the Future
The Nature of the Future uncovers the rich loam hiding beneath ostensibly infertile scholarly...

Greenhouse online book talk: David Fedman, Seeds of Control
In Seeds of Control, David Fedman explores Japanese imperialism through the lens of forest...

Greenhouse online book talk: Christine Eriksen and Susan Ballard, Alliances in the Anthropocene
Through a truly interdisciplinary study, this book explores how fire, plants and people coexist in...

Greenhouse online book talk: Angela Cassidy, Vermin, Victims and Disease
In Vermin, Victims and Disease, Angela Cassidy provides the first critical history of the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jessica Lee, Two Trees Make a Forest
Part-nature writing, part-biography, Two Trees Make a Forest traces the natural and human stories...

Greenhouse online book talks: Antony Adler, Neptune's Laboratory
Neptune’s Laboratory explores the ways in which scientists, politicians, and the public have invoked...

Greenhouse online book talk: Bathsheba Demuth, Floating Coast
Floating Coast offers a groundbreaking exploration of the relationships between capitalism...

Greenhouse online book talk: Eva Giraud, What Comes After Entanglement?
In What Comes After Entanglement?, Eva Giraud discusses how attempts to move beyond the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Paul Merchant, Latin American Culture & the Limits of the Human
Paul Merchant discusses how 'Latin American Culture an the Limits of the Human' explores works from...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jeremy Zallen, American Lucifers
In American Lucifers, Jeremy Zallen discusses the full significance of the revolution of artificial...

Greenhouse online book talk: Dolly Jørgensen, Recovering Lost Species in the Modern Age
In Recovering Lost Species in the Modern Age, Dolly Jørgensen brings together environmental history...

Greenhouse online book talk: Rutherford, Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin
Stephanie Rutherford weaves an innovative tapestry from the varied threads of historical and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Visions of Nature by Jarrod Hore
In Visions of Nature, Jarrod Hore revives the work of late nineteenth-century landscape...