David Albert Natvig
Førsteamanuensis i nordisk språk

Telefon: 51831573
E-post: david.a.natvig@uis.no
Rom: HG N-211
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
Førsteamanuensis i nordisk språk
Telefon: 51831573
E-post: david.a.natvig@uis.no
Rom: HG N-211
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
Putnam, Michael T.; Natvig, David Albert
An Introduction to Language Attrition: Linguistic, social, and cognitive perspectives .
ISBN 9781032004983.
Natvig, David Albert
Hall, Tracy Alan (2022). Velar fronting in German dialects: a study in synchronic and diachronic phonology. (Open Germanic Linguistics 3). Berlin: Language Science Press. Pp. xx + 896..Phonology.
ISSN 0952-6757.
Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael T.; Lykke, Alexander Kristoffersen
Stability in the integrated bilingual grammar: Tense exponency in North American Norwegian.Nordic Journal of Linguistics.
ISSN 0332-5865.
Bousquette, Joshua; Natvig, David Albert
Heritage Language Home and Community: Gendered Division of Labor and Language Shift. I: Selected Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 11).
Cascadilla Press.
ISBN 978-1-57473-480-5.
Fisher, Rose; Natvig, David Albert; Pretorius, Erin; Putnam, Michael T.; Schuhmann, Katharina S.
Why Is Inflectional Morphology Difficult to Borrow?—Distributing and Lexicalizing Plural Allomorphy in Pennsylvania Dutch.Languages.
ISSN 2226-471X.
Volum 7.
Hefte 2.
Natvig, David Albert; van Baal, Yvonne
American Norwegian derivational morphology in contact.Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS).
ISSN 1892-2449.
Volum 12.
Hefte 2.
Natvig, David Albert
The Great Change and the shift from Norwegian to English in Ulen, Minnesota. I: The Verticalization Model of Language Shift: The Great Change in American Communities.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198864639.
Natvig, David Albert
Variation and stability of American Norwegian /r/ in contact.Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
ISSN 1879-9264.
Volum 12.
Hefte 6.
DOI: 10.1075/lab.20085.na
Natvig, David Albert; Salmons, Joseph C.
Connecting structure and variation in sound change.Cadernos de Linguística.
ISSN 2675-4916.
Volum 2.
Hefte 1.
D'Alessandro, Roberta; Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael T.
Addressing Challenges in Formal Research on Moribund Heritage Languages: A Path Forward.Frontiers in Psychology.
ISSN 1664-1078.
Volum 12.
Natvig, David Albert
Modeling Heritage Language Phonetics and Phonology: Toward an Integrated Multilingual Sound System.Languages.
ISSN 2226-471X.
Volum 6.
Hefte 4.
Natvig, David Albert
Rhotic underspecification: Deriving variability and arbitrariness through phonological representations.Glossa: a journal of general linguistics.
ISSN 2397-1835.
Volum 5.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.1172
Natvig, David Albert; van Baal, Yvonne
Crossing borders to enhance our understanding of variation in heritage languages.Oslo Studies in Language (OSLa).
ISSN 1890-9639.
Volum 11.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.5617/osla.8506
Lohndal, Terje; Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael T.; Van Baal, Yvonne Wilhelmina Henriette
Comparing frameworks: A case-study of the syntax-morphology interface.
Workshop On Morphology at Princeton (WOMP);
2024-03-22 - 2024-03-23.
van Baal, Yvonne ; Lohndal, Terje; Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael T.
Comparing models of the syntax-morphology interface with heritage language data.
PSU Morphology Circle;
Natvig, David Albert
The Community at the Center: Einar Haugen and the Verticalization Model of Language Shift.
Haugen Re-visited: Theoretical and Empirical Realities of Heritage Communities;
2024-05-22 - 2024-05-24.
Natvig, David Albert; van Baal, Yvonne
North American Norwegian Tonal Accents and Nominal Morphological Alternations.
15th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA15);
2024-09-26 - 2024-09-28.
Natvig, David Albert; Kolb, Nadine; van Osch, Brechje Antonet
Tverrspråklig påvirkning i norsk som tredjespråk hos ukrainskspråklige innlærere .
Møte om norsk språk 20;
2024-11-27 - 2024-11-29.
Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael T.
Don't take that tone with me! Syntactic structures and Norwegian tonal accents.
Exo-Words Workshop;
2023-03-23 - 2023-03-25.
Natvig, David Albert
From American Norwegians to Norwegian Americans: Language and community in the American Upper Midwest.
Kolloqium: Kleine und regionale Sprachen;
Michnowicz, James; Natvig, David Albert; Salmons, Joseph C.
Yucatan Spanish VOT: Bilingual phonological representations and substrate sociophonetics.
LSA 97th Annual Meeting;
2023-01-05 - 2023-01-08.
Natvig, David Albert
Fonetisk variasjon og endring i norsk som arvespråk i Amerika.
Seminar om norsk som arvespråk;
Johnson, Mirva; Natvig, David Albert; Salmons, Joseph C.; Vanhecke, Charlotte
Germanic /h/ and /ɦ/: Nothing really matters.
Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference;
2022-03-31 - 2022-04-02.
Natvig, David Albert
Suzanne Aalberse, Ad Backus & Pieter Muysken: Heritage languages: A language contact approach.Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics.
ISSN 2199-2908.
Natvig, David Albert; Lykke, Alexander Kristoffersen; Putnam, Michael T.
The structured stability of American Norwegian past tense morphophonology.
Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas;
2022-11-10 - 2023-10-12.
Moquin, Laura; Natvig, David Albert
American Norwegian tonal accents and English stress in contact .
Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas;
2022-11-10 - 2023-10-12.
Natvig, David Albert
Understanding our linguistic and cultural past and present: Formal and social approaches to (heritage language) multilingualism.
Linguistics Program Invited Speaker Colloquium;
Natvig, David Albert
Chain shifts and phonological substance in sound change.
Linguistics Fridays;
Natvig, David Albert
Book review: Lost in Transmission: The Role of Attrition and Input in Heritage Language Development..
Heritage Language Journal.
ISSN 1550-7076.
Natvig, David Albert
What shifts in a chain shift? Phonetics, phonology, and the substance of sound change.
Third AMC Symposium: Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different?;
2022-12-05 - 2022-12-07.
Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael Travis
Fuzzy exponents: Past tense morphology in American Norwegian.
Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference;
2021-05-12 - 2021-05-14.
van Baal, Yvonne; Natvig, David Albert
Ka e de mot avleiing: Derivational morphology in American Norwegian.
Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas;
2021-10-06 - 2021-10-09.
Natvig, David Albert; Salmons, Joseph C.
Phonetics and phonology in contact-induced change: The case of Yucatan Spanish.
The Fifth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology;
2021-12-06 - 2021-12-08.
Natvig, David Albert
Variation and Change of the American Norwegian Back Vowel Chain Shift Over Time.
Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas;
2020-10-08 - 2020-10-17.
Bousquette, Joshua; Natvig, David Albert
Heritage language home and community: Gendered division of labor and language shift.
Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas;
2020-10-08 - 2020-10-17.
Salmons, Joseph C.; Natvig, David Albert
Sound Change.
Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online Lecture Series;