Ingrid Tjoflåt
Dosent i sykepleie
Telefon: 51834171
Rom: P15 228
Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
Avdeling for kvalitet og helseteknologi
Dosent i sykepleie
Telefon: 51834171
Rom: P15 228
Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
Avdeling for kvalitet og helseteknologi
Faustine, Rose; Mahande, Michael Johnson; Rogathi, Jane; Furskog Risa, Eva Christina; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Tanzanian student nurse- midwives knowledge and skills in the prevention and mangement of postpartum hemorrhage .International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences.
ISSN 2214-1391.
Nyen, Siri; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Praksisutveksling – Du får en kompetanse du ikke kan lese deg til. .Nordisk sygeplejeforskning.
ISSN 1892-2678.
Volum 14.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.18261/nsf.14.1.2
Finnestad Svela, Helene Lilja; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Utfordringer og muligheter i slagrehabiliteringen: En kvalitativ studie om ergoterapeuters erfaringer i møte med innvandrerpasienter .
ISSN 0800-3475.
Hefte 1.
Mwalabu, Gertrude; Msosa, Annie; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Bø, Bodil; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Msiska, Masauko; Mapulanga, Patrick
Simulation-based education to facilitate clinical readiness in nursing and midwifery programmes in sub-Saharan Africa: a meta-synthesis.Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning.
ISSN 2042-3896.
Volum 14.
Hefte 3.
Mwalabu, Gertrude; Msosa, Annie; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Mapulanga, Patrick; Bø, Bodil; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Msiska, Masauko
Factors influencing implementation of simulation in nursing and midwifery training in Malawi.Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (HSAG).
ISSN 1025-9848.
Volum 29.
Mwalabu, Gertrude; Msosa, Annie; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Bø, Bodil; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Mapulanga, Patrick; Msiska, Masauko
Simulation-Based Education as a Solution to Challenges Encountered with Clinical Teaching in Nursing and Midwifery Education in Malawi: A Qualitative Study.Journal of Nursing Management.
ISSN 0966-0429.
Volum 2024.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.1155/2024/1776533
Sirevåg, Irene; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Gillespie, Brigid M
Bi-lingual content validation of the Non-Technical Skills for Operating Room Nurses (NOTSORN) tool: A Delphi study.International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances).
Volum 7.
Kabondo, Charity; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Kumbani, Lily; Kafulafula, Ursula
Education of postpartum hemorrhage management clinical skills among midwifery students in Malawi: A qualitative study.Midwifery.
ISSN 0266-6138.
Volum 136.
Kabondo, Charity; Kafulafula, Ursula; Kumbani, Lily C; Furskog Risa, Eva Christina; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Examining lecturers’ questions and level of reflection during post-simulation debriefing in Malawi: A qualitative study.International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences.
ISSN 2214-1391.
Volum 21.
Mapulanga, Patrick; Msiska, Masauko; Msosa, Annie; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Bø, Bodil; Furskog Risa, Eva Christina; Mwalabu, Gertrude
Strategies supporting the implementation of simulation-based education in nursing and midwifery in Malawi: A mixed methods study.African Journal of Health Professions Education.
ISSN 2078-5127.
Volum 16.
Hefte 4.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Madangi, Bartholomayo Paulo; Ralaitafika, Hanitra; Bø, Bodil
Lessons learned through developing and implementing simulation-based education in nursing education programmes in sub-Saharan Africa.International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences.
ISSN 2214-1391.
Volum 19.
Sirevåg, Irene; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Expanding the non-technical skills vocabulary of operating room nurses: a qualitative study.BMC Nursing.
ISSN 1472-6955.
Volum 22.
Hefte 1.
Arora, Sanjana; Bø, Bodil; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Eslen-Ziya, Hande
Immigrants in Norway: Resilience, challenges and vulnerabilities in times of COVID-19.Journal of Migration and Health.
ISSN 2666-6235.
Strømme, Torunn; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Aase, Karina
A competence improvement programme for the systematic observation of frail older patients in homecare: qualitative outcome analysis.BMC Health Services Research.
ISSN 1472-6963.
Volum 22.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Koyo, Samwel Ligmas; Bø, Bodil
Simulation-based education as a pedagogic method in nurse educationprogrammes in sub-Saharan Africa – Perspectives from nurse teachers.Nurse Education in Practice.
ISSN 1471-5953.
Volum 52.
Bø, Bodil; Madangi, Bartholomayo Paulo; Ralaitafika, Hanitra; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Nursing students’ experiences with simulation-based education as a pedagogic method in low-resource settings: A mixed-method study.Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
ISSN 0962-1067.
DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15996
Sirevåg, Irene; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Hansen, Britt Sætre
A Delphi study identifying operating room nurses’ non-technical skills.Journal of Advanced Nursing.
ISSN 0309-2402.
DOI: 10.1111/jan.15064
Aase, Ingunn; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Hjorthaug Urstad, Kristin
Using the ‘huddle’ to enhance interprofessional teamwork among nursing students through a podcast: a qualitative and exploratory pilot study.BMC Nursing.
ISSN 1472-6955.
Volum 20.
Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Karina; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Homecare professionals’ observation of deteriorating, frail older patients: A mixed-methods study.Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
ISSN 0962-1067.
Volum 29.
Hefte 13-14.
DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15255
Strømme, Torunn; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Aase, Karina
Systematic Observation of Frail Older Patients in Homecare - Implementing a Competence Improvement Program.Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
ISSN 2387-5976.
Volum 6.
Hefte 2.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Building Resilience in Humanitarian Hospital Programs During Protracted Conflicts: Opportunities and Limitations. I: Exploring Resilience A Scientific Journey from Practice to Theory.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-030-03189-3.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Melissa, Theodotha John; Mduma, Estomih; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Karlsen, Bjørg; Søreide, Eldar
How do Tanzanian hospital nurses perceive their professional role? A qualitative study.Nursing Open.
ISSN 2054-1058.
DOI: 10.1002/nop2.139
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Brandeggen, Tone Knutsen; Standberg, Ellen Synnøve; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland
Norwegian nursing students' evaluation of vSim® for Nursing.Advances in Simulation.
ISSN 2059-0628.
Volum 3.
Hefte 10.
Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Karina; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Healthcare Professional` observational practice of deteriorating older patients in homecare - a qualitative study . I: Book of Abstracts.ISBN 978-87-93458-61-1.
Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Ulfsby, Kirsten Jacobsen; Brandeggen, Tone Knutsen; Bodsberg, Kristin Glenna; Jensen, Trude Løkhaug; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Digital storytelling in clinical replacement studies: Nursing students' experiences.Nurse Education Today.
ISSN 0260-6917.
Volum 71.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Melissa, Theodotha John; Mduma, Estomih; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Søreide, Eldar
Mismatched expectations? Experiences of nurses in a low-income country working with visiting nurses from high-income countries.Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
ISSN 0962-1067.
Volum 26.
Hefte 11-12.
DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13453
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Razaonandrianina, Julie; Karlsen, Bjørg; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Complementary knowledge sharing : experiences of nursing students participating in an educational exchange program between Madagascar and Norway.Nurse Education Today.
ISSN 0260-6917.
Volum 49.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Karlsen, Bjørg; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Working with local nurses to promote hospital-nursing care during humanitarian assignments overseas: experiences from the perspectives of nurses.Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
ISSN 0962-1067.
Volum 25.
Hefte 11-12.
DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13182
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Karlsen, Bjørg
Challenges in sharing knowledge:reflections from the perspective of an expatriate nurse working in a South Sudanese hospital.International Nursing Review.
ISSN 0020-8132.
Volum 59.
Hefte 4.
Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Karina
Clinical observation of deteriorating frail older patient. Improving the competence of homecare professionals.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-8439-170-0.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Løkken, Atle; Spanne, Kåre; Mari Linn Atterås, Larsen; Bø, Bodil
Sykepleierstudenter øver på legevisitt i en digital løsning .Sykepleien.
ISSN 0802-9768.
Volum 112( 94413).
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Sørheim, Sissel Steinberg; Chræmmer, Tanja; Dam Eikhof, Karin
Internasjonalt simuleringskurs styrker sykepleierstudentenes kompetanse og kulturforståelse.Sykepleien.
ISSN 0802-9768.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Msosa, Annie; Mapulanga, Patrick; Rogathi, Jane; Kidayi, Paulo L.; Mtuya, Christina C.; Mwalabu, Gertrude; Msiska, Masauko; Bø, Bodil
Reflections on how to implement simulation- based education; A capacity building project in Malawi and Tanzania .
SESAM - Society for simulation in Europe ;
2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.
Rogathi, Jane; Kidayi, Paulo L.; Mtuya, Christina C.; Mwalabu, Gertrude; Msiska, Masauko; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Bø, Bodil; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
SESAM - Society for simulation in Europe ;
2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.
Mwalabu, Gertrude; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Bø, Bodil; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Msosa, Annie; Mapulanga, Patrick; Msiska, Masauko
SESAM - Society for simulation in Europe ;
2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.
Sirevåg, Irene; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Gillespie, Brigid M
The Non-Technical Skills for Operating Room Nurses.
EORNA 11th congress, Lights of hope;
2024-05-16 - 2024-05-18.
Kabondo, Charity; Kafulafula, Ursula; Kumbani, Lily; Risa, Eva Christina Furskog; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Qualitative analysis of debriefing in postpartum hemorrhage simulation session.
4th African Nursing conference - Providing holistic person - centred nursing care ;
2024-07-30 - .
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Nyen, Siri
Praksisutveksling gir en kompetanse du ikke kan lese deg til.
NSF Fag og forskningskonferanse ;
2024-09-25 - 2024-09-26.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Supervision and evaluation during clinical practice for nursing and midwifery students .
Faglig innlegg - Manipal College of Nursing ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Bø, Bodil; Gatti, Filippo
"Ideal" postoperative nursing care in an ICRC supported hospital .
1st ICRC conference on Weapon - Wounded Care ;
2024-12-17 - 2024-12-18.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Deltakelse i symposium- Post-op nursing care in hospitals for weapon- wounded .
1st ICRC conference on Weapon - Wounded Care ;
2024-12-17 - 2024-12-18.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Bø, Bodil
360° videosimulering i sykepleierutdanningen: Tverrprofesjonell samhandling .
Påskesymposium SAFER;
Bø, Bodil; Larsen, Mari Linn Atterås; Spanne, Kåre; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Using 360o-video simulation to enhance interprofessional teamwork ​ ​The case of a ward round.
17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference;
2023-03-06 - 2023-03-08.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Internasjonalisering og studentutveksling .
Arendals uka ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Evaluation of SimCamp2023.
Nettverksmøte i Kalmar Vårdunion ;
Sirevåg, Irene; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Making operating room nurses' non-technical skills visible.
NORNA 6th Congress;
2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Høivik, Anne Lene; Sørheim, Sissel Steinberg
SimCamp2023 - an intensive course .
Fagdag simulering ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
NORHED II - Implementation of simulation- based education in Malawi and Tanzania ​.
NORHED II week in Tanzania ;
2023-10-09 - 2023-10-13.
Mwalabu, Gertrude; Msiskam, Masauko; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Mapulanga, Patrick; Msosa, Annie
17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference;
2023-03-06 - 2023-03-08.
Sirevåg, Irene; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Unveiling Tacit Knowledge: non-technical skills in operating room nursing.
2022-05-12 - 2022-05-15.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Rogathi, Jane; Mwalabu, Gertrude
NORHED II 2021 – 2026 -Implementing simulation-based education in Malawi and Tanzania.
8th International Nurse Education Conference ;
2022-10-19 - 2022-10-22.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Bø, Bodil
EVALUATION OF 360-CASES​, University of Stavanger​ .
Transnational meeting - 360 ViSi project ;
2022-11-09 - 2022-11-11.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Bügelmeyer, Rita Helene; Nyen, Siri
Slik kan utenlandspraksis for sykepleierstudenter planlegges og gjennomføres.Tidsskriftet sykepleien.
ISSN 0806-7511.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
NORHED II 2021 – 2026 Implementing simulation-based education in Malawi and Tanzania .
Avdelingsmøte for kvalitet og helseteknologi , Universitet i Stavanger ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
NORHED II 2021 – 2026 Implementing simulation-based education in Malawi and Tanzania .
Rektor møte, Universitet i Stavanger ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
På oppdrag for Røde Kors i konfliktområder .
Påfyll ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Implementing simulation- based education in Malawi and Tanzania .
SHARE styremøte ;
Arora, Sanjana; Bø, Bodil; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Eslen-Ziya, Hande
Immigrants in Norway: Resilience, Challenges and Vulnerabilities during COVID-19.
SHARE fagmøte ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Bø, Bodil; Dahl, Øyvind
Vi har tro på sykepleiere på Madagaskar.
Madagaskar forum.
ISSN 1504-4750.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Våga, Bodil Bø; Madangi, Paulo; Ralaitafika, Hanitra; Ligmas, Samwel; Ersdal, Hege Langli
Implementation of Simulation - Based Education in Nursing Education Programs in Tanzania and Madagascar. .
14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference;
2020-03-02 - 2020-03-04.
Bodsberg, Kristin Glenna; Ulfsby, Kristen; Brandeggen, Tone Knutsen; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug
Students Digital Storytelleing,does it create reflection in nursing practice?.
INTED 2020;
2020-04-02 - 2020-04-04.
Aase, Ingunn; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug
Previsitt på podcast.
Bodsberg, Kristin Glenna; Ulfsby, Kirsten Jacobsen; Brandeggen, Tone Knutsen; Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug
Digital Storytelleing,does it create reflection in nursing practice?. .
14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference; ;
2020-03-02 - .
Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Ulfsby, Kirsten Jacobsen; Brandeggen, Tone Knutsen; Bodsberg, Kristin Glenna; Jensen, Trude Løkhaug; Tjofl�t, Ingrid
Digital storytelling in clinical replacement studies: Nursing students'experiences.
NSFs 18. nasjonale e-helsekonferanse 2019;
2019-02-13 - .
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Våga, Bodil Bø
Nurse student`s experiences with simulation-based education as a pedagogic method in low - resource settings; a mixed method study .
The 2019 Conference in Global Health 2- 3 april , 2019, Bergen , Norway ;
2019-04-02 - 2019-04-03.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Brandeggen, Tone Knutsen; Strandberg, Ellen Synnøve; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland
Evaluation of vSim® for Nursing.
8th International Clinical Skills Conference 2019;
2019-05-19 - 2019-05-22.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Våga, Bodil Bø; Mandangi, Paulo; Ralaitafika, Hanitra; Ligmas, Samwel; Ersdal, Hege Langli
Simulation -based education in nursing education programs in Tanzania and Madagascar. .
International Symposium on Interculturality ;
2019-11-24 - 2019-11-26.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
A feasibility study for the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Faglunsj ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Nordplus Digi camp 2020,Simulation-based learning in nursing education-An intensive course ( 3ECTS).
Simuleringsdag på SAFER ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Våga, Bodil Bø
SAFER Julesymposium ;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Våga, Bodil Bø
Simulation as a pedagogic method .
To develop and implement simulation as a teaching method ;
2018-04-14 - 2018-04-16.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Feasibility Study , Hospital Training Project, Uganda, May - June 2018.
Presentasjon av resultater fra " Feasibility study , Hospital Training project, Uganda ";
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Feasibility study , Hospital Training project. North West Nile/ Uganda, North Kivu/ DRC, Middle Belt/ Nigeria .
Presentasjon av resultater fra " Feasibility study , Hospital Training Project";
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Karlsen, Bjørg; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Transcontinental knowledge sharing: Experiences of Malagasy and Norwegian nurse students participating in an exchange program.
ISQua’s 34th International Conference;
2017-10-02 - 2017-10-03.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Building resilience in humanitarian hospital programs during protracted conflicts: opportunities and limitations.
Exploring Resilience -A Scientific Journey from Theoretical Models to Practical Operationalization;
2017-05-04 - 2017-05-06.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Våga, Bodil Bø; Søreide, Eldar
Implementing simulation in a nursing education programme: a case report from Tanzania.Advances in Simulation.
ISSN 2059-0628.
Volum 2.
Hefte 17.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
På oppdrag for Røde Kors i Honduras.
ISSN 0333-3310.
Volum 3.
Aase, Karina; Aase, Ingunn; Haraldseid, Cecilie; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Guise, Veslemøy; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Hva menes med effektiv utdanning og implementering? Utvalgte forskningsresultater fra SHARE.
SAFER Julesymposium;
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Karlsen, Bjørg; Hansen, Britt Sætre
Promoting nursing care during humanitarian assignments overseas: Experiences from the perspectives of Norwegian nurses .
4th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in HealthCare;
2016-05-18 - 2016-05-20.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Bue Tjelta, Åsta Marie
The implementation of Mobile Intensive Team in a hospital medical ward in Norway: A qualitative study .
11th International Conference on Rapid Response Systems and Medical Emergency Teams;
2015-05-18 - 2015-05-19.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Å arbeide sammen med lokale helsearbeidere og andre grupper i en ERU operasjon.
Emergency Response Unit seminar ;
2015-03-07 - 2015-03-08.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Girardau, Andree
Training expatriate health professionals in cross cultural communication during humanitarian emergencies: an experience from the Red Cross (RC).
International Council of Nurses ( ICN) 25th Quadrennial Congress;
2013-05-18 - 2013-05-23.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Karlsen, Bjørg
Building clinical practice in the Palestine Red Crescent operation theatres in Lebanon:reflections from the perspective of an expatriate nurse.International Nursing Review.
ISSN 0020-8132.
Volum 60.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1111/inr.12054
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Bruker for mye tid på skriftlige læringsmål.Tidsskriftet sykepleien.
ISSN 0806-7511.
Volum 100.
Hefte 08.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid; Schad, Johannes S.
Trauma management course: an International Committee of the Red Cross experience in Iraq.
SESAM 2012;
2012-06-14 - 2012-06-16.
Tjoflåt, Ingrid
Health in Emergencies- Training for disaster response.
International Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management;
2011-10-17 - 2011-10-19.