Magnus Jørgensen
Førsteamanuensis i helsevitenskap

Telefon: 51832294
Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
Avdeling for folkehelse
Kort om meg
Magnus holds a master's degree in Psychology from Copenhagen University and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Bergen. In his doctoral research, he explored how adolescent depressed mood, life transitions, health behaviors, and social relationships serve as pathways linking adolescent social background to disparities in adult depressed mood. His current research focuses on adolescent mental health in school settings, among other topics. Magnus has extensive experience with quantitative analysis, including structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, growth modeling, conjoint analysis, and more.
Dette forsker jeg på
- Adolecent mental health
- Health and developmental psychology
- Life Course Research
- Social inequalities in (mental) health
Akademisk bakgrunn
• Structural equation modeling
• Systematic review
• Multilevel modeling
• Longitudinal modeling
• Philosophy of science