Roald Kommedal
Førsteamanuensis i miljøteknologi

Telefon: 51831852
Rom: KE C-278
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for kjemi, biovitenskap og miljøteknologi
Førsteamanuensis i miljøteknologi
Telefon: 51831852
Rom: KE C-278
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for kjemi, biovitenskap og miljøteknologi
Basiry, Daniel; Kommedal, Roald; Kaster, Krista Michelle
Effect of subinhibitory concentrations on the spreading of the ampicillin resistance gene blaCMY-2 in an activated sludge microcosm.Environmental technology.
ISSN 0959-3330.
Basiry, Daniel; Kommedal, Roald; Kaster, Krista Michelle
The presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria at four Norwegian wastewater treatment plants: seasonal and wastewater-source effects.Frontiers in Antibiotics.
Volum 3.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kommedal, Roald
Effect of low temperature and municipal wastewater organic loading on anaerobic granule reactor performance.Bioresource Technology.
ISSN 0960-8524.
Volum 360.
Semaan, Georgeio; Atelge, M.R.; Dune Cayetano, Roent; Kumar, Gopalakrishnan; Kommedal, Roald
Spent coffee grounds anaerobic digestion: Investigating substrate to inoculum ratio and dilute acid thermal pretreatment.Fuel.
ISSN 0016-2361.
Volum 331.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kommedal, Roald
Effect of temperatures on anaerobic granulated biofilm modelling.Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.
ISSN 1650-3686.
DOI: 10.3384/ecp192030
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Kommedal, Roald
Modelling particle degradation and intermediate dynamics in a dispersed activated sludge microcosm.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.
ISSN 1650-3686.
Basiry, Daniel; Entezari Heravi, Nooshin; Uluseker, Cansu; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kommedal, Roald; Pala-Ozkok, Ilke
The effect of disinfectants and antiseptics on co- and cross-selection of resistance to antibiotics in aquatic environments and wastewater treatment plants.Frontiers in Microbiology.
ISSN 1664-302X.
Volum 13.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Hamelin, Jérôme; Kommedal, Roald; Milferstedt, Kim
Engineered methanotrophic syntrophy in photogranule communities removes dissolved methane.Water Research X.
ISSN 2589-9147.
Volum 12.
Uluseker, Cansu; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Basiry, Daniel; Shobana, Sutha; Jain, Monika; Kumar, Gopalakrishnan; Kommedal, Roald; Pala-Ozkok, Ilke
A Review on Occurrence and Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewaters and in Wastewater Treatment Plants: Mechanisms and Perspectives.Frontiers in Microbiology.
ISSN 1664-302X.
Volum 12.
Enge, Espen; van der Hoeven, Henrik; Kommedal, Roald
Stability of pH, conductivity and alkalinity in dilute clear water samples exposed to various environmental conditions.Fundamental and Applied Limnology.
ISSN 1863-9135.
Volum 195.
Hefte 3.
Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kommedal, Roald; Thorsen, Kristian; Uluseker, Cansu
An Individual-based Model for Simulating Antibiotic Resistance Spread in Bacterial Flocs in Wastewater Treatment Plants.Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.
ISSN 1650-3686.
Hefte 185.
DOI: 10.3384/ecp21185436
Tassew, Fasil Ayelegn; Bergland, Wenche Hennie; Dinamarca, Carlos; Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Granular sludge bed processes in anaerobic digestion of particle-rich substrates.Energies.
ISSN 1996-1073.
Volum 12.
Hefte 15.
DOI: 10.3390/en12152940
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Opsahl, Eystein; Bagi, Andrea; Kommedal, Roald
Wastewater characterisation by combining size fractionation, chemical composition and biodegradability.Water Research.
ISSN 0043-1354.
Volum 131.
Opsahl, Eystein; Kommedal, Roald
Environmental Consequences of Polymer Flooding. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).
ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Kommedal, Roald
Starch degradation and intermediate dynamics in flocculated and dispersed microcosms.Water Science and Technology.
ISSN 0273-1223.
Volum 76.
Hefte 11.
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.467
Opsahl, Eystein; Kommedal, Roald
Literature review (short): Fate and effect of produced water containing EOR-polymers. I: 5th international conference on industrial and hazardous Waste management.
Technical University of Crete Chania Crete Greece.
ISBN 978-960-8475-24-3.
Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Hagen, Lars; Kommedal, Roald; Slupphaug, Geir; Lillo, Cathrine
Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.Plant Physiology.
ISSN 0032-0889.
Volum 167.
Hefte 2.
Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari, Behzad; Hagen, Lars; Kommedal, Roald; Slupphaug, Geir; Lillo, Cathrine
Supplemental materials for: Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.Plant Physiology.
ISSN 0032-0889.
Volum 167.
Hefte 2.
Kommedal, Roald; Bagi, Andrea; Hemmingsen, Tor Henning
Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Barents Sea. I: International Arctic Petroleum Cooperation: Barents Sea Scenarios.Routledge.
ISBN 978-1-13-878326-3.
Bagi, Andrea; Pampanin, Daniela M.; Lanzén, Anders; Bilstad, Torleiv; Kommedal, Roald
Naphthalene biodegradation in temperate and arctic marine microcosms.Biodegradation.
ISSN 0923-9820.
Volum 25.
Hefte 1.
Bagi, Andrea; Pampanin, Daniela M.; Brakstad, Odd Gunnar; Kommedal, Roald
Estimation of hydrocarbon biodegradation rates in marine environments: A critical review of the Q(10) approach.Marine Environmental Research.
ISSN 0141-1136.
Volum 89.
Del Villano, Luca; Kommedal, Roald; Fijten, Martin W. M.; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Hoogenboom, Richard; Kelland, Malcolm
A Study of the Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor Performance and Seawater Biodegradability of a Series of Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline)s.Energy & Fuels.
ISSN 0887-0624.
Volum 23.
Hefte 7.
DOI: 10.1021/ef900172f
Del Villano, Luca; Kommedal, Roald; Kelland, Malcolm
Class of kinetic hydrate inhibitors with good biodegradability.Energy & Fuels.
ISSN 0887-0624.
Volum 22.
Hefte 5.
DOI: 10.1021/ef800161z
Kommedal, Roald; Milferstedt, K.; Bakke, Rune; Morgenroth, E.
Effects of initial molecular weight on removal rate of dextran in biofilms.
Water Research.
ISSN 0043-1354.
Volum 40.
Morgenroth, Eberhard; Kommedal, Roald; Harremoes, Poul
Processes and modeling of hydrolysis of particulate organic matter in aerobic wastewater treatment - A review.
Water Research.
ISSN 0043-1354.
Volum 45.
Hefte 6.
Bakke, Rune; Kommedal, Roald; Kalvenes, Sigmund
Quantification of biofilm accumulation by an optical approach.
Journal of Microbiological Methods.
ISSN 0167-7012.
Volum 44.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune; Dockery, J.; Stoodley, P.
Modelling production of extracelluar polymeric substances in a Pseudomonas aeruginos chemostat culture.
Water Science and Technology.
ISSN 0273-1223.
Volum 43.
Hefte 6.
Ydstebø, Leif; Bilstad, Torleiv; Kommedal, Roald
Full-Scale experience with enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in cold climates.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering.
ISSN 1093-4529.
Volum 35.
Hefte 8.
Ruoff, Peter; Rensing, Ludger; Kommedal, Roald; Mohsenzadeh, S.
Modelling Temperature Compensation in Chemical and Biological Oscillators.
Chronobiology International.
ISSN 0742-0528.
Volum 14.
Bakke, Rune; Edvard, Hagman; Ollestad, Per Helge; Kommedal, Roald
Naturbaserte metoder for nitrogenfjerning (Natural treatment systems for nitrogen removal).
ISSN 0042-2592.
Volum 3.
Wøien Håland, Mari
Analysis of the Antibiotic Ampicillin in Activated Sludge: Method Development and Adsorption Studies.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
Krahner, Friederike
Retention and biological uptake of phosphorous in the Leikvollbekken constructed wetland..
Wold, Anders; Ydstebø, Leif; Kommedal, Roald; Løklingholm, Martin; Bilstad, Torleiv
Effect of Sodium on Anaerobic Treatment of Ethylene Glycol. I: Executive Summaries: 4th International Conference on "Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management".
ISBN 978-960-8475-20-5.
Kommedal, Roald; Bilstad, Torleiv; Ydstebø, Leif
Overvåkning og potensiell omdanning av utvalgte organiske miljøgifter i renseanlegg på Nord-Jæren (Monitoring and potential conversion of selected priority organic pollutants in wastewater treatment plants in the North –Jaeren region, Norway).
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7644-357-8.
Kjeilen-Eilertsen, Grethe; Brakstad, Odd Gunnar; Kommedal, Roald
Literature review of aspects relevant for biodegradation in the deep-sea.
ISBN 82-8192-024--6.
Kommedal, Roald
Degradation of polymeric and particulate organic carbon in biofilms.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.
Hefte 2003 : 101.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Modeling Pseudomonas aerugionsa biofilm detachment.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg.
Hefte 2003:03:00.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Technical solutions in an ecological perspective.
Kommedal, Roald
Rensing av oljeholdig ballastvann fra Brent Spar (Treatment of oily ballast water from the Brent Spar).
Kommedal, Roald
Lakse- og aureoppdrett i Rogaland: Forvaltning, forurensning og naturvern (Aquaqulture in Rogaland: Management, pollution and conservation).
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg.
Kommedal, Roald
UASB teknologi - Erfaringer fra pilotstudiet på Grødaland.
Fagmøte IVAR;
Kommedal, Roald
Organic Waste Management for Land-Based Fish Farms.
Food for Brain seminar 2024;
Kommedal, Roald
Biogass FoU ved UiS.
Fagmøte Biogass Norge;
Kommedal, Roald
Nytt avløpsdirektiv - Krav og konsekvenser.
Fagmøte IVAR;
Kommedal, Roald
Hvor blir verdiene av i biogassprosessen?.
Folkemøte Årdal 360;
Kommedal, Roald
VA ved UiS – Miljøteknologi. Historien, Hva vi har, Hvordan vi står..
Fagmøte VA;
Kommedal, Roald
Planetens tålegrenser kvantifisert. Hva nå?.
Fagnettverksdag for realfagslærere i Rogaland;
Kommedal, Roald
Hvordan produsere energi fra kloakken din?.
Forsker Standup Forskningsdagene 2023;
Kommedal, Roald
Ikke verdt en dritt?.
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Kommedal, Roald
Modeling particle degradation and intermediate dynamics in a dispersed activated sludge microcosm.
The 63rd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2022;
2022-09-20 - 2022-09-21.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kommedal, Roald
Effect of temperatures on anaerobic granulated biofilm modelling.
63rd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2022;
2022-09-20 - 2022-09-21.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Hamlin, Jèrôme; Kommedal, Roald; Milferstedt, Kim
Ecologically engineering methanotrophic photogranules .
13th IWA Specialist Conference on Wastewater Ponds and Algal Technologies;
2022-07-03 - 2022-07-06.
Basiry, Daniel; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kommedal, Roald
Subinhibitory ampicillin concentrations favour spread of plasmid associated resistance genes..
6th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6);
2022-09-22 - 2022-09-27.
Entezari Heravi, Nooshin; Pala-Ozkok, Ilke; Kommedal, Roald
Understanding the impacts of chloroxylenol antimicrobial on biological wastewater treatment systems.
6th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance;
2022-09-22 - 2022-09-27.
Kommedal, Roald; Shamsaddini Negeri, Mohammad; Ydstebø, Leif
Denitrification of recirculated aquaculture system effluents using fish sludge as primary substrate.
2nd International Conference on Pollution Prevention and Clean Technologies (ICPPCT);
2022-12-01 - 2022-12-02.
Kommedal, Roald
Rensing og renseeffekter fra landbaserte akvakulturanlegg – Hva kan vi lære fra kommunal renseteknikk?.
Utslipp fra landbaserte fiskeoppdrettsanlegg – teknologi -muligheter og begrensninger;
Kommedal, Roald; Safitri, Anissa Sukma
Anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment – The solution or part of the solution towards sustainable wastewater treatment?.
1st International Conference on Pollution Prevention and Clean Technologies (ICPPCT);
2021-12-06 - 2021-12-07.
Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kommedal, Roald; Thorsen, Kristian; Uluseker, Cansu
An Individual-based Model for Simulating Antibiotic Resistance Spread in Bacterial Flocs in Wastewater Treatment Plants.
SIMS EUROSIM 2021 Conference on Modelling and Simulation - The 62nd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society ;
2021-09-21 - 2021-09-23.
Hiorth, Aksel; Kommedal, Roald
Korona, ebola og zombier.
ISSN 1503-2892.
Hiorth, Aksel; Kommedal, Roald
Stol på matematikken, ikke magefølelsen.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald; Lood, Rolf
Wastewater treatment plants as critical reservoirs for resistance genes - Summary of JPI-EC-AMR JTC 2016 project: Gene-gas .
JPIAMR Online workshop: Interventions to reduce the development and transmission of AMR;
2020-09-03 - 2020-09-04.
Kechasov, Dmitry; Kommedal, Roald; Verheul, Michel; Paponov, Ivan
European RFMF Metabomeeting 2020;
2020-01-22 - 2020-01-24.
Kechasov, Dmitry; Kommedal, Roald; Verheul, Michel; Paponov, Ivan
GC-MS og Ion Kromatografi i veksthus.
24. Norske Symposium i Kromatografi;
2020-01-05 - 2020-01-07.
Uluseker, Cansu; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald
Modeling Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Transfer in Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Control Engineering Concepts in Systems- and Synthetic Biology;
2019-05-20 - 2019-05-22.
Uluseker, Cansu; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald
Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Spread in Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Activated Sludge.
4th International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE 2019);
2019-10-18 - 2019-10-21.
Kommedal, Roald
Modeling of unicellular growth – From Malthus to Food Web models in ecology.
"The Wide World of Maths" lecture series ;
Kommedal, Roald; Mazarino, Jenny; Wold, Anders Brattberg
Nutrient characteristics and biomethane potential of co-digested fecal sludge from land based Atlantic Salmon fish farming.
4th International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE 2019); Taichung, Taiwan;
2019-10-18 - 2019-10-21.
Uluseker, Cansu; Basiry, Daniel; Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald
Modelling Antibiotic Resistance Gene Spread in Wastewater Treatment Plants.
JPI-AMR Meeting;
Uluseker, Cansu; Basiry, Daniel; Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald
Modelling Antibiotic Resistance Gene Spread in Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Collaboration Meeting;
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kommedal, Roald
Effect of Low Temperature and Municipal Wastewater Organic Loading on UASB (Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) Reactor Performance .
IWA Biofilms: Granular Sludge Conference;
2018-03-18 - 2018-03-21.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Farsi, Ali; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kommedal, Roald
Integrated Wastewater Treatment Concept for Water Resource Recovery.
2018-05-25 - 2018-06-27.
Opsahl, Eystein; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Verpe, Ingrid; Svendsen, Linn; Meling, Silja Helene; Kommedal, Roald
Biodegradability of Enhanced Oil Recovery Polymers in Seawater and Their Effect on the Microbial Community .
Microbial ecology in applied and natural systems;
2018-05-28 - 2018-05-29.
Kommedal, Roald; Kumar, Gopalakrishnan; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Pala Ozkok, Ilke; Thorsen, Kristian
A simple mathematical model for antimicrobial resistance gene transfer in wastewater treatment models.
3rd International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE 2018) & 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS 2018);
2018-10-28 - 2018-10-31.
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kumar, Gopalakrishnan; Kommedal, Roald
Low temperature biogas production from municipal wastewater by laboratory scale UASB granules.
3rd International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE 2018) & 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS 2018);
2018-10-28 - 2018-10-31.
Kommedal, Roald; Opsahl, Eystein
Fate and effects of synthetic polymers - the sub-micro-plastic problem..
No Blue, No Green. Rachel Carson prize 2017;
Kommedal, Roald; Opsahl, Eystein
Polymer and particle degradation in the seawater .
V November Conference;
2017-11-06 - 2017-11-07.
Kommedal, Roald; Opsahl, Eystein
Polymer and Particle Degradation in Seawater - Marine fate of synthetic polymers used for IOR.
Norwegian – Brazilian Business and Science Week;
2017-10-31 - 2017-11-13.
Kommedal, Roald
Occurrence and fate of priority organic pollutants during wastewater sludge treatment.
Technical university Denmark (DTU) seminar series on Environmental Research;
Kommedal, Roald; Krahner, Friederike
Phosphorous retention in a mature constructed wetland – effect of hydraulic loading fluctuations.
Fagmøte Norsk Hydrologiråd;
Kommedal, Roald; Ydstebø, Leif; Bilstad, Torleiv
Occurrence and Fate of Priority Organica Pollutants during Wastewater Sludge Treatment.
International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management;
2016-09-27 - 2016-09-30.
Wold, Anders; Ydstebø, Leif; Kommedal, Roald; Løklingholm, Martin; Bilstad, Torleiv
Anaerobic treatment of slop water.
Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management.
ISSN 2241-3138.
Kommedal, Roald; Ydstebø, Leif; Bilstad, Torleiv
Occurrence and fate of priority organic pollutants during wastewater sludge treatment.
Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management.
ISSN 2241-3138.
Opsahl, Eystein; Kommedal, Roald
Environmental fate and effects of polymer produced water.
2016-09-27 - 2016-10-01.
Opsahl, Eystein; Kommedal, Roald
Environmental fate and effects of polymer produced water II.
2016-09-27 - 2016-10-01.
Kommedal, Roald
Will we find ET and would we know?.
NORTH Creative Network Event;
2016-03-10 - 2016-03-13.
Handley, Bianca; Molversmyr, Åge; Kommedal, Roald
Constructed wetlands for agricultural runoff remediation – effects on bioavailability of phosphorus.
32nd Congress of the International Society of Limnology;
2016-07-31 - 2016-08-05.
Haws, Anne Marie; Kommedal, Roald; Enge, Espen; Hill, Helene H
Annual Phosphorus Retention Efficiency of a Constructed Wetland Treating Diffuse Agricultural Runoff.
32nd Congress of the International Society of Limnology;
2016-07-31 - 2016-08-05.
Kommedal, Roald
Biologisk energiproduksjon.
Åpen fagdag;
Kommedal, Roald
Leikvollbekken – Fosforbalanse og renseeffekt.
Renseparker - Virker de? ;
Kommedal, Roald
Fosforfangst i våtmarksplanter – Hvor mye kan fjernes?.
Renseparker - Virker de?;
Christ, Inge; Kommedal, Roald
Biogassforskning ved UiS.
Kaster, Krista Michelle; Bagi, Andrea; Ulas, Mona; Kommedal, Roald
The Effects of Corexit 9500 on Oil Biodegradation at Cold Temperatures.
5th International Symposium on Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Oil Systems;
2015-06-02 - .
Kommedal, Roald
Polymers in the Environment - Fate and Effects.
National IOR center seminar;
Kommedal, Roald
Biologisk nedbrytbarhet: Forsøksdesign og Dataanalyse.
Fagdagen UiS;
Bagi, Andrea; Pampanin, Daniela M.; Lanzén, Anders; Bilstad, Torleiv; Kommedal, Roald
Arctic bacteria are “as good as” temperate counterparts in removing toxic oil components from the marine environment.
5 th NETS (Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium);
2014-10-22 - 2014-10-24.
Madland, Merete Vadla; Kommedal, Roald; Hiorth, Aksel
Meeting at UiS 16. June 2014 Professor Johan Sjøblom (Ugelstad Laboratory, NTNU).
Meeting at UiS 16. June 2014 Professor Johan Sjøblom (Ugelstad Laboratory, NTNU);
Madland, Merete Vadla; Kommedal, Roald; Hiorth, Aksel
The National IOR Centre of Norway - Research highlights abd ambitions.
Besøk av statssekretær Bjørn Haugstad;
Kommedal, Roald
100-års jubileum for den viktigste oppfinnelsen i rensing av vann.
Åpent Universitet 2014;
Kommedal, Roald
Aktivt Slam Prosessen - Ny, gammel renseteknologi.
Åpen dag;
Wold, Anders; Ydstebø, Leif; Kommedal, Roald; Løklingholm, Martin; Bilstad, Torleiv
Effect of Sodium on anaerobic treatment of Ethylene Glycol.
4th International Conference, Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management;
2014-09-02 - 2014-09-05.
Kommedal, Roald
Hvem, Hva, Hvor (mye)? GCMS: Miljøkjemikerens organisk foretrukne....
Åpen Fagdag, UiS;
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Kommedal, Roald
Bacterial polymer degradation in natural river water.
5th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter Research;
2013-10-01 - 2013-10-04.
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Kommedal, Roald
A quantitative model of bacterial particle and polymer degradation in aquatic systems.
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology;
2012-08-19 - 2012-08-24.
Ravndal, Kristin Torgersen; Bagi, Andrea; Kommedal, Roald
The effect of hydrostatic pressure on biodegradation of a mixture of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene.
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology;
2012-08-19 - 2012-08-24.
Kelland, Malcolm Andrew; Hoogenboom, Richard; Del Villano, Luca; Kommedal, Roald; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Fijten, Martin W. M.
243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition;
2012-03-25 - 2012-03-29.
Bagi, Andrea; Lanzén, Anders; Bilstad, Torleiv; Kommedal, Roald
Naphthalene degrading prokaryotic communities of Arctic and Temperate seas.
International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME) 14 ;
2012-08-19 - 2012-08-24.
Kommedal, Roald
Hydrolysis of particulate and polymeric substances in biofilms.
EAWAG workshop 30 November 2012;
2012-11-29 - 2012-11-30.
Kommedal, Roald
Olje og Miljøsikkerhet.
Populærvitenskapelig workshop/kunst utstilling;
2012-10-12 - 2012-10-14.
Kommedal, Roald; Bagi, Andrea; Bilstad, Torleiv; Brakstad, O.G.
Biodegradation of naphthalene in Temperate and Arctic marine environment.
13th International Conference on Microbial Ecology (ISME13);
2010-08-22 - 2010-08-27.
Kelland, Malcolm; Kommedal, Roald; Del Villano, Luca
A Class Of Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor With Good Biodegradability.
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH6);
2008-07-06 - 2008-07-10.
Kommedal, Roald
Degradation of dextran in biofilms: size effects, enzyme location and intermediate formation.
4th annual BioToBio meeting;
2001-09-13 - 2001-09-15.
Morgenroth, E.; Kommedal, Roald; Harremoes, P.
Process and modeling of hydrolysis of particulate organic matter in aerobic wastewater treatment : a review.
5th Kollekolle Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling;
2001-11-10 - 2001-11-12.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm detachment.
Biofilms 2000;
2000-07-16 - 2000-07-20.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Modelling Pseudomonas aeruginosa EPS production.
Biofilms 2000;
2000-07-16 - 2000-07-20.
Kommedal, Roald; Harremoes, Poul
Biofilm reactor design.
3rd annual BioToBio meeting;
2000-11-27 - 2000-11-28.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Modelling production of extracellular polymeric substances in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa chemostat culture.
International Specialist Conference on Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances;
2000-09-18 - 2000-09-20.
Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
Pseudonas aeruginosa biofilm detachment.
International Specialist Conference on Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances;
2000-09-18 - 2000-09-20.
Kommedal, Roald; Thorbjørnsen, T.; Bakke, Rune
Hydrolysis of adsorbed particulate organic matter in arobic films.
4th International Conference on Biofilm Systems;
1999-10-17 - 1999-10-21.
Helland, Arne Ingvar; Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune
A wastewater and sludge treatment process integrating biofilms, wetlands and aerobic sludge digestion for nutrient recovery.
Nordisk konferens; Kväverening och biologisk fosforrening;
1997-02-02 - 1997-02-03.