Samindi Samarakoon
Professor i konstruksjonsteknikk

Telefon: 51832387
Rom: KE E-224
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for maskin, bygg og materialteknologi
Kort om meg
Dr. S.M Samindi M.K Samarakoon is a professor (100% - since October 2022) in Structural Engineering (Concrete structures and materials) at the University of Stavanger, Norway. She worked as an associate professor from 2012 to 2022 at the University of Stavanger, Norway. She received a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, an M.Eng. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, and a PhD in Offshore Engineering and an equivalent PhD qualification in the durability of concrete structures from the University of Stavanger, Norway. Currently, she lectures on the design and analysis of reinforced concrete structures for B.Sc. students, the design and analysis of pre-stressed concrete structures, and the condition assessment of existing concrete structures for M.Sc. students. She also teaches a PhD course on "Selected Topics in Structural Engineering" at the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science, University of Stavanger, Norway.
Dr. Samarakoon is currently supervising B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis projects, as well as PhD research projects. She has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, as well as a book chapter. She has served as an ad hoc reviewer and a member of the technical committee for several international conferences and journals.
Ongoing Research:
- The structural durability assessment and control of reinforced concrete constructions: impact of cracks due to different loading conditions.
- Concrete Fatigue in wind turbine supporting structures.
- Modelling of corrosion propagation phase in steel reinforcement /pre-stressing tendons of concrete structures in marine environment: Service life prediction.
- Lean construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM) applications.
- Risk and Reliability based technology qualification.
- Gamification and immersive learning-based teaching methods development
Work Experience
- 08.2022 to up to date Professor, IMBM, University of Stavanger, Norway
- 06.2012- 09.2022 Associate Professor, IMBM, University of Stavanger, Norway
- 09.2011- 05.2012 Lecturer, IMBM, University of Stavanger, Norway
- 09.2008 - 8.2011 Research Fellow, IMBM, University of Stavanger, Norway
- 02.2007-09.2008 Lecturer, Dept. of Engineering Management, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- 08.2005-02.2007 Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- 08.2003-05.2005 Master Student, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
- 12.2002-05.2003 Instructor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Ph.D. in Offshore Engineering, University of Stavanger, Norway (Double qualified: 1. Technology Qualification in Offshore Industry; 2. Structural Engineering - specialized in durability assessment and control of reinforced concrete structures)
- M.Eng. Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- B.Sc. Eng. in Civil Engineering, Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
University Pedagogy/Teaching Methodology Training
- Completed Basic Course in University Pedagogy (Hours: 100).
- UiS PhD-Supervisory Qualification Programme(Hours: 100)
Completed PhD Project/Post doc
- Main supervisor of Dr. Chavin Guruge, Tile: Cracking Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Service Load: Experimental and Numerical Investigation. Defended on 27.10.2021.
- Main Supervisor of Dr. Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi, title: “Sustainable Circular Business Ecosystem in Plastic Waste Supply Chain: Challenges and Strategies”. Dual supervision, University of Stavanger, Norway and Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, Defended on 11.10.2024.
- Co-supervisor of Dr. Kartika Nur Alfina, Title: «Performance Enhancement in Healthcare Sector Supply Chains for Adapting Circular Economy Goals”, Defended on 27.10.2024.
- Main supervisor: post-doctoral research fellow: Dr. Mohammadreza Kamali, Title: “Developing Organic Retarder for Geopolymers for Elevated Temperatures”, University of Stavanger. (2022 May to 2024 May)
Main Supervisor of Dr. Nirosha Adasooriya in 2018, Initial title: Modelling of corrosion propagation phase in steel reinforcement /pre-stressing tendons of concrete structures in marine environment: Service life prediction. Project was started and published one journal paper ( Internally transferred the project to another area of research and defended the thesis in 2020, title: Structural Integrity of Steel Bridges: Environment-Assisted Cracking.
Ongoing PhD Projects
- Main supervisor of Mr. Dileepa Hettiarachchi, Title: “Investigation of mechanical properties and damage evolution in low carbon concrete subjected to cyclic loading”, (2022-2025).
- Co-supervisor of Ms. Daria Biskupska: Tentative Title: “Performance improvement of complex engineering projects: Digitalization and use of LEAN concepts”, Blueday Technology and University of Stavanger, Norway, (2019-2025).
- Co-supervisor of Ms. Aleksandra Jankovic, Tentative Title: “Circular tech product development in health and educational industries in Norway”; Industrial PhD; Research Council Norway, (2024-2027).
- Co-supervisor of Ms. Ishara Perera, Tentative title: “Minimizing Textile Waste and Advancing Circular Economy in Textile Production through Enhanced EPR: Employing LCA, AI, and Machine Learning” ,(2025 to 2028).
International project experience
- 2016-2018: BIM4PLACEMENT (2016-2018), Proj.No: 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005399: BIM4PLACEMENT European key competences in building and construction. Objective of the BIM project is to develop training program to disseminate knowledge about building information modelling. Total Grant : 262980 Euro.
- 2018-2020: I-TRACE (2018-2020), Proj. No. 2018-1-IT01-KA202-006836 ,Immersive TRAining for aerospace, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, University of Stavanger, Norway; University of Rzeszow, Poland; Associazione di promozione sociale FO. RIDE. S; Istituto Tecnico Settore Tecnologico "E.FERMI"; CADLAND SRL, CONSELL GENERAL DE LES CAMBRES OFICIALS DE COMERC INDUSTRIA IN NAVEGACIO DE CATALUNYA; Institut Illa dels Banyols, Italy. Total Grant :284155 Euro
- TEAL2. O (2019-2023) Proj. No. 610186-EPP-1-2019-1-LK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Improving Access to Science and Technology Higher Education in Resource-Poor Institutions through an Open Platform for Technology Enabled Active Learning; UoP and SLTC Sri Lanka; IITA, India; Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India; AIT, Thailand; University of Bologna, Italy; University Transylvania of Brasov, Romania; ECQ, Bulgaria; NU, Thailand; UoM, Sri Lanka; Total Grant 999091 Euro.
- AIdesignTEX(2024-2027) - Innovative IT tools for a circular textile economy: driving sustainability and resource efficiency, HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02 (Twinning) - Type of Model Grant Agreement: HORIZON Lump Sum Grant, Proposal number: 101159060, (Total Budget 1 498 183.75 Euro).
- NORHED II portfolio (2021-2025) - Enhancing Lean Practices in Supply Chains: Digitalization (Total Budget 9.916 Mn Nkr). Participating countries: Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Norway.
National grants
- 2021-2024, NRC project (Kompetanse- og samarbeidsprosjekt), Project title: "New Cementitious Material for Oil Well Cementing Applications - SafeRock", Role:Work package leader.
PhD: Internal administrator and member of PhD assessment committee:
- Second opponent in the evaluation committee for the PhD thesis of Otto Terjesen, titled "Formulation of a consistent crack width calculation method for reinforced concrete members," at the University of Agder, Norway, in May 2024.
- First opponent in the evaluation committee for the PhD thesis of Arman Montazerian, titled "Machine Learning and Computational Micromechanics Models for Multifunctional Cementitious Composites Reinforced by Graphene Derivatives: Mechanical and Functional properties," at NTNU Gjøvik, in August 2024.
- Second opponent in the evaluation committee for the PhD thesis of Jelena Zivkovik, titled "Ductility and brittleness of lightweight aggregate concrete structures," at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, in 2020.
- Second opponent in the evaluation committee for the PhD thesis of Emad Abd‐EI‐Hamied EI‐ Maghraby Mohamed, titled "Predicting production rates of pouring ready mixed concrete by using Tower Cranes in Egypt," in 2014.
- Administrator in the evaluation committee for the PhD thesis of Fawzi Chamssine, titled "Instituting Retarders for Geopolymers Developed for Downhole Applications," at the University of Stavanger, in 2023.
- Administrator in the evaluation committee for the PhD thesis of Rasmus Asp Juhlin, titled "Subsea Pumped Hydro Energy Storage – exploring the need, possibilities and limitations in the Energy Transition," in September 2024.