The Research School in Economics and Business Administration

The Research School in Economics and Business Administration (ECOBA) educate researchers who study how people and firms behave and interact within and between organizations and markets.

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The PhD programme at The Research School in Economics and Business Administration (ECOBA) prepares you for a career in academia and positions in the private and public sector.

As a PhD student at the school, you become part of an international and ambitious research environment. You get to work closely with renowned researchers, conduct independent research and develop your teaching skills. Upon completing the doctoral degree, you will be awarded the title PhD (Philosophiae doctor).

ECOBA offers professional specialization in economics, finance, marketing, innovation and management.

ECOBA is a part of the University of Stavanger Business School and the PhD programme in social sciences at the University of Stavanger Business School.


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Meet our PhD candidates

Mari Rege

Leader of ECOBA and Professor of Economics E-mail: Phone: 51833721

Nadya Sandsmark

PhD coordinator for the PhD programme in the social sciences E-mail: Phone: 51832787

Professor Mari Rege