Stavanger University Library
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Opening hours and contact
The main library at Ullandhaug Is open 24/7 for students and staff.
Email: ub@uis.no
Phone number: 51 83 11 00
Use the library
Offers for you
Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library
Tue. 18.03.2025
Book club – Skråninga by Carl Frode Tiller
Wed. 19.03.2025
Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library
Tue. 25.03.2025
Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library
Tue. 01.04.2025
Reading Hour – Shared Reading at the Library
Tue. 08.04.2025
How to Revise Your Paper: Editing and Proofreading Strategies
Tue. 13.05.2025
Book club – Augustblå by Deborah Levy
Wed. 14.05.2025
Workshop: Introduction to NVivo
Thu. 22.05.2025
Special libraries
Help with your subject
High interest in the memory bank on the Kielland disaster
The University of Stavanger’s memory bank on the Alexander Kielland accident is widely used by the media, international ...
PhD Complete – Skills to Finalise Your Thesis
PhD Complete is a workshop series offered by UiS to support you throughout your PhD journey. The goal is simple: to assi...
Join a writing group for master's students
The library hosts writing groups for students working on their master’s thesis.
Sustainability research is now available to everyone
A new service that makes it easier for anyone to find and read Norwegian research related to the UN’s sustainable develo...
New rights retention strategy gives researchers greater rights
The University of Stavanger has introduced a new rights retention strategy for employees in order to achieve the goal of...
The library answers your questions on Open Science
Assuring free access to scientific findings is the essence of Open Science. There are multiple ways of opening your rese...
They help hundreds of researchers each year
Elin, Linda, and John David at the Stavanger University Library are passionate about research being open and transparent...
New offer for students with Norwegian as a second language
Students who have Norwegian as a second language will now be offered extended academic guidance during their first semes...
New resource available for history students
The library now gives you access to a new online resource for students in history and related fields.
Gitte created a unique university library
Gitte Kolstrup has transformed Stavanger University Library (UBiS) into a unique library with color palettes, floral wal...
Joanna offers students free guidance at the library
Joanna sought help from a student mentor when she struggled with her own bachelor's thesis. Now she helps other students...
- We will continue to run the country's best library
Rune Sørsdal has been hired as the new library director at Stavanger University Library.
Syllabus books are now available for one-day loans
Syllabus books for one-day loans will be found on separate shelves, making it easier to find the book you are looking fo...
Deeply moved by the stories of Iranian employees and students
Iranian students and staff talking about the current situation in Iran and how it affects them personally, made a profou...
Welcome! Student starter kit published
How to be a student? Welcome! Student starter kit covers some of the most common questions students wonder about.
More people are using Tik Tok during corona
In 2020 the use of social media platforms like Tik Tok increased in all Nordic countries. Find more statistics and repor...
The first dataset is published in UiS Open Research Data
Janine Anne Campbell is the first researcher to publish in the UiS archive for open research data.