Fernando Cruz Robledillo
Associate Professor

Email: fernando.cruz@uis.no
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
About me
Fernando Cruz har undervist klaver biinstrument ved Indiana University i 2006, ved Real Conservatorio i Madrid i 2013, og har vært ansatt ved UiS siden 2015.
Han har bidratt til å spre spansk musikk gjennom diverse konserter i Europa, Amerika, Midtøsten og Asia, og to CD innspillinger. En periode jobbet han som ballettakkompagnatør ved Compañía Nacional de Danza i Spania, og har vært orkesterpianist i USA og Norge (SSO).
Fernando er utdannet ved Real Conservatorio i Madrid og ved Hochschule für Musik «Hanns Eisler» i Berlin. Han har en mastergrad og to høyere grader ved Indiana University. Han har også fullført en bachelorgrad i matematikk.
Fernando Cruz has taught secondary piano at Indiana University in 2006, at the Real Conservatorio in Madrid in 2013, and has been employed at UiS since 2015.
He has contributed to Spanish music through various concerts in Europe, America, the Middle East and Asia, as well as two CD recordings. For a period he worked as a ballet accompanist at the Compañía Nacional de Danza in Spain, and has been an orchesta pianist in the USA and Norway (SSO).
Fernando has studied at the Real Conservatorio in Madrid and at the Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin. He has a Master's degree and two graduate degrees at Indiana University. He has also completed a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.