Sara Esmaeeli
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51833267
Room: HL K-207
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
About me
Sara Esmaeeli is Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education at University of Stavanger. Esmaeeli’s research interests and teaching span three key areas: the multifactorial model of children’s reading development; belonging and diversity; and digital competence in early childhood education. Her work on the multifactorial model investigates the risk and supportive factors shaping reading development, emphasizing the critical role of the home literacy environment, shared reading, and early reading-related activities. In addition, she explores how inclusive practices can promote a sense of belonging and celebrate diversity, encouraging equitable and supportive learning environments that support all children in their early years. Additionally, she examines digital competence in early childhood education and Care (ECEC), focusing on how educators can effectively integrate digital tools and technology in collaboration with children to enhance learning and engagement in ECEC settings.
Research Interests
Multifactorial Model of Early Reading Development: Examining risk and promotive factors of reading development
- Family Risk of reading difficulties.
- Environmental Factors, such as the Home Literacy Environment and early reading-related activities.
- Cognitive Factors, like emergent literacy development.
- Challenges and opportunities in reading development for second-language learner
Inclusive Education, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Promoting inclusion and belonging in ECEC.
- Exploring diverse practices and equitable learning environments to foster community and celebrate diversity.
Digital Competence in Early Childhood Education
• Exploring the integration of digital tools and technology in ECEC settings.
• Enhancing educators’ digital competence to support meaningful and inclusive learning experiences for children.
Research Project
- On Track/På sporet
- DiCote (work package leader)
- Tidlig innsats, tidlig i livet
- RECOdE - Reflecting Cultures of Education - Transnationality and Cultural Awareness in Early Childhood Education Programs
- COCERETE (project manager for UiS).
- Comparative Educational Studies (for exchange students): Program responsible
- EIS110 Inclusive Education (Course responsible)
- EIS170 School Experience (Course responsible)
- MBV115 Barnehagen som forskningsarena (course responsible)
- MBV125 Estetiske, kulturelle og kommunikative perspektiver i en flerkulturell og mangfoldig barnehage
- MBV135 Verdipedagogikk: mangfold, tilhørighet og bærekraft
- MBV155 Overganger
- MBV160 Vitenskapsteori og forskningsmetode
- MBV170 Forum/masteroppgaven
- BLU370 Mangfold og tilhørighet
- BBABAC Bacheloroppgave
Assistant Editor
- Journal of Research in Reading (ISSN:1467-9817)
- Journal of Scientific Studies of Reading (ISSN: 1088-8438)
- Journal of Family Studies (ISSN: 1322-9400)
- Reviewer/scientific evaluation for Research Grants
- International Congress for School effectiveness and Improvement
- Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse