Gordon Mwintome
Postdoctoral Fellow

Telephone: 51831984
Email: gordon.mwintome@uis.no
UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Accounting and Law
Postdoctoral Fellow
Telephone: 51831984
Email: gordon.mwintome@uis.no
UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Accounting and Law
Mwintome, Gordon; Agana, Joseph; Zamore, Stephen
Audit partner attributes and key audit matters readability.Journal of Applied Accounting Research.
ISSN 0967-5426.
Mwintome, Gordon; Alon, Anna
Essays on Auditor Choice and Audit Disclosures.
Mwintome, Gordon; Alon, Anna; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph
Determinants of Key Audit Matters: Governance and auditor attributes.
World Finance Conference;
2021-08-03 - 2021-08-06.
Mwintome, Gordon; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Mersland, Roy; Anokye, Samuel
Governance, Institutional Quality and Auditor Choice in Emerging Markets.
EAA Virtual Congress MAY 26 - 28, 2021;
2021-05-26 - 2021-05-28.
Mwintome, Gordon; Anna, Alon; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph
Understanding the determinants of Key Audit Matters.
International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, January 28–30, 2021;
2021-01-28 - 2021-01-30.
Mwintome, Gordon; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Mersland, Roy; Anokye, Samuel
Ownership, Institutional Factors and Auditor Choice in Developing Countries.
World Finance Conference - Virtual August 03 - 06, 2021;
2021-08-03 - 2021-08-06.
Mwintome, Gordon; Mersland, Roy; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye
Agency conflicts and the demand for perceived audit quality in microfinance institutions.
2021 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting;
2021-01-28 - 2021-01-30.
Mwintome, Gordon; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye; Mersland, Roy
Auditor Choice and its Implications for Hybrid Organizations.
43rd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (Cancelled due to Covid-19);
2020-05-27 - 2020-05-29.