Ilmari Tauno Mikael Hopkins
Assistant Professor

Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
About me
Ilmari Hopkins er født i Finland og har studert blant annet med Anatoly Nikitin ved Rimsky-Korsakov -konservatoriet i St. Petersburg og med Torleif Thedéen ved Kongelige Musikkhøyskolen i Stockholm, der han tok Solistdiplom-eksamen i 2002. Siden dess har han hatt stillingen som alternerende solocellist i Stavanger symfoniorkester og har i flere år jobbet også som cellolærer ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Ilmari er en ivrig kammermusiker og har deltatt på flere musikkfestivaler rundt Europa og Sør-Amerika. Han er også cellolærer ved OAcademy (tidligere OA Orchestra of the Americas) og talentprogrammet UtB ved Stavanger Kulturskole.
Ilmari Hopkins was born in Finland and studied cello, among others, with Anatoly Nikitin at the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory of St. Petersburg and with Torleif Thedéen at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm, where he completed his Soloist Diploma Exam in 2002. Since the same year he has held the position of Co-Principal Cello with Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. He has also served for several years as cello lecturer at the University of Stavanger. Ilmari is also an eager chamber musician and has performed at music festivals around Europe and South America. Alongside with his teaching career at the university he is also Cello Faculty at OAcademy (previously called OA Orchestra of the Americas) and at the talent program UtB at Stavanger Music School.