The InvolveMENT project aims to adapt digital mental health services to meet the needs of youth with backgrounds as national minorities, indigenous peoples, and refugees. The main goal of the project is to help strengthen their mental health.
01.07.2023 – 30.06.2027
The Research Council of Norway
The project is a collaboration between the University of Stavanger and 9 partners
Help us improve digital health services for youth
Are you between 16 and 25 years old? You can help shape digital services for thoughts, feelings and wellbeing so that they are better suited for all young people. We want to hear you opinions!
Participate in our survey! It takes 15 minutes and all who complete the survey receive a 50 NOK giftcard.
Is your background refugee, Jewish, Kven, Norwegian Finn, Sámi, Forrest Finn, Roma or Romani/Tater? We would like to talk with you! All who participate in an interview receive a 250 NOK giftcard. Get in touch with us to participate!
About the project
How is the mental health of youth with minority backgrounds in Norway? Do they use and need digital mental health services? This can include chat services, self-help apps, or online consultations with healthcare professionals. Are young people aware of the digital services available, and are they satisfied with them?
Currently, there is little information and research on these questions.
In this project, we will research exactly this. We want to find out what needs youth with backgrounds as national minorities, indigenous peoples, and refugees have for digital health assistance, and how digital services can best meet these needs.
- First, we will conduct surveys and interviews to learn about the experiences and needs minority youth have with mental health and the use of digital health services.
- Then, we will use our findings to recommend how digital services can be adapted to suit minority youth.
- Finally, we will test digital services. We want to find out if minority youth are satisfied with the services and if they contribute positively to their mental health.
To get the most useful and accurate results, youth will be involved in all stages of the research process. For example, youth representatives from the different minority groups will suggest which questions we should ask in surveys and interviews. They will also help us figure out how to recruit participants for the study and how to understand the responses from minority youth.
Find overview of activities and publications on the project's Cristin-page.
Collaborating partners
The InvolveMENT project is a collaboration between:
- University of Stavanger, SHARE – Centre for Resilience in Healthcare, Department of Quality and Health Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare (RKBU North), Faculty of Health Sciences
- Queen Mary University of London (UK)
- Norgga Sámiid Riikkasearvi - Norwegian Sámi association
- Kvääninuoret - Kven Youth
- Finnmarkssykehuset HF, Sámi klinihkka, Samisk nasjonal kompetansetjeneste – psykisk helsevern og rus (SANKS)
- Helse Stavanger HF, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care
- Stavanger Municipality
- Competence center for lived experience and service development (KBT)
- Self-help for Immirgants and Refugees (SEIF)
Researchers at the University of Stavanger
Associated researchers:
- Ketil Lenert Hansen - Professor, PhD. Norges Arktiske Universitet, Regionalt kunnskapssenter for barn og unge, Nord (RKBU Nord), Fakultet for helsevitenskap
- Francesca Cornaglia – Helseøkonom, PhD. Queen Mary University of London (UK), School of Economics and Finance
- Clare Relton, Senior lecturer, PhD. Queen Mary Uniersity of London (UK), Blizard Institue, Center for Primary care and Public Health.
The project also includes representatives from:
- Det Mosaiske Trossamfund
- Romano kher
- Taternes landsforening
- Forest Finns
- Horn of Africa
- The Middle East