Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Elliot, Ben;
Warren, Graeme;
Damm, Charlotte Brysting;
Piezonka, Henny;
Porr, Martin;
Stutz, Liv Nilsson
Decolonizing the Mesolithic?.
Mesolithic miscellany.
ISSN 0259-3548.
Volum 29.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta;
With, Ruben
Challenging an old theory : Portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) analyses of greenstone adzes in Rogaland, southwestern Norway .
I: The Stone Age Conference in Bergen 2017.
Universitetet i Bergen.
ISBN 978-82-8436-002-7.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Nodal points in a Mesolithic mobile coastal world : Monumental quarries in south Norway.
I: Coastal landscapes of the Mesolithic : Human engagement with the coast from the Atlantic to the Baltic Sea.
ISBN 9781138303607.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Lithic production in Bronze Age Norway: The legacy of a Neolithic mosaic.
I: Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age : Essays in honour of Christopher Prescott.
ISBN 9782503588773.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Petrified Life or Living Stone? The Problems of Categorisation. Exemplified by Fossils Found at Stone Age Sites in Rogaland, Norway.
In Situ Archaeologica.
ISSN 2000-4044.
Cooney, Gabriel;
Megarry, William;
Markham, Mik;
Gilhooly, Bernard;
O'Neill, Brendan;
Gaffrey, Joanne;
Sands, Rob;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Ballin, Torben Bjarke;
Murray, Jenny;
Sheridan, Alison
Tangled up in blue: The role of reibeckite felsite in Neolithic Shetland.
I: Mining and Quarrying in Neolithic Europe: a Social Perspective.
Neolithic studies group Seminar Papers 16.
Oxbow Books.
ISBN 9781789251487.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Materialised taskscapes? Mesolithic lithic procurement in Southern Norway.
I: Forms of Dwelling : 20 Years of Taskscapes in Archaeology.
Oxbow Books.
ISBN 978-1-78570-377-5.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Quarrying in the Stone Age and Broze Age in Southern Norway studied as a socially situated phenomenon.
ISSN 1314-5088.
Volum 7.
Hefte 1.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Quarrying as a Socio-Political Strategy at the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in Southern Norway.
I: The Exploitation of Raw Materials in Prehistory. Sourcing, Processing and Distribution.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-4438-9597-2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Pauler 2: An Ordinary Early Mesolithic Site in South-Eastern Norway?.
I: The Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe. Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping With Change..
Equinox Publishing.
ISBN 9781781796054.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Rock procurement in the early neolithic in Southern Norway: Significance by association with people and places?.
Current Swedish Archaeology.
ISSN 1102-7355.
Volum 24.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
New Technology in an existing 'lithic landscape' – Southern Norway: a melting pot in the late Neolithic and Bronze Age.
Fennoscandia Archaeologica.
ISSN 0781-7126.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
New technology in an existing ‘lithic landscape’ – Southern Norway: A melting pot in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age.
Fennoscandia Archaeologica.
ISSN 0781-7126.
Volum 33.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Pauler 2. Boplass fra tidligmesolitikum.
I: E18 Brunlanesprosjektet Bind II. Undersøkte lokaliteter fra tidligmesolitikum.
07 Gruppen.
ISBN 978-82-8084-055-4.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Pauler 4 - tidligmesolittisk bosetning.
I: E18 Brunlanesprosjektet. Bind III. Undersøkte lokaliteter fra tidligmesolitikum og senere.
07 Gruppen.
ISBN 978-82-8084-056-1.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Amundsen, Tina
Bakke - boplass fra tidligmesolitikum.
I: E18 Brunlanesprosjektet. Bind III. Undersøkte lokaliteter fra tidligmesolitikum og senere.
07 Gruppen.
ISBN 978-82-8084-056-1.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Båtfigurene på Honnhammer I. Uttrykk for historisitet og møte mellom kunnskapssystemer på Nordmøre.
ISSN 0332-608X.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Hellevik lok.3A - en godt bevart korttidslokalitet fra tidligmesolitikum.
I: Steinalderboplasser på Fosenhalvøya Arkeologiske og naturvitenskapelige undersøkelser 2004-2007 T-Forbindelsen, Karmøy kommune, Nord-Rogaland.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 9788277601496.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Is home where the heart is? Reflections around Early Mesolithic sites, exemplified with results from an excavation on coastal south-western Norway.
I: Mesolithic horizons : papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolilthic in Europe.
Oxbow Books.
ISBN 978-1-84217-311-4.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Skoleopplegg for besøk til utgravningene.
I: NTNU Vitenskapsmuseets arkeologiske undersøkselser Ormen Lange Nyhamna.
ISBN 978-82-519-2335-4.
Bjerck, Hein Bjartmann;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Allmennrettet formidling.
I: NTNU Vitenskapsmuseets arkeologiske undersøkelser Ormen Lange Nyhamna.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 978-82-519-2335-4.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Mot normalt. Nye gjenstander i gamle tradisjoner, et neolittisk samfunn i endring.
I: Samfunn, symboler og identitet - Festskrift til Gro Mandt på 70-årsdagen.
ISBN 82-90273-81-9.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Å gjenfortelle en ukjent historie med kjente kategorier.
Primitive tider.
ISSN 1501-0430.
Volum 06/03.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Wild, Rugged, Free and Adventurous Men. (Reply to Rewild Your Inner Hunter-Gatherer. How an idea about Our Ancestral Condition is Recruited into Popular Debate in Britain and Ireland; Lavi, Rudge & Warren) .
Current Anthropology.
ISSN 0011-3204.
Volum 65.
Hefte 1.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Katastrofer og sjømonstre i steinalderen. Livet etter Storeggatsunamien for 8200 år siden.
25 årsjubileum Norsk Oljemuseum;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Only a disaster narrative? How memories of encounters with the Storegga tsunami may have affected Mesolithic societies.
EAA 2024;
2024-08-28 - 2024-08-31.
Moucheron, Martin;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Warren, Graeme
Storytelling with others/ “Yes, but…”.
EAA 2024;
2024-08-28 - 2024-08-31.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Panel debate: #995 Sense and Sustainability in Foraging communities.
EAA 2024;
2024-08-28 - 2024-08-31.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
LAST - Life After the Storegga Tsunami – 8200 years ago
2024-06-27 - 2024-06-28.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Root causes for change? Investigating impact of the Storegga tsunami, changing sea levels, and the 8.2 climatic cold event, on Mesolithic hunter-gatherer-fishers on the Norwegian west coast.
Climate Crops and Crisis mini-conference CAS;
2024-09-18 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Å finne hjem.
Fra haug ok heidni.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Stone and People (in the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Central and Western Norway).
Selje in context workshop;
2024-10-30 - 2024-11-01.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Living well(!? at the coast in the Mesolithic and beyond
Seminar/ekskursjon; Inverness-Aberdeen;
2024-10-14 - 2024-10-16.
Lechterbeck, Jutta;
Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Mattradisjoner gjennom 8200 år.
I: Å finne hjem. Steinalderens mangfold fra 9500 til 1800 f.Kr..
Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7760-199-1.
Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon;
Brophy, Kenny;
Mainland, Ingrid;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Climate, crops and crisis? Examining agricultural adaptation and resilience to climate change in prehistory.
Association for Environmental Archaeology 44th conference;
2024-12-12 - 2024-12-14.
Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Østin Ommundsen, Arild;
Andreasen, Guttorm
Forskingspub: Monstre før, nå og i fremtiden.
Forskingspub: Monstre før, nå og i fremtiden;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Sealevel change and tsunamis - the challenges of living at the coast in the Mesolithic and of Mesolithic studies today”.
Aspects of the Mesolithic of Europe’s Coasts; Workshop;
2023-03-03 - 2023-03-07.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Årets gang 2022 ved Arkeologisk museum, Universitetsmuseet i Stavanger.
Regionalsamling Vestland;
2023-03-15 - 2023-03-16.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Damlien, Hege
Lithic tales of broken bonds and devastation in Mesolithic western Norway?.
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2023 belfast;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
‘Monsterenergi’!?! Mennesker, kraft og krefter i steinalderen
Forskningsdagene UiS, Barneuniversitetet;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Storeggatsunamien 6150 f.Kr. – en utslettende katastrofe eller kime til endring?
Norsk Arkeolog Møte;
2023-11-08 - 2023-11-09.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Hofmann, Daniela
Påstander om Migrasjon i Arkeologi: Populærvitenskapelig/ fagformidling på engelsk – og norsk
Norsk Arkeolog Møte;
2023-11-08 - 2023-11-09.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Using Storytelling in research and in the new Stone Age exhibition
Erasmus+ utvekslingsmøte;
2023-10-27 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Rusk i samfunnsmaskineriet på vestlandet? Nypåviste regionale trender i seinmesolittisk steinteknologi.
NAFF (Fagdag: forvaltning og forskning);
2023-11-30 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Tsunami, klimaendringer og samfunnssikkerhet i mesolitikum.
Riss: Et arkeologisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 1503-7436.
Hefte 5.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Hofmann, Daniela
Lost in transition? Introducing Neolithic things and practices to southern Norway
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
A (brief) presentation of the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in Rogaland – in 15 minutes…
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Hva slags stein brukte folk da?.
Aftenposten Historie.
ISSN 1894-5775.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Identifying Mesolithic moments and events as part of storytelling and worlding practices.
Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG);
2022-04-21 - 2022-04-23.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Encountering monsters in the Mesolithic, or monstrous knowledge production?.
Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG);
2022-04-21 - 2022-04-23.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Life After the Storegga Tsunami? Investigating capacities of Mesolithic societies.
Biweekly colloquium CRC1266/ROOTS 'Societies and environments through time: a new history of humanity?';
Amundsen, Bård;
Gjerde, Jan Magne;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Andreassen, Reidun Laura
Hvem malte bilder som dette på bergvegger i Norge for 5.000-8.000 år siden?.
Amundsen, Bård;
Gjerde, Jan Magne;
Andreassen, Reidun Laura;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Who painted pictures like this on rock walls in Norway 5000-8000 years ago?.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Welcome to the cross-disciplinary conference Under Pressure? Disasters-Climate change- societies (past/now) - setting the scene.
Under Pressure? Disasters-Climate change- societies (past/now);
2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Strategies for living well with hazards? The archaeology of and stories about the Storegga tsunami 6150 BCE.
13th Conference for Hunting and Gathering Societies;
2022-06-27 - 2022-07-02.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Weather, water, Mesolithic worlds.
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2022 Budapest;
2022-08-31 - 2022-09-03.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Walker, James William Paddison;
Kilhavn, Håvard Parathan
Vulnerable vs. resilient coastal societies in Mesolithic Norway?
Or how to discover the social impacts of the Storegga tsunami 8200 years ago
Human Agency and Global challenges: Re-Centering Social Change in Archaeology;
2022-09-15 - 2022-09-17.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Encountering monsters in the Mesolithic?.
3D History for Ukraine: Live Conference/ Fund raising;
2022-09-24 - 2022-09-25.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Møte med et Mesolittisk monster? Om Storeggatsunamien 8200 år siden
Arkeologisk seminar; Halloween special 2022;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Were there monsters in the Mesolithic? Investigating the social impact of the Storegga tsunami using Monster as method.
Prehistory on the Edge: studying and celebrating the Stone Age in North-West Europe in honour of Caroline Wickham-Jones;
2022-11-11 - 2023-11-12.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Life After the Storegga Tsunami 8200 years ago - From idea to project.
Forskerfrokost UiS;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
The Monster wave 8200 years ago. Did the Storegga tsunami change Mesolithic societies?.
Norsk arkeologi- forskning og forvaltning: Arkeologisk museum, UiS;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Murphy, Line
Storeggatsunamien ca 6150 f.Kr.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Livet etter Storeggatsunamien?
Fagdag: forvaltning og forskning;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Forsker på flere tusen år gammel tsunami.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Vulnerable Hunter-Gatherer-Fishers in Mesolithic Norway? Discussing the social impact of the Storegga tsunami 8200 years ago.
Theorizing Resilience & Vulnerability in Ancient Studies;
2021-01-20 - 2021-01-21.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Life post-disaster? Life after the Storegga tsunami 6150 BC: investigating capacities and practices of a prehistoric society.
LaTrobe University seminar series;
Walker, James William Paddison;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Warren, Graeme
When the sea become a monster? The social impact of the Storegga tsunami, 8200 BP, on the Mesolithic of northern Europe.
EGU (European Geosciences Union) Conference 2021;
2021-04-19 - 2021-04-30.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Katastrofetsunami og samfunnssikkerhet i eldre steinalder?.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Eilertsen, Krister Scheie
Arkeologiske undersøkelser i 2021: hva, hvor og hvorfor!.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Underlying narratives of Mesolithic and Neolithic societies “…to the detriment of the […] hunter-gatherers”?.
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2021 Kiel, digital;
2021-09-06 - 2021-09-11.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Damlien, Hege
Mind the gap? Investigating knowledge transmission in West-Norway, before and after the Storegga tsunami 8200 BP.
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2021 Kiel, digital;
2021-09-06 - 2021-09-11.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Aarvig, Einar;
Grønbech, Turi
Hvor sannsynlig er katastrofefilmen "Nordsjøen"?.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
“Life post-disaster? – how to investigate archaeologically the social impacts of the Storegga tsunami around 6150 BC?”.
BioantTalks YouTube conference;
2021-11-01 - 2021-11-26.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Hva kan vi gjøre for at kaststrofefilmene ikke inntreffer i virkeligheten?.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
How to control the unpredictable and survive disasters?
- storytelling in Mesolithic South Norway
Lunch time seminar (Hunter-Gatherer Research Group) UCD, Irland;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Learning about Mesolithic societies through disasters.
MESO2020 - Tenth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe;
2020-09-07 - 2020-09-11.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Gravfunn i Irland avdekker incest i steinalderen....
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Kvinnene var jegere i steinalderen.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Møteplass i kvartsittbruddet på Femundsåsen for fire tusen år siden?.
ISSN 0801-5376.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Foldøy, Isabella
Var de primitive i steinalderen?.
Fra haug ok heidni.
Hefte 4.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Investigating Quarries in South Norway.
Workshop focus: When and why did mining begin in Europe?;
2019-02-28 - 2019-03-02.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
The Storegga tsunami 6150 BC? A wave of disaster or the start of something New?.
Workshop focus: When and why did mining begin in Europe?;
2019-02-28 - 2019-03-02.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Typologi som arkeologisk metode.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Bang-Andersen, Sveinung
Quarrying into the "charisma" of things? Mountain quarrying and use of lithic raw materials in the mesolithic of West-Norway.
European Association of Archaeologists 2019;
2019-09-04 - 2019-09-08.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
What’s in a name - Leaving the term ‘Neolithic’ behind to renew understanding of societal developments 4000-1800 BCE in Norway?.
European Association of Archaeologists 2019;
2019-09-04 - 2019-09-08.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Landets hjerte? Betydningsfull steinbruk i norsk steinalder.
Bergverkshistorisk seminar;
2019-09-18 - 2019-09-19.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Kvifor gjekk steinaldermennesket over fjellet etter stein?.
Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
With, Ruben
Comparative provenance study of lithic materials using two portable XRF instruments.
The 13th Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology (SMIA);
2019-01-21 - 2019-01-23.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
More than meets the eyes! The use of rock and quarries
in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Norway
Forelesning; Seminar Series 2019/20 Archaeology;
2019-10-17 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Neolithic Norway 4000-1800 BC. Merging horizons and/or southern dominance?
2019-10-22 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
More than meets the eyes! The use of rock and Quarries in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Norway
2019-10-22 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Coast–Mountain relations – insights through rock. Mesolithic and Neolithic developments in South Norway
Northern Archaeological Research Seminar Series (NARSS);
2019-10-29 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Fjellet kaller! Kulturminner i rogalandsfjellet fra stein- til middelalder.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 4.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Om steinbruk og steinbrudd i sørnorske fjell og vassdrag.
Sektoravgiftseminar 2018;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
ACER kan ødelegge uerstattelige kilder til kunnskap.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Variation in Neolithic adzes and axes – expressions of a mixed society?.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Not all about the quarries?.
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2018;
2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
To possess a ‘fake’ or an ‘original’ - did the origin of rock matter in the Mesolithic?.
European Assoiation of Archaeologists (EAA) 2018;
2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
The story of Mesolithic quarries on the western coast of South-Norway.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Å tviholde på verdier, vaner og tradisjoner kan være ødeleggende for et samfunn.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Forandring fryder? Litt om kopper, litt om økser, men mest om arkeologi.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 3.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Fyllingen, Hilde;
Bjørdal, Even
Årets arkeologiske utgravinger.
Tirsdagsforedrag på Arkeologisk museum;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Bosetning og ritualer rundt år 0 på Goa, Randaberg.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 4.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Hansen, Gitte og Per Storemyr (eds.) 2017: Soapstone in the North Quarries; Products and People 7000 BC - AD 1700, UBAS 9, Universitetet i Bergen.
Primitive tider.
ISSN 1501-0430.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta;
With, Ruben
Rogalendingenes bruk av grønnstein fra Hespriholmen i seimesolitikum - ‘revisited’.
Steinalderkonferansen 2017. Kyst og samfunn - forskning og forvaltning;
2017-03-21 - 2017-03-24.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Ei steinøks til begjær - museets første registrerte funn.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 1.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Hvor kom steinen fra? Om å skaffe seg råstoff i steinalderen i Rogaland.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Lithic production in Bronze Age southern Norway: the legacy of a Late Neolithic mosaic.
14th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium;
2017-06-07 - 2017-07-09.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta;
With, Ruben
Testing an old theory: pXRF-analyses of Mesolithic greenstone adzes in Rogaland, southern Norway.
23rd Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists;
2017-08-30 - 2017-09-03.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Hva steinen forteller ‒ om steinbruk og steinbrudd i sørnorsk steinalder.
Tirsdagsforedrag ved Arkeologisk Museum, UiS;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Forskerforum: Presentasjon av programområdet ICORE.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Beyond the quarries? Understanding Neolithic lithic procurement in southern Norway.
Eilertsen, Krister Scheie;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Dahl, Barbro Irene
Årets feltsesong ved Arkeologisk museum 2017.
Tirsdagsforedrag ved AM;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Humans in motion and places of essence – The significance of lithic procurement practices in the Mesolithic and Neolithic, in southern Norway
PalQuat Seminars Oxford, UK;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Stein som fotballdrakt. Eller: Hva en steinaldermann snakket om når han snakket om stein..
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Nicolay: Arkeologisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0332-8937.
Hefte 128.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Nodal points in a mobile coastal world? The social entanglement of lithic procurement sites, during the Mesolithic.
The Coastal Landscapes of the Mesolithic;
2016-11-16 - 2016-11-18.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Lithic procurement as a social phenomenon. Quarrying in the Stone-, Bronze, and Early Iron Ages, in Southern Norway.
European Association of Archaeologists;
2016-08-31 - .
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Quarrying as a social and political strategy during the Mesolithic – Neolithic transition, in southern Norway.
Raw materials exploitation in Prehistory: Sourcing, processing and distribution;
2016-03-10 - 2016-03-12.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Kilder til å forstå steinbryting i stein- og bronsealder.
Faglig seminar;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Bruken av stein i steinalderen.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Med hjerte for stein.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Arntsen, Øyvind;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Jaspisfjellet i Telemark.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Åstveit, Leif Inge;
Arntsen, Øyvind
Steinalder på Bømlo.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Synlige relasjoner mellom mennesker, stein og sted – et eksempel fra Østlandet.
Nicolay: Arkeologisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0332-8937.
Hefte 119.
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Kristensen, Steinar
Arkeologiske undersøkelser i forbindelse med bygging av ny E18 mellom Larvik-Porsgrunn.
NITO seminar, Tønsberg;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne;
Jaksland, Lasse;
Amundsen, Tina;
Schaller Åhrberg, Eva ;
Kristensen, Steinar
Foreløpige resultat fra E18 Brunlanesprosjektet - tidligmesolittiske boplasser i Vestfold.
Gjesteforelesning på Herning museum, Midt-Jylland, Danmark;
2008-01-31 - 2008-02-01.
Sørdal, Gøril Grov;
Nyland, Astrid Johanne
Norgesglassets "arkeologiserie" sommeren 2008: Arkeologi 1 - Dei fulgte etter isen. Arkelogi 10 - Livet på felt. Arkeolgi 12 - Ei hjelpande hand. Arkeologi 13 - Fortida - eit mektig våpen.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Bekkefar, jordras og steinalderaktivitet på Fosnaneset.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 2.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Home is where the heart is. Reflections around Early Mesolithic sites, exemplified with results from an excavation from coastal south-estern Norway.
The 7th International Conference on The Mesolithic in Europe;
2005-08-29 - 2005-09-02.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Mot normalt - Nye gjenstander i gamle tradisjoner. Et neolittisk samfunn i endring?.
Norsk Arkeolog Møte;
2005-11-10 - 2005-11-12.
Nyland, Astri Johanne;
Skjelstad, Guro;
Tellefsen, Morten;
Bruen Olsen, Thomas
Fosens eldste fortid graves frem.
Frá haug ok heiðni.
ISSN 0015-9255.
Hefte 1.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Endring og kontinuitet i MNB-SN. Møtet med noe nytt.
Steinalderkonferansen i Molde, 2003;
2003-03-24 - 2003-03-28.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Landskapsarkeologiske metoder - den relevans de kan ha for forvaltning og formidling av bergkunst.
Riksantikvarens bergkunstseminar 2003;
2003-04-04 - 2003-04-05.
Nyland, Astri Johanne
Landskapsanalysers verdi.
RISS : magasin for studentar og tilsette ved Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitskap, Universitetet i Trondheim.
ISSN 0806-5063.
Volum 01/03.
Hefte 1.