Mira Aurora Marlow
Førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid

Telefon: 51832557
E-post: mira.a.marlow@uis.no
Rom: KA A-212
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sosialfag
Kort om meg
I am an Associate Professor of Social Work at the Department of Social Studies. I hold an MA in Philosophy and Gender Studies (University of Aberdeen), an MA in Social Studies (University of Stavanger), and a PhD in Social Sciences (University of Stavanger). My first Master’s thesis focused on moral philosophy and justification of capital punishment. My thesis in Social Studies examined how social workers at shelters and child welfare define “decent motherhood”. In my doctoral research, I explored how young women with backgrounds in out-of-home care narrate their lives and intersecting identities before, during and after care.
I am a member of the research group CULTIVÆRE which examines compassion, resilience, collective justice, trust, mattering, belonging, creativity, and imagination in mental health and wellbeing. In addition, I serve as a reviewer for the Nordic Journal of Social Work Research.
I am currently teaching in courses on critical reflexive professional practice and Introduction to social work knowledge base in BA in Social Work and about intersectionality and social work in MA in Social Studies, I also supervise students at both the BA and MA levels, and am open to supervising at PhD level particularly in areas related to child welfare, social work, marginalisation and intersectionality.
Academic interests and methods
Children and young people in marginalised locations in society
Young people in correctional services
Recognition of children and young people in social work practice
Children's and young people’s human rights and participation
Young women in out-of-home care
Identity construction of young people in marginalised locations
Gender studies
Narrative and participatory research
Dette forsker jeg på
Ongoing Research Projects
My current project examines the turning points in young people’s lives who have backgrounds in correctional services. My research is interdisciplinary with Gender Studies, Social Work and Narrative Methodologies at its core.
Previous Research Projects
A Narrative Study of the Best Interest of Young Women in Out-of-Home Care: Towards a More Sustainable Social Work Practice (PhD Project)
The epistemological standpoint and good enough motherhood in Norwegian society (MA project)
Akademisk bakgrunn
PhD in Social Sciences, specialisation in Social Work (University of Stavanger)
MA in Social Studies (University of Stavanger)
MA in Philosophy and Gender Studies (University of Aberdeen)