Mohammad Amir
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Mohammed, Amir; Agonafir, Mesfin Belayneh
Field Telemetry Drilling Dataset Modeling with Multivariable Regression, Group Method Data Handling, Artificial Neural Network, and the Proposed Group-Method-Data-Handling-Featured Artificial Neural Network.Applied Sciences.
ISSN 2076-3417.
Volum 14.
Hefte 6.
DOI: 10.3390/app14062273
Mohammad, Amir; Agonafir, Mesfin Belayneh; Davidrajuh, Reggie
Physics-Based Swab and Surge Simulations and the Machine Learning Modeling of Field Telemetry Swab Datasets.Applied Sciences.
ISSN 2076-3417.
Volum 13.
Hefte 18.
DOI: 10.3390/app131810252
Mohammed, Amir; Davidrajuh, Reggie
Extracting a Mathematical Model from Oil Drilling Data using GMDH. I: 2023 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), Rhodes Island (Rodos Island), Greece. July 19-22, 2023.IEEE conference proceedings.
ISBN 979-8-3503-3759-4.
Mohammed, Amir; Agonafir, Mesfin Belayneh
New Simple Analytical Surge/Swab Pressure Model for Power-Law and Modified Yield-Power-Law Fluid in Concentric/Eccentric Geometry.Applied Sciences.
ISSN 2076-3417.
Volum 13.
Hefte 23.
DOI: 10.3390/app132312867
Mohammad, Amir; Davidrajuh, Reggie
Modeling of Swab and Surge Pressures: A Survey.Applied Sciences.
ISSN 2076-3417.
Volum 12.
Hefte 7.
DOI: 10.3390/app12073526
Mohammad, Amir; Davidrajuh, Reggie
A Review of Four Prominent Works on Swab and Surge Mathematical Models.International Journal of Simulation. Systems, Science and Technology.
ISSN 1473-8031.
Mohammed, Amir; Karunakaran, Subankan; Panchalingam, Mithushankar; Davidrajuh, Reggie
Prediction of Downhole Pressure while Tripping. I: 2022 14th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks CICN 2022.IEEE Press.
ISBN 978-1-6654-8771-9.