Serap Keles
Professor i utdanningsvitenskap med vekt på systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering

Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Kunnskapssenter for utdanning
Professor i utdanningsvitenskap med vekt på systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Kunnskapssenter for utdanning
Keles, Serap; Munthe, Elaine
A systematic review of research on how initial teacher education prepares teachers for work on discrimination, racism and prejudices in schools.Review of Education.
ISSN 2049-6613.
DOI: 10.1002/rev3.70030
Olesen, Sunniva; Idsøe, Thormod; Keles, Serap
Does a Group CBT-Course for Depressed Youth also Reduce Aggression? Results from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.
ISSN 0894-9085.
Olseth, Asgeir Røyrhus; Hagen, Kristine Amlund; Keles, Serap; Bjørnebekk, Gunnar
Functional family therapy for adolescent disruptive behavior in Norway: Results from a randomized controlled trial.Journal of Family Psychology.
ISSN 0893-3200.
Volum 38.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1037/fam0001213
Dikilitas, Kenan; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap
A Systematic Rapid Review of Empirical Research on Students’ Use of ChatGPT in Higher Education.Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education (NJSRE).
ISSN 2704-1883.
Volum 2.
Guo, Ling; Keles, Serap
A systematic review of studies with parent-involved interventions for children with specific learning disabilities.European Journal of Special Needs Education.
ISSN 0885-6257.
Sætre, Oda Charlotte Larsen; Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Association between Intention to Quit School and youth depression: a cluster randomized controlled trial of the effects of a group CBT course.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0031-3831.
Volum 68.
Hefte 3.
Larsen Sætre, Oda Charlotte; Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Association between Intention to Quit School and Youth Depression: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of a Group CBT Course.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0031-3831.
Ummak, Esra; Türken, Salman; Keles, Serap
Where to Belong: Being a Sexual and Ethnic Minority Group Member in Norway.Sex Roles.
ISSN 0360-0025.
Keles, Serap; Oppedal, Brit
Social Support From Friends Among Unaccompanied Young Refugees: The Role of Collectivist Values and Related Self-Construals.European Journal of Health Psychology.
ISSN 2512-8442.
Volum 29.
Hefte 1.
Sleijpen, Marieke; Keles, Serap; Mooren, Trudy; Oppedal, Brit
Attachment insecurity in unaccompanied refugees: a longitudinal study.International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.
ISSN 1747-9894.
Volum 18.
Hefte 1.
Munthe, Elaine; Bergene, Ann Cecilie; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Furenes, May Irene; Gilje, Trine Mathiesen; Keles, Serap; Ruud, Erik; Wollscheid, Sabine
Systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering utdanningssektoren.Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-2052.
Volum 106.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.18261/npt.106.2.5
Solheim Kvamme, Line; Keles, Serap; Nes, Ragnhild Bang; Vaskinn, Linda; Waaler, Pamela Marie; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Kjøbli, John
Common Practice Elements in Treatment Programs for Adolescents with Externalizing and Internalizing Problems: A Meta-Analysis.Residential Treatment for Children & Youth.
ISSN 0886-571X.
Espenes, Kristin; Waaler, Pamela Marie; Keles, Serap; Helland, Siri Saugestad; Schmidt III, Henry; Kjøbli, John; Tørmoen, Anita Johanna
Implementing a Residential Dialectical Behavior Therapy Informed Treatment Model to Improve Adolescent Mental Health: Feasibility, Fidelity, and Acceptability.Residential Treatment for Children & Youth.
ISSN 0886-571X.
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap; Røysamb, Espen
Subjective Well-Being Among Unaccompanied Refugee Youth: Longitudinal Associations With Discrimination and Ethnic Identity Crisis.Frontiers in Psychology.
ISSN 1664-1078.
Volum 13.
Keles, Serap; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Munthe, Elaine
Inclusion of students with special education needs in Nordic countries: a systematic scoping review.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0031-3831.
Keles, Serap; Taraldsen, Knut; Olseth, Asgeir Røyrhus
Identification of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Subgroups with Distinct Trajectories on Ultimate Outcomes in Norway.Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
ISSN 2730-7166.
Volum 49.
Keles, Serap; Munthe, Elaine; Ruud, Erik
A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children.International Journal of Inclusive Education.
ISSN 1360-3116.
Keles, Serap; Bringedal, Görel; Idsoe, Thormod
Assessing Fidelity to and Satisfaction with the “Adolescent Coping with Depression Course” (ACDC) Intervention in a Randomized Controlled Trial.Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.
ISSN 0894-9085.
Volum 40.
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap; Cheah, Charissa; Røysamb, Espen
Culture competence and mental health across different immigrant and refugee groups.BMC Public Health.
ISSN 1471-2458.
Volum 20.
Czarnecka, Barbara; Schivinski, Bruno; Keles, Serap
How values of individualism and collectivism influence impulsive buying and money budgeting: the mediating role of acculturation to global consumer culture.Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
ISSN 1472-0817.
DOI: 10.1002/cb.1833
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Six- and Twelve-Month Follow-up Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a CBT-Based Group Course.Prevention Science.
ISSN 1389-4986.
Hukkelberg, Silje Sommer; Keles, Serap; Ogden, Terje; Hammerstrøm, Karianne
The relation between behavioral problems and social competence: A correlational Meta-analysis.BMC Psychiatry.
ISSN 1471-244X.
Volum 19.
Hefte 1.
Bouchat, Pierre; Licata, Laurent; Rosoux, Valérie; Allesch, Christian; Ammerer, Heinrich; Babinska, Maria; Bilewicz, Michał; Bobowik, Magdalena; Bovina, Inna; Bruckmüller, Susanne; Cabecinhas, Rosa; Chryssochoou, Xenia; Csertõ, István; Delouvée, Sylvain; Durante, Federica; Ernst-Vintila, Andreea; Flassbeck, Christine; Franc, Renata; Hilton, Denis; Keles, Serap; Kesteloot, Chantal; Kislioglu, Resit; Krenn, Alice; Macovei, Irina; Mari, Silvia; Medugorac, Vanja; Petrovic, Nebojsa; Pólya, Tibor; Raudsepp, Maaris; Sá, Alberto; Sakki, Inari; Turjacanin, Vladimir; Türken, Salman; Ypersele, Laurence van; Vojak, Danijel; Volpato, Chiara; Warland, Geneviève; Klein, Olivier
Greedy Elites and Poor Lambs: How Young Europeans Remember the Great War.The Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
ISSN 2195-3325.
Volum 7.
Hefte 1.
Idsøe, Thormod; Keles, Serap; Olseth, Asgeir; Ogden, Terje
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Depressed Adolescents: Results from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Group Course.
BMC Psychiatry.
ISSN 1471-244X.
Keles, Serap; Friborg, Oddgeir; Idsøe, Thormod; Sirin, Selcuk; Oppedal, Brit
Resilience and acculturation among unaccompanied refugee minors.International Journal of Behavioral Development.
ISSN 0165-0254.
Volum 42.
Hefte 1.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
A meta-analysis of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions for adolescents with depression.Journal of Adolescence.
ISSN 0140-1971.
Volum 67.
Keles, Serap; Olseth, Asgeir; Idsøe, Thormod; Sørlie, Mari-Anne
The longitudinal association between internalizing symptoms and academic achievement among immigrant and non-immigrant children in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
ISSN 0036-5564.
Czarnecka, Barbara; Brennan, R.; Keles, Serap
Cultural meaning, advertising and national culture: A four-country study.
Journal of Global Marketing.
ISSN 0891-1762.
Keles, Serap; Friborg, Oddgeir; Idsøe, Thormod; Sirin, Selcuk; Oppedal, Brit
Depression among unaccompanied minor refugees: The relative contribution of general and acculturation-specific daily hassles.Ethnicity and Health.
ISSN 1355-7858.
Volum 21.
Hefte 3.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod; Friborg, Oddgeir; Sirin, Selcuk; Oppedal, Brit
The Longitudinal Relation between Daily Hassles and Depressive Symptoms among Unaccompanied Refugees in Norway.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
ISSN 0091-0627.
Idsøe, Thormod; Keles, Serap
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a group cognitive-behavioral course for depressed adolescents.
BMC Psychiatry.
ISSN 1471-244X.
Czarnecka, Barbara; Keles, Serap
Global Consumer Culture Positioning: The use of Global Consumer Culture Positioning appeals across four European countries.
Journal of Euromarketing.
ISSN 1049-6483.
Yavuz, Serap; Aycan, Zenep
The relationship of managerial values and assumptions with performance management: Understanding within culture variability.
International Journal of Human Resource Management.
ISSN 0958-5192.
Jackson, Terence; Amaeshi, Kenneth; Yavuz, Serap
Untangling African indigenous management: Multiple influences on the success of SMEs in Kenya.
Journal of World Business.
ISSN 1090-9516.
Volum 43.
Aycan, Zeynep; Yavuz, Serap
PMS in Turkey. I: Performance Management Systems: A Global Perspective (Global HRM).
ISBN 0-203-88567-8.
Aycan, Zeynep; Eskin, Mehmet; Yavuz, Serap
Work and Life Balance: Theory, Research and Applications.
ISBN 9753224451.
Munthe, Elaine; Kalandadze, Tamara; Keles, Serap
Språklig og sosial inkludering av minoritetsspråklige barn i barnehage: En kunnskapsoversikt.
Keles, Serap; Dikilitas, Kenan
Systematic reviews workshop for educational research.
Systematic reviews workshop ;
Guo, Ling; Keles, Serap
In-service general education teachers competence for inclusive education: A systematic scoping review.
Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) 2024;
2024-03-06 - 2024-03-08.
Ummak, Esra; Türken, Salman; Keles, Serap
Navigating Belonging: Being Sexual and Ethnic Minority in Norway .
What’s Love Got To Do With It (Part II): Inequality in Close Relationships;
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap
Longitudinal Trajectories of Heritage and Majority Culture Competence among Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Norway.
27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development;
2024-06-16 - 2024-06-20.
Keles, Serap; Munthe, Elaine
How Initial Teacher Education Prepares Teachers for Work on Discrimination, Racism, and Prejudices in Schools: a Systematic Review.
ECER 2024 Conference;
2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30.
Keles, Serap; Türken, Salman; Idsøe, Thormod; Pigott, Therese Deocampo
An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Association of School Bullying with Symptoms and Diagnosis of PTSD.
ECER 2024 Conference;
2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap
A Systematic Review of Empirical Research on Students’ ChatGPT Use in Higher Education.
ECER 2024 Conference;
2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30.
Keles, Serap; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Hagen, Åste Marie Mjelve; Melby-Lervåg, Monica
A Meta Analysis of Validity and Effectiveness of Screening Assessment Tools within Three Tier Model.
EARLI SIG15 (Special Educational Needs) Conference;
2024-09-02 - 2024-09-04.
Sædberg, Leif Tore; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap; Dikilitas, Kenan
Forskere ønsker klare retningslinjer for bruk av ChatGPT i høyere utdanning.
Keles, Serap
Systematic Reviews in Education: A Meta-Analysis Example on Inclusive Education.
Quality Equity: Local Practices of Digital Empowerment in Rural Education;
2024-10-18 - 2024-10-20.
Espenes, Kristin; Tørmoen, Anita Johanna; Keles, Serap; Kjøbli, John; Helland, Siri Saugestad; Waaler, Pamela Marie
Omsorgs – og Endringsmodellen (OEM): En DBT-informert miljøterapeutisk tilnærming i barnevernsinstitusjoner Teori og forskning.
Undervisning på Høgskulen på Vestlandet;
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap; Røysamb, Espen
Long-term effects of war trauma on the well-being of unaccompanied refugee youth.
SRCD 2023 Biennial Meeting;
2023-03-23 - 2023-03-25.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod; Jonassen, Kjell Reidar
A group cognitive-behavioral program for adolescents moderates the effects of negative life events on depressive symptoms.
Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science;
2023-05-25 - 2023-05-28.
Ummak, Esra; Türken, Salman; Keles, Serap
Et stort behov for inkludering.
ISSN 0805-3839.
Keles, Serap
Forskning på inkludering i skolen spriker.
Onyszko, Martyna; Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia; Keles, Serap; Furenes, May Irene; Fandrem, Hildegunn
Cooperation to Overcome Cyberbullying: A Systematic Scoping Review. Preliminary Results.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) 2023;
2023-08-28 - 2023-09-01.
Keles, Serap; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Hagen, Åste Marie Mjelve; Melby-Lervåg, Monica
A meta-analysis of teacher screening and progress monitoring assessments: Preliminary findings .
EARLI Conference 2023 ;
2023-08-22 - 2023-08-26.
Keles, Serap; Munthe, Elaine
Teacher education as part of an evidence ecosystem: How to enhance the use of systematic reviews.
AERA Conference;
2022-04-21 - 2022-04-26.
Keles, Serap; Ten Braak, Dieuwer
Systematic maps in evidence ecologies: How can we ensure their use?.
AERA Conference;
2022-04-21 - 2022-04-26.
Keles, Serap
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
Invited Woskshop on systematic reviews and meta-analysis;
2022-05-18 - 2022-05-20.
Keles, Serap
The empirical research on inclusion of students with special education needs in Nordic countries.
Digital network meeting;
2022-05-24 - 2022-07-24.
Solheim Kvamme, Line; Keles, Serap; Nes, Ragnhild Bang; Waaler, Pamela Marie; Vaskinn, Linda; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Kjøbli, John
Practice elements in residential programs for adolescents with externalizing and internalizing problems: A meta-analysis.
26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development;
2022-06-19 - 2022-06-23.
Solheim Kvamme, Line; Keles, Serap; Nes, Ragnhild Bang; Waaler, Pamela Marie; Vaskinn, Linda; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Kjøbli, John
Practice elements in treatment programs for adolescents with externalizing and internalizing problems.
The 13th Nordic Public Health Conference;
2022-06-28 - 2022-07-30.
Espenes, Kristin; Waaler, Pamela Marie; Keles, Serap; Helland, Siri Saugestad; Schmidt, Henry; Kjøbli, John; Tørmoen, Anita Johanna
Implementing a Residential Dialectical Behavior Therapy Informed Treatment Model to Improve Adolescent Mental Health: Feasibility, Fidelity, and Acceptability.
Barn- og Ungekongressen 2022;
2022-04-26 - 2022-04-28.
Espenes, Kristin; Waaler, Pamela Marie; Keles, Serap; Helland, Siri Saugestad; Schmidt, Henry; Kjøbli, John; Tørmoen, Anita Johanna
Emosjonsregulering blant ungdom i barnevernet – funn fra en metaanalyse og en implementeringsstudie av en institusjonstilpasset DBT-informert modell i barnevernsinstitusjoner.
7. nasjonale konferanse om Dialektisk atferdsterapi;
2022-05-09 - 2022-05-10.
Keles, Serap; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Hagen, Åste Marie Mjelve; Melby-Lervåg, Monica
Validity and effectiveness of screening assessments within the three-tier model: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.
EARLI SIG15 Conference;
2022-09-22 - 2022-09-23.
Keles, Serap
Introduction to Systematic Reviews.
Invited talk on systematic reviews;
Keles, Serap
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis.
Invited Workshop on Meta-analysis and Systematic Literature Review ;
Keles, Serap
Meta-Analysis: Basic Introduction.
Meta-analysis Workshop;
Keles, Serap; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Munthe, Elaine
Inclusion of children with special education needs in Nordic countries: A scoping review.
2021-11-03 - 2021-11-05.
Keles, Serap; Taraldsen, Knut
Virksom behandling for ungdom med utagerende atferd.
Keles, Serap; Taraldsen, Knut; Olseth, Asgeir Røyrhus
Identification of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) subgroups with distinct trajectories on ultimate outcomes in Norway.
the European MST Research Collaboration Event;
Idsøe, Thormod; Ogden, Terje; Keles, Serap; Bringedal, Görel
Rekrutteringsutfordringer i lavterskeltilbudet "Depresjonsmestring for ungdom - DU".
Presentasjon hos Barneombudet;
Keles, Serap
Psychosocial Adaptation of Immigrant Children and Youth in Norway: Findings from Two Diverse Samples.
Persistence of Social & Ethnic Disadvantages in Primary and Secondary Schools (PERSIST) Workshop;
2019-02-07 - 2019-02-08.
Idsøe, Thormod; Keles, Serap; Bringedal, Görel; Ogden, Terje
Utenfor rekkevide (Out of reach: Why do not youth seek help?).
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.
ISSN 0332-6470.
Keles, Serap; Bringedal, Görel; Idsøe, Thormod
Recruitment Challenges in the ACDC Intervention.
15th Norske Psykologikongressen;
2018-09-06 - 2018-09-07.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Effectiveness Trial of a CBT-based 'Adolescent Coping with Depression Course' versus Usual Care.
126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association;
2018-08-09 - .
Bringedal, Görel; Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod; Børve, Trygve
Where are they; the depressed youth who do not seek help?.
Barn og Unge Kongressen;
2018-04-24 - 2018-04-27.
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap
Is culture competence a valuable construct in the study of psychological adjustment among immigrant children and youth?.
the Conference of Research in Psychological Processes of Immigration and Integration;
2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21.
Keles, Serap
Gode prestasjoner i barneskolen kan gi bedre psykisk helse.
Czarnecka, Barbara; Keles, Serap
Who accepts global consumer culture more? The effects of individualism on acculturation to global consumer culture.
the 17th Cross Cultural Research Conference;
2017-12-10 - 2017-12-13.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Can we improve social and academic functioning of depressed adolescents with a CBT-based “Adolescent Coping with Depression Course?".
47rd Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies;
2017-09-13 - 2017-09-16.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Effect of a CBT-based “Adolescent Coping with Depression Course” to reduce depression among adolescents.
the 47rd Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies;
2017-09-13 - 2017-09-16.
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap
The associations of pre-migration trauma and post-resettlement discrimination with changes in ethnic identity among unaccompanied minor asylum-seekers.
the XV Biennial Conference European Association for Research on Adolescence;
2016-09-15 - 2016-09-19.
Idsøe, Thormod; Keles, Serap
Effectiveness study of a CBT based Adolescent Coping with Depression Course.
he American Psychological Association Annual Convention;
2016-08-04 - 2016-08-07.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod
Effectiveness of an Adolescent Coping with Depression Course to reduce depression among adolescents with ımmigrant background.
the 23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology;
2016-07-30 - 2016-08-03.
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap; Friborg, Oddgeir; sirin, selcuk; Idsoe, Thormod
Socio‐cultural adaptation and mental health among youth who arrived in norway as unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.
Forskningsrådets konferanse;
2015-02-02 - 2015-02-04.
Keles, Serap
Management across Cultures.
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management.
ISSN 1470-5958.
Volum 15.
Hefte 1.
Keles, Serap; Oppedal, Brit
Resilience among Unaccompanied Minor Refugees.
the 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology;
2015-09-08 - 2015-09-12.
Keles, Serap; Idsøe, Thormod; Friborg, Oddgeir; Sirin, Selcuk; Oppedal, Brit
The longitudinal relation between acculturation hassles and depression among unaccompanied refugees in Norway.
International Congress for the International Association for;
2014-07-15 - 2014-07-19.
Keles, Serap; Oppedal, Brit
Resilience among Unaccompanied Minor Refugees: The role of acculturation stressors and resources.
the Nordic Network for Research Cooperation on Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Meeting;
2014-12-03 - 2014-12-05.
Oppedal, Brit; Keles, Serap; Idsoe, Thormod; Friborg, Oddgeir
Social support from friends, everyday problems, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among unaccompanied minor refugees.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology;
2013-09-03 - 2013-09-07.
Keles, Serap; Oppedal, Brit; Friborg, Oddgeir; Idsøe, Thormod; Sirin, Selcuk
The relative contribution of acculturative and general stressors to depression among Unaccompanied Minor Refugees.
he 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology;
2013-09-02 - 2013-09-07.
Keles, Serap; Oppedal, Brit
When support matters the most: Collectivism, relatedness and perceived support among Unaccompanied Refugees.
the Regional Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology;
2013-06-20 - 2013-06-22.
Yavuz, Serap; Sondergaard, Mikael
Hybridization of HRM practices in the context of developing countries: A qualitative look.
the 12th European Congress of Psychology;
2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08.
Yavuz, Serap; Samsa, H.; Bali, C,; Dilek, E.
The attitudes and perceptions of Turkish university students towards schizophrenia.
the 12th European Congress of Psychology;
2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08.
Van Meurs, Nathalie; Yavuz, Serap
Testing direct and indirect motivations for managers’ conflict management strategies during negotiations.
the 20th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology;
2010-07-07 - 2010-07-10.
Yavuz, Serap
Understanding the outcomes of HRM hybridity in a developing country context: the case of Turkey.
the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology;
2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16.
Yavuz, Serap; Sondergaard, Mikael
Perception of ethically controversial HRM practices: Development and application of a measurement.
the 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting;
2010-08-06 - 2010-08-10.
Yavuz, Serap; Imamoglu, S.; Sirin, Selcuk
Perceptions of men`s and women`s gender role transgression in the managerial context.
the 11th European Congress of Psychology;
2009-07-07 - 2009-07-10.
Yavuz, Serap; Jackson, Terence
Employee perception of appropriate and effective HRM practices at the cross-cultural interfaces: The context of developing countries.
19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology;
2008-07-27 - 2008-07-31.
Yavuz, Serap; Jackson, Terence
Are ‘Hybrid’ HRM Practices Really Good for Local Employees in Developing Countries?.
29th International Congress of Psychology;
2008-07-20 - 2008-07-25.
Yavuz, Serap; Jackson, Terence
Does “appropriateness” of an HRM practice reflect its ethicality?: The context of developing countries.
11th International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Conference;
2007-12-22 - 2007-12-25.
Yavuz, Serap; Jackson, Terence
Positive employee attitudes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-cultural empirical study in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Cameroon.
The 16th Annual World Business Congress;
2007-07-14 - 2007-07-18.
Yavuz, Serap
‘Appropriate’ and effective HRM practices at the cross-cultural interfaces.
the 2nd Global and Cross Cultural Management PhD Workshop;
2007-06-03 - 2007-06-08.
Aycan, Zeynep; Yavuz, Serap
How does the interface between managerial values and work unit characteristics influence PM practices?.
the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology;
2006-07-16 - 2006-07-21.
Aycan, Zeynep; Yavuz, Serap
Understanding within culture variability in the managerial practices: The relationship of managerial values and assumptions with performance management.
the 10th International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Conference;
2006-06-25 - 2006-06-29.
Tuncer, G; Yavuz, Serap
Understanding leadership from a multi-level perspective: Culture, family and individual level predictors.
the XII. European Congress of Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP);
2005-05-12 - 2005-05-15.
Yavuz, Serap
Paternalism and personality: The analysis of the Big Five Personality Factors and their facets.
the 9th International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Conference;
2004-08-04 - 2004-08-06.
Yavuz, Serap
Paternalistic leadership preferences and personality.
the XIII. National Psychology Congress;
2004-09-07 - 2004-09-11.